Chapter 2

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Cyrus' POV

Today i got a text from Amber

Amber: Hey Cyrus meet me at the spoon i have a surprise for you :)

Cyrus: ok be there in 10

I got ready i was wearing my blue hoodie and khakis. I walked to the spoon and sat down across from Amber. "Hey" i said.
"Hi" she replied
"What's the surprise?" I asked excitedly.
"You'll see"
"But you know i hate surprises"

Amber's POV

Then as if on cue i saw Andi Buffy and TJ walk through the door. cyrus turns around and sees everyone and now has the biggest smile as he runs to hug Andi and Buffy. TJ has to ruin the moment and says "hey underdog im here too"
Cyrus laughs and lets go of his friends and looks at TJ and hugs him and TJ says "I've missed you underdog"
"I've missed you too"
Andi walks over to me and says "hey Amber" and i feel the butterflies in my stomach and say "h-hi" with a smile and we hug. Buffy stands there and says "ok y'all couples need to stop being so cute before i barf" everyone blushes and says "we aren't couples" Buffy laughs and says "whatever but lets sit down and order food im starving"
We all sit down and cyrus pulls up a seat because the booth was full and tj says "cyrus you can sit here i can sit in the chair there more your friends than mine anyway"
TJ gets and cyrus sits down and i laugh and look at TJ and point to the hallway and he nods.
We walk back there and i admittedly say "you need to just ask him out already"
"Because he'll say no"
"You are so oblivious"
"No im not"
"Literally everyone in that booth thinks y'all should be together and i have lived with cyrus since high school ended and he is always talking about you"
"Ok whatever"

Cyrus' POV

"Im going to go check on them" i say and get up. When Amber sees me she whispers something to TJ and he blushes and says "ok"
I walk over to them and say "is everything ok over here?" Amber nods and says "ill be over there not listening to y'all" and winks.
"Hey can i ask you something?" he says.
I nod
He starts "can we go-" he stops and looks like he's thinking what he's going to say and continues "to the park?"
We walk by them and say "we will be back were going to the park" everyone stops talking and smiles.
Amber whispers something to TJ and he shakes he head and says "im going to" it was very quiet but i could still here him.

we were here/ TjxCyrusWhere stories live. Discover now