~Months Later~

After an extensive amount of training since the day Sam joined the resistance. He became the leader of the rebellion, as for Colby, he was in charge of the invasion and trying to find where the remaining rebels were hiding. Colby was in the war room with Jake and Kat, while there he was pacing back and forth hoping to come up with an idea. Jake had brown and pink hair and was tall about 6'2" and Kat had brown hair and brown eyes; she was about 5'3"

"This is impossible!" says Jake.

"Stop complaining Jake, you know we need to find the rebels," replies Colby.

"And how do we do that if we keep losing them?"

"Can't we just ask them?" questions Kat.

"How can we ask one if we can't find one?" As Kat and Jake were complaining, Colby was starting to get annoyed he turns toward the table and slams his hands on to it making Kat and Jake silent.

"ENOUGH!" he yells. Kat and Jake get quiet not wanting to anger Colby anymore than he already was. "Arguing won't get us closer to them,"

"What do you suggest Colby?" asks Kat.

"If we can't find them, how about we lure them to us?"

"That's not a bad idea," says Kat.

"How do we know it'll work?" Colby thinks about that and immediately gets an idea.

"Sam doesn't know I'm in his friend's body," Says Colby, "I can use that to my advantage," he continued, "But I just need to look like I've been hurt,"

"I can help with that!" says Kat.

"Great! How long would it take?"

"Probably thirty minutes," Colby nods and looks over at Jake nodding his head.

"get a camera set up, that's how we lure Sam out of hiding,"

Jake nodded and began to set up the camera. Kat was busy applying the makeup, after about thirty minutes, Colby was ready to send Sam a message as that is how they were going to lure Sam out of hiding. Colby and Kat made their way to an empty room, Colby sat in a chair and talks to the camera.

Meanwhile, Sam was in the resistance headquarters and he is at a meeting in front of him was a map of the area, half of it belongs to the resistance the other half was for the enemy. Often, Sam's rebels would have missions for the area. Mostly, he had spies within the walls of enemy headquarters. In the room, there was Elton, Devyn, Corey, Amanda and his siblings Allison and Ben. They sat around the table discussing a plan to invade and defeat the enemy whom they called "The R"

"Alright, we need to find a way to defeat 'The R' and the only way we can do that," says Sam "is to break into their headquarters,"

"How do you propose we do that?" asks Ben.

"Well, we already know where their secret base is," replies Sam as he leaned forward with both hands on the table.

"But, the base is heavily guarded by souls and robots,"

"We can easily get in by pretending to be souls which would help us get into the headquarters without raising an alarm," answers Sam "We can have two people go in which will be less suspicious and knock out the souls there then those two people will help us get in."

Just as the group was starting to plot out a way to destroy the headquarters, the TV in the meeting room turns on. Everyone's attention turns toward the television, and the first thing they see was Colby, who was badly wounded.

"Colby?" asks Sam "What have they done to you?"

"Sam, I don't know if you can hear me but they wounded me because I wouldn't give them answers," Colby continues, "I was able to escape but please hurry, meet me in the Alleyway between the two boarders and come alone,"

After the video had ended Sam stood looking at the TV in shock he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His best friend was alive and well but how is that possible he had seen Colby get dragged away just before he got hit in the head.

"Sam, I hope your not planning to go and meet Colby, for all you know it could be a trap," Says Elton.

"What am I supposed to do Elton? Colby could have escaped, I have to see for myself,"

"That's exactly what they want," answers Corey. Sam looked at Corey as hesitation had taken over, in his head he was thinking about Colby and it was possible that Colby could have survived on the other hand, Colby could have a soul inside his body. Sam needed to think about his options, all he needed was support from his fellow rebels but it was clear that he wasn't going to get that.

"This meeting is over! Dismissed!" Yells Sam. Everyone who was in the meeting room left and went to their rooms, meanwhile, Sam had gone to the training room and was practicing his fighting skills as it always made him feel better. While there, Sam had started practicing with a punching bag making sure to practice as much moves as possible. The room was filled with punch bags and weapons as well as dummies, normally the training area would be used to train new recruits but when Sam was angry he would go there to practice and think to himself. While he practiced, Sam's older sister Allison entered to see Sam working up a sweat.

Allison Golbach has brown hair with blue eyes, she was the first born daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Golbach. While she may have been the first born daughter and the only girl, she always looked after her little brothers. Especially Sam, call it sister intuition but Allison always knew when Sam was bothered by something. Allison has brought Sam a water bottle, walking toward him, Allison tapped Sam on the shoulder. She hoped that he would be open to talk besides they were very close to each other and would always tell each other everything.

"Sam?" She asked. Sam stopped practicing and grabbed the punching bag keeping it from hitting him, then he turned around.

"Hey Allison," replies Sam.

"I brought you some water,"

"Thanks," Sam smiles and politely took the bottle, it was a blue see through container with a silver lid. Unscrewing the lid Sam took a big sip, he then pulled it away from his mouth and screwed the lid back on afterward, he made his way over the nearest bench and sat down. Allison sighed and walked over to a table, grabbing a towel she made her way over to Sam and sat down next to him.

"Here," Sam took the towel and dried himself off.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really,"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"It's just, Colby looked mortally wounded and I need to know if he is okay,"

"Sam, you know you can't entirely trust anyone, Elton is right when he said that it could be a trap," Sam stayed silent he didn't know what to say. "Do you remember that saying grandma told dad before she passed away?"

"Onward and upward," Says Allison and Sam at the same time.

"She was always a fighter," continues Sam with a smile on his face. "I just want to continue that legacy and protect everyone I love. I already lost Katrina I can't lose Colby either,"

"Sam, Colby may still be in his body, even Kat,"

"What do I do Allison?"

"I can't tell you what to do Sam, whatever you think is best you should do it," she continues "I'll always be here for you, little brother," Allison moves Sam's hair out of his face and kisses his forehead, she then got up and left the training area. Sam smiles to himself and makes the decision to go and meet Colby in the alleyway only he hadn't realized what was actually going to go down.

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