Sam lay in his cell peacefully sleeping until he started hearing the door to the cell block open. Sam opened his eyes and looked toward the door. Entering the room was Jake, he had an evil look on his face like he was ready to attack. Sam looked at him curiously as he slowly sat up.

"What do you want?" asks Sam as he crosses his arms to face Jake. Jake walked over to Sam's cell and opened it. Sam knew that this was another ploy to try and figure out how get answers about the rebellion. Jake made sure to keep a straight face he wanted this to be as swift as well as painful.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," says Jake as he pulls out a dagger. "All I want is answers as to where the rebels are hiding,"

"Over my dead body Jake, I'm not going to give you any information that you desire,"

"Then we might as well do it the hard way," says Jake as he made his way toward Sam causing Sam to back toward the wall. When Sam realized what he was doing he shook his head he wasn't going to back down. Jake launched himself toward Sam, as he did Sam jumped out of the way before he got pushed against the wall. But as he jumped out of the way he felt the blade of the dagger touch his skin. Wincing in pain he fell to the ground and looked at his arm which was now bleeding. Jake attacked Sam again only this time Sam kicked Jake in the stomach launching him to the wall.

"Why you little!" says Jake as he had stood up. "You will regret that!" As Sam was about to attack, Kat had snuck in and grabbed Sam, as Sam struggled to break free Kat pulled out a damp cloth and placed it over Sam's nose and mouth. Sam continued to struggle but he slowly began to get sleepy, his breathing became shallow eventually he passed out. Jake looked over at Kat who rolled her eyes.

"You looked like you needed help,"

"Thanks a lot Kat," says Jake "How about we take Sam down to the torture chamber," Kat nodded her head and helped Jake bring Sam down to the torture chamber. The chamber was dark and cold, with only one light bulb to light the room. In the center of the room hung two wrist chains and on the floor there were ankle chains. They were necessary so that the prisoner won't have any way of defending his or herself.

"Take off his shirt," says Jake as Kat did exactly that and chained Sam's ankles as well as his wrists so that he wouldn't be able to defend himself. Once Kat finished she pulled up a chair for Jake.

"Are you waiting until he wakes up?"

"Yes, that will give me time to get everything ready,"

"You may have better luck than me," says Kat and with that she walked out of the torture chamber leaving Jake in there with an unconscious Sam. While he waited for Sam to wake up, Jake got all the torture tools ready, a branding tool, a whip, and his personal favorite; the dagger.

he set all the tools down on a rolling cart and brought it over to where he and Kat had chained Sam. After about an hour of unconsciousness Sam began to stir. Groaning Sam looked around the dimly lit room.

"What? Where am I?" asks Sam as he tries to move forward only to be stopped with the sound of chains clanging together. Confusion swept through Sam's face as he looked at his wrists and saw that they were chained and his ankles too were chained.

"Finally, your awake, I was wondering when you'd wake up," says Jake.

"Where am I?" repeated Sam.

"In my torture chamber where else,"

"Why did you bring me down here? And why am I shirtless?"

"Oh because of what I have planned,"

Sam laughed sarcastically, "You really think that you'll get answers out of me just by torturing me? Good luck with that,"

"We'll see if it works," says Jake as he turned toward three tools sitting on the cart; one was a dagger, another was some sort of branding tool and finally, there was a whip. "Let's see which should we start with?"

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