The next day the trio had woken up early in the morning around five, Colby had ventured into the forest to find a stream hoping to catch some fish. After walking for about an hour, he had started hearing rushing water, which was a good sign considering he was hungry and was sure that Sam and Kat were hungry too. Colby still didn't trust anything that Kat said he was always suspicious about how she had found them without a single call or text. Colby approached the flowing water, looking around, he found a long stick and tried to search for other objects to salvage to create a fishing rod. When he found none, Colby picked up a sharp stone and sat on a rock sharpening the end of the stick into a spear. After finishing the spear, he stood up and walked toward the water. Stepping into the water, he began to look for fish. The water was freezing in the early morning, but that didn't stop him, he waited until he could hear where a fish was then stabbed it and pulled it out.

Meanwhile, back at the campsite, Sam sat next to Katrina, a fire before them as Sam was creating a wilderness survival knife using two rocks, he began chipping away at what will soon be a blade that would fit at the end of a stick. He took some rope and a strong enough stick, with those in hand he finished creating a wilderness survival knife. At the same time, Colby had just arrived carrying some fish with him. Colby sat down across from Sam and started to clean and gut the fish that he had caught. Next, Colby created a way to cook the fish by taking two sticks that were in the shape of the letter "Y" and a central stick that he stuck the fish on; making sure that the fish cooked correctly he tended to the fire while Sam and Kat got lovey-dovey with each other.

After everyone finished eating their food, Sam, Colby, and Kat packed up what belongings they had and together they made their trek through the woods. Sam leading the way to the witch's cabin, Kat was in the center, and Colby followed close behind. As the three walked, Colby couldn't help but notice what looked like a circular device on the back of Kat's neck. This made Colby even more suspicious than usual. Kat seemed to have sensed that he was watching her and covered the circular object with her blue hair.

Eventually, the trio arrived at the witches cabin; they break in by picking the lock and entered the cabin. Setting their stuff down, they began to get settled in until later that night while Sam and Colby were getting ready for bed, Sam had looked out the window and noticed that robots had already found them.

"Colby," says Sam worriedly.

"What is it, Sam?" asks Colby as he made his way over to the window to see what Sam was seeing. The minute he looked outside, he saw that there was an army of robots that are approaching the cabin. "How did they find this place?!"

"I'll tell you how," says Kat from behind, causing Sam and Colby to become stiff as they hadn't expected Kat to have something to do with this. Sam and Colby turned around and saw Kat holding the knife that Sam had created.

"Babe?" asks Sam, worry flashing throughout his face. "What are you doing?"

"I told you Sam!" says Colby looking at his friend. "I was suspicious about Kat, and here's my answer!"

"Stay out of this Colby!" says Kat as she began to approach Sam. "Besides he wants you alive anyway,"

"Who's he?!" asks Colby froze by what was happening, immediately Kat swung the knife causing Sam and Colby to jump back and go into fight or flight mode. But before they could react the robots had busted in causing Sam and Colby to become overwhelmed they couldn't fight back any longer. Colby looked over and saw an opening.

"Sam! The stairs!" yells Colby as he grabs Sam by the arm and drags him over to the staircase where they took off upstairs and into a bedroom not realizing that Kat had hidden in the room, but instead of the knife this time she had a pan and was hiding in the closet. The robots busted into the room and had cornered them near the closet.

"What do you want with us?!" demanded Sam.

"We only want Colby," replies a robot. As Sam and Colby were about to ask more questions, the robots launched themselves at Sam and Colby, grabbing and dragging Colby away from Sam.

"Sam! Run!"

"Colby!" as Sam ran toward Colby, Kat came out of the closet and hit Sam over the head with a frying pan causing him to fall unconscious.

The robots had dragged Colby and shoved him into a car where they tied his ankles and wrists together. As Colby was screaming, Kat had walked over to him and put a damp cloth over his nose and mouth.

"Just go to sleep Colby," says Kat softly. Colby's body went limp, and his eyes had closed. Kat climbed into the driver's seat, and the robot climbed into the passenger's seat. After being on the road for hours, Kat and the robot had arrived with Colby at an abandoned warehouse. Colby finally awoke and looked around, he tried sitting up but realized that he couldn't look at his feet he saw that his ankles were bound together. He tried moving his wrists and realized that he couldn't as they were bound as well. Looking at the driver's seat, he saw Kat driving.

"I knew you couldn't be trusted, Kat,"

"Shut up Colby," says Kat.

"Why are you doing this?"

"That is not your concern,"

Looking over at the passenger's seat, he saw that there was a robot sitting there, up close he looked like a human, skin, hair and all. Although Colby knew what he was dealing with, he just hoped that Sam would find a way to save him before it's too late. Sam was the only one left who could stop this apocalypse. Kat stops in front of an abandoned warehouse and gets out of the car then unties Colby's ankles, taking him out of the car, Kat takes Colby to "S" who controlled every human and robot. Once in the office, Kat forces Colby to sit down. Sitting at a desk was a guy who looked like he was in his mid to late twenties with brown hair and grey eyes.

"Ah, you must be Colby Brock, we've been expecting you,"

"Why me?"

"because not only do I need a servant but I also want a right-hand man that I can use to rule this world,"

"I won't work with you,"

"You don't have a choice. You know that small circle on Kat's neck?"

"What about it?"

"That's how we will control you,"

Once again, Colby gets knocked out and together "S," and Kat untie Colby's wrists and take him to a room with nothing but a single bed in the center and bright white light, they lay him on the couch and strap him down.

Meanwhile, Sam was found by a secret rebellion run by the rebels who survived the invasion. The rebels brought Sam to their secret headquarters and helped him lay on a bed. For a while, Sam was unconscious until he felt someone shaking him. Groaning, Sam woke up, and while his vision was slightly blurred, he could make out a man with a beard and another guy with a man-bun. As Sam's vision cleared, he realized who was talking to him and where he was.

"Corey? Elton?"

"Sam, are you okay?" asks Elton. As Sam tries to sit up he groans as his head was hurting, he placed his hand on his head.

"Careful, Kat hit you in your head hard," Says Corey.

"What is this place?" questions Sam as he looked at Elton and Corey for an explanation. "What happened?"

"Meet us in the lunch room once you feel you're able to walk, we'll explain everything," Sam looked around for Colby.

"Where's Colby?!"

"Sorry, Sam, we didn't get there in time," with that Elton and Corey left the room and made their way to the lunch room.

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