Looking at Allison, Colby closed his eyes and allowed the soul to take control. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to break free from the soul's control as it had taken him months to finally wake up. Once the soul took control he opened his eyes and looked directly at Allison with an evil smile. 

"Well, well, if it isn't Sam Golbach's older sister." says the soul. "I bet your looking for answers about where we took you're little brother," 

"Where did you take him?" 

"I'm sorry but I won't answer that,"

"Answer it right now creature," 

"We're taking him to be killed," 


The soul laughed evilly as if he thought that the situation was funny, the soul was about to stand up when Allison smirked. 

"Don't even try to break free I chained your ankles to the bed,"

The soul glared at Allison with anger in his eyes. Allison didn't care, she wanted to save her brother and if that meant torturing Colby into telling her where they had brought Sam, then that's what she was going to do. 

Meanwhile, at the enemy headquarters Sam was laying in his cell and looking up at the ceiling. He needed to find a way out, how could Colby trick him into thinking that he was alright? Wait no. Colby was there at first, he could feel it. The door to the cell block slid open and Sam saw Kat and Jake enter talking. Slowly but quietly, Sam made his way over to the cell door and listened to their conversation. 

"We need answers about the rebels," he heard Kat say, "Sam is their leader, so he should know where everyone is hiding out," 

"Yes," says Jake "But how will we get answers out of him?"

"We'll try it my way first, but if it doesn't work, do it your way," 

"And that way would be?" 

"I can try to flirt with him, see if that will work," answers Kat "After all, he is in love with Katrina Stuart," 

"There's no guarantee that he'll fall for it," 

"He fell for it before,"

"Um yeah, but he found out it wasn't you when Colby got suspicious," 

"We'll see about that," Kat laughed and made her way toward Sam's cell. She thought that he'd fall for that trick again? In her dreams, That wasn't going to happen. Acting like he hadn't heard, Sam went to a corner and leaned up against it just as Kat opened the cell door and made her way over. 

"If you think that i'm going to tell you anything you can forget it," says Sam. 

"Why would I ask you to do that?" says Kat sweetly as she got closer and batted her eyes. Sam was trying his best not to fall for her, especially since this wasn't the Kat he fell in love with. He watched as Kat leaned against the wall. 

"I heard that conversation, so I'm not falling for it," Sam said as he walked over to the bench and sat down crossing his arms. Kat let out a sigh and walked back over to him; she sat down next to him and put her hand under Sam's chin and turned his head so that he was looking her in the eyes, then she removed her hand and started to maintain her facial expression. 

"You know Sammy, I wasn't going to ask you those questions," says Kat smiling slyly

"I... well" says Sam as he kept trying to focus but he could not. Kat leaned forward just a little trying to find a way to catch Sam off guard. For it to work he had to focus on her and her looks. Kat slightly touched Sam's arm and leaned closer to kiss him. 

"All I want," says Kat as she moved closer to Sam "is for you to tell me where the rebels are hiding," 

"Y..you know I can't do that," says Sam as he starts to lose ground. 

"I know you can do it," Kat leaned forward and kisses Sam on his lips causing Sam to kiss back. They held their kiss for about two minutes once Sam and Kat pulled away she looked at him still talking in a soft seductive voice. "How about now?" 

Sam tried to keep his eyes locked on Kat but as he did something flicked him in the head causing him to snap out of his thoughts and break his gaze. 

"Forget it Katrina, I'm not falling for it," 

Katrina glared at him and stood up anger flowing throughout her body. She stormed out of the cell and toward Jake. Sam laughed and laid down on the bench thinking that he had won. As he lay there he began to fall asleep. 

While Sam was asleep, Kat and Jake had gone to another room. Kat was angry that her plan had backfired on her. She turned toward Jake. 

"Jake, I want you to get answers your way," she says "Make him feel as much pain as possible."

"You got it," says Jake "But we'll have to wait a little while before I can torture him, mostly because he'll be expecting it."

Kat nodded her head. Back at the resistance headquarters Allison was still trying to get answers from Colby hoping that the thing inside of him will break and tell her everything. As she was asking the questions, Elton had entered the room as he had heard that Allison was still trying to get answers. 

"You waste your time Allison," says the Soul just as Elton entered the room. "by noon Sam will be executed and once I'm free i'll tell every one where your headquarters are,"

"That is not going to happen," says Elton as he closed the door. 

"If you aren't going to tell us then we will hurt you," Colby laughed at Elton and Allison. They thought that by threatening the creature inside of Colby was going to make him admit about where his kind had brought Sam. 

"You do that," says the Soul "And you hurt Colby more than you'll hurt me," it continued "Do you really think that by torturing me you'll get answers?" 

"He's right," says Allison "how will we be able to get answers, any ideas Elton?" 

"I'm not sure, but how about you take a break this creature can wait here you've chained him so tight that I doubt he can break free."

Allison nods but just in case it planned to break free, she made her way over to Colby and chained his hands behind his back so tight that he wouldn't be able to escape. After doing that, she turned and left the room while locking it behind her. 

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