Colby, Kat and Jake stood shoulder to shoulder in front of Sam, Elton and Devyn. Each individual trainer had their own methods to engaging in combat. Sam Golbach was skilled with all types of guns, his favorite was the double barrel pistol. Not only was it his favorite but it was the main one that felt right in his hands. Much like Percy Jackson's sword riptide, Sam enjoyed having the gun at his side but he had no idea how Debrah planned to fight him. It might have been hand to hand combat or with something as lame as a sword. Elton Castee was skilled at hand to hand combat combined with a gun. But he mainly used hand to hand combat as a way of fighting. Finally, Devyn Lundy was perfect in sword fighting. Sometimes Sam would make fun of her for using a sword which was meant for ancient times when the world was still young. Each individual trainer will teach the new recruits how to fight and what not to do when a battle is at hand.

    "Firstly, thank you all for coming," says Sam as he started to take on a leadership role. "Secondly, today marks the start of your training. Each of us will be teaching you what to do and what not to do," Sam continued "I will be showing you how to use a gun, Elton will show you hand to hand combat, and Devyn will show you how to use a sword. Then we will see what will work best for you," Sam turned to Elton and Devyn. "Either of you want to say anything?"

    Elton stepped forward, "Things are different now Colby, Kat, and Jake," Elton walked back and forth and looked at all three of them. "There's war happening, and this rebellion will stop at nothing to end the war between us and the souls,"

    Colby looked at Elton, things seemed different, especially the atmosphere. Today he and two of his friends will be training and putting in their efforts to fight this battle. Before the invasion, the world was peaceful except for a few wars here and there. But other than that people were practically living their normal lives, until this invasion that ruined everything. Sam started the training; the way it worked was by each individual going to either of the trainers and training with them for about two hours then they would trade off.

    Finally, after hours of extensive training for almost a week, the new trainees had finally reached their peak and were ready to fight against the enemy. Sam had to wait for almost a week thinking of a way to tell his girlfriend and best friends the truth. Which was about Debrah challenging him. He wasn't sure how they would react, especially Elton, Elton was going to be the one who is completely against what Sam was going to do. But that won't stop him; he was going to go through with it whether Elton wanted him to or not.

    Sam couldn't take it anymore, so he called in a meeting with his fellow rebels. After all, it was time for him to take a stand and come up with a way to completely wipe out the souls that were inside of their hosts bodies. They would also be able to destroy the robots before they completed their task on earth. Sam leaned on the table in the meeting room nervously tapping his fingers. He was ready for the onslaught of protests that he knew was going to happen.

    "Hey Sam," says Corey as he entered the meeting room with Devyn. "Why'd you call a meeting? Shouldn't we get ready to attack the enemy?"

    "I'll tell you as soon as everyone gets in here,"

    Next Colby and Kat entered followed by Elton, and Amanda finally, Jake had arrived. These were the main people who were apart of leading the rebellion, everyone else was in their rooms or training in the gym for the battle that was to come.

    "Now that all of us are here, I would like to explain something that I have been waiting to tell you,"

    "What is it Sam?" asks Colby.

    "A few nights ago," answers Sam, "I received a message from the new leader of the souls and robots,"

Everyone looked at Sam in confusion as worry flashed through their faces. Sam knew what they were thinking, they were trying to figure out why Debrah was calling Sam and for what reason. They waited which was very time consuming.

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