Ben had heard Allison telling Colby that she was going to trade him in to save their brother. After hearing this, Ben entered the room and looked at Allison as he saw Colby was chained up. 

"Allison, if your going to save Sam, I want to join," says Ben. 

"No, Ben, I'm not allowing you to go, it's too dangerous," 

"But Allison please!"

"No Ben! That's final!" 

"Aww," says Colby mockingly "Big sister doesn't want her youngest brother to get hurt," 

Allison glares at Colby not wanting to attack him but she sends him a warning to shut up. Colby looks at Allison and lets out a laugh. Ben looks upset but decides not to argue with his own sister, so instead, he made his way back to his room and had hope that his older sister could save Sam before it's too late. As Allison got Colby ready to be taken to the coliseum, Amanda and Elton enter the room and demanded that they go. Allison agrees and before they left the building the group made sure to arm themselves with guns and extra bullets. 

After they were ready, The group walked back into the room where Colby was chained up and Amanda as well as Elton grab Colby by the arms and dragged him out of rebel headquarters. 

"Now how are we going to get to the coliseum before noon?" asks Amanda. 

"I don't know," says Allison. Elton looks toward Colby with a smirk on his face. 

"Maybe this thing can show us the way," 

"That won't happen," says Colby glaring at Elton with hatred. Just then Allison got an idea, she wished that she came up with it the first time. 

"Why didn't I think about this sooner?" 

"What?" Says Elton and Amanda at the same time. 

"We can use the GPS tracker that each of us have," she continued. "I forgot all about it,"

"See this is why my kind and the robots will rule this world because you humans are too stupid to realize that you put a tracking device in your fellow rebels!"

"How about you shut up?" The group had already gotten out of rebel headquarters and entered the barren wasteland. There wasn't a single tree in sight, nor was there a lake, which was the reason why the rebels had kept bottled water even a pool on one of the floors of the headquarters. Allison pulled out a small device that looked like a cellphone she turned it on and typed in Sam's GPS number. Once she hit enter, the screen flashed green and began to direct the group to Sam's location


Hours later the group finally arrived in enemy territory and made their way to the Coliseum. As they arrived at the Coliseum they saw how many souls and robots had arrived. They were entering a building that looked like the Roman Coliseum back when it wasn't crumbled. Somehow the group was going to enter the Coliseum without anyone or anything looking. 

"How are we going to get in without anyone noticing?" asks Amanda. Allison looked around and noticed a door on the side of the building.

"Over there," she said as she pointed to a metal door. "We can get in through there and act like we're one of them," 

"Are you sure this is going to work?" asks Elton. "Because this thing I'm holding may blow our cover," 

"Don't think I forgot about him," she continued. "We need to tape his mouth shut," 

"and how do we do that?" 

"Yeah," smirks Colby "How are you going to do that?" 

Allison rolls her eyes and quickly pulls out tape from her backpack. She then puts the tape over Colby's mouth making sure that he didn't blow their cover from there they casually make there way toward the door and walk past two souls entering the complex. Once inside they made their way near the center of the building but stayed close to the exit. Just as they did, they saw Sam getting dragged out his arms chained behind his back. Jake was behind him pushing Sam to the center of the coliseum. Allison tried her best not to cry out for him fearing that she might expose herself. Sam was the leader of the rebellion, she wasn't going to let anything happen to him. She also knew that he always had a plan. 

Sam was dragged out to the center of the coliseum. As he was brought to the center he saw in the corner of his eye, Allison and his friends. As well as Colby Brock. Sam could already tell that Colby was no longer in control but the soul was. secretly Sam nodded his head as he was forced to his knees. Allison knew that nod it meant do what she had to do. Even though Allison knew the plan she saw how helpless her little brother was and had to do something about it. Jake pulled out a gun and pointed it toward Sam's head. Quick as a flash, Allison ran and knocked Jake over causing him to land on his side dropping the gun. After that, Allison quickly broke Sam loose and from there, Sam ran at Colby and knocked him over. 

Pulling the tape off of Colby's mouth he fought struggling to keep Colby in place. If Colby was still in there he needed a lot of convincing to be strong and fight whatever was inside of him. 

"Colby!" yells Sam "I know your in there," he continued "Fight!" 

"Colby is no longer here Samuel!" 

"Yes he is! I know he is!" Sam was trying to keep his voice from shattering. "Come on Colby please! Think of all the good times we've had!" 

As Sam pins Colby to the concrete Colby looks at Sam with anger but slowly begins to realize what's happening. As the real Colby takes control he looks at Sam who was sitting on his stomach. 

"Um? Sam? What's happening?"

"Colby? Is that you?" 

"Yes it's me," 

"Prove it," 

"You and I bonded with a senior girl when we were in our freshman year of High School," 

Sam comes to realization that Colby was back and gets off of him. He then Helps Colby stand up just as Allison was still fighting with Jake while Amanda and Elton took off in search of Kat. As they were getting ready to leave, Sam and Colby came face to face with one of the enemies the soul. This soul was inside of their friend Kevin which made them panic.

"Where do you two think your going?" 

Sam and Colby looked at each other and as they did they smirked and attacked Kevin. They had no choice but to knock him out hoping that he would stay out of their way. Next, Allison had won the battle against Jake and was now trying to convince Jake who he is and that he needs to take control. As Allison held Jake firmly, he began to realize who he was and where he was. He made the creature inside of him go to sleep and was now in control. 

"Allison?" he asked. 

"It's me, yes, can you hear me?" Jake nodded his head and when Allison made sure that Jake was himself they joined Colby and Sam. Finally, Elton and Amanda came out with Kat who was holding her head. Sam noticed and waited until they came over. Once they were over he looked at Kat wondering if she was herself. 


"Sam?" she asked with a quiet voice. 

"Is it really you?" 

"Okay, look I know that you are just having a reunion but can we leave now?" asks Colby. Everyone nodded their head and together the group took off back to the rebel headquarters where they continued to discuss what they should do. Little did they know that war was on it's way. Therefore, the group will have to prepare. 

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