Sam and Colby ran over to the ladder and began to climb it, trying to get to the roof without being noticed. Once the friends got to the roof, Sam and Colby had to do parkour to get to each roof. Survival was the most important thing that they had to worry about because if they were caught who knows what would happen. Each time they thought that robots would see them, they had to duck out of sight. Soon enough, Sam and Colby escape the city and jump off the roof. They land on the ground with a hard thud and take off into the forest before the robots could even react, once they got into the woods they started their long trek through the wilderness and before night had fallen the two friends gather supplies for a lean-to shelter that was able to cover more than two people.

It was especially helpful since Colby Brock had been in the boy scouts back in Kansas. Once they noticed that night had started showing, Sam and Colby had grabbed as much firewood as they possibly could. Colby had started the fire by rubbing two sticks together. After that, they got some fish and started cleaning and cooking it. After the fish was done cooking the friends began to eat it. Eventually, they finished eating the fish, around them all they could hear was the sound of crickets chirping throughout the night. As the boys sat around the campfire Sam had started zoning out thinking deeply about something in which case, the firelight shined on their faces; as the sound of the fire crackled. It was then that Colby had to talk to Sam in case something really bothered him.

"Sam?" he asked, "Are you okay?" Sam snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Colby.

"Yeah, I'm fine," says Sam as Colby's instinct told him otherwise. Colby let out a sigh because he knew that his friend was worried. Their lives were once simple to a point where all they had to do was run from fans, record and upload videos, travel, and run their business. Colby had also been with Sam when he did haunted rituals. Those rituals never scared him, he always took control of the situation and tried to calm everybody down. Now with this apocalypse that happened, Sam seemed scared than he usually was. Colby had to do something before his best friend lost everything.

"Sam, I know your worried, you don't need to hide it," Colby waited for Sam to say something, and when he didn't, he stood and walked over to Sam's side, he then sat next to him and gave him a hug, Sam hugged him back but with a stronger grip.

"What if everyone we love and know has been taken by those things and we're the only ones left?"

"Then we fight back," says Colby. Colby had to bring Sam's confidence back if they were to survive. Especially if Sam had the makings of a leader.

"Do you think we could beat them?"

"I'm sure we can, maybe you'll feel better if we get some sleep?"

"I guess your right," says Sam nodding his head as he laid down on the solid ground. Colby laid down also, and eventually, both boys fell asleep. That is, until that night while Sam and Colby were sleeping, they awoke to the sound of branches snapping. While they were awake, they made sure to stay on high alert since they aren't sure who could be out there. But who could possibly be out in the forest this late at night, besides them?

"Sam? Colby?" calls an unknown voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Kat?" calls Sam. He immediately stood up and looked toward the direction of the voice. Just then, Kat walked out from the dense trees. When Colby sees her, he becomes suspicious. He wasn't sure if she could be trusted as there was no way she had found them unless the robots were controlling her. Have they somehow found a way to control the human race? Sam was thrilled to see that Kat was okay, he ran over to her and gave her a hug. Kat hugged him back, Colby, still suspicious made his way over to Kat.

"How did you find us?" asks Sam as Colby examines Kat's posture and the way she talks.

"It wasn't hard, I was in the forest myself," says Kat, Sam guided Kat over to their shelter and helped her sit down. This time it was Colby's turn to ask the questions.

"Kat? How did you get past the robots if they're all over California and the rest of the country?" Kat hesitated and tried thinking about how to answer the question.

"I was in my apartment and had a sense that something was going to happen, so I took my keys and my car and just drove to the nearest forest." She continued, "I have been staying in the forest for a few days now."

"So how did you find our campsite?"

"Dude, chill," says Sam noticing how much questions Colby was asking Kat.

"I'm sorry I just need to know, Sam," he says, "You saw what they were doing to those people," Colby kept going. "They were packing people into trucks and taking them to, who knows where,"

Before Colby could say anything else, Kat yawned and looked at Sam with a tired expression on her face. Colby noticed this as well and sighed.

"Okay, I'll stop,"

"thank you," says Sam, "How about we go to sleep? We still have that long walk to the Witches cabin tomorrow,"

After a while of talking, the three of them laid down under the shelter and fell to sleep, not realizing that Katrina was being controlled by the robots. around four in the morning, Kat wakes up and leaves the campsite to talk to the leader of the robot invasion who's only known by one letter "S."

"Kat here, I have found Sam and Colby," she says.

"Good, where are they heading?" replies, "S."

"To the Witches cabin,"

"Stay with them until I can send my robots after them." Says 'S' "we only need Colby Brock under our control," he continues "Once we have him there's nothing Sam can do,"

"Except fight back,"

"He doesn't have the weaponry to defeat us, already, we have half of the human population under our control,"

"Unless Sam joins the rebellion,"

"Enough, go back to the campsite, don't let Colby or Sam know who you are working for," Kat nods her head and goes back to the campsite, she lays down next to Sam and falls back to sleep. 

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