chapter 8

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Tj's pov

This morning I woke up to a flashlight shining on me and Cyrus.
"Amber what the hell are you doing?"
"I'm sorry I didnt mean to wake y'all I was just taking a picture of y'all because y'all are so cute"
"Well first of all send me that picture and second of all dont do that again."
"You are living in my house I can do what i want"
"Well it probably wont be for long because once me and him are married we are gonna start looking for houses but first I need a job"
"Why dont you go back to work at the kids gym down near the spoon where you used to work. I still work at the spoon so i could drive you to the gym and I heard that they are looking for workers. Maybe you could convince Cyrus to join you."
"Cyrus working at a gym! no way!"
"Yeah i guess your right. But he needs a job too. Even though he is still in college he needs one to."
I felt cyrus move in my arms.
"Hey what are y'all talking about" he asked sleepily.
"Nothing just go back to sleep baby boy sorry we woke you up"
"Ok" he said barely above a whisper.
"Amber I'll talk to you about this later and I'll consider going back to the gym but right now I want to cuddle with my fiancee because he goes back to school tomorrow."
"Ok im going upstairs to my room"

I fell back asleep almost instantly.
The next time i woke up cyrus wasn't cuddled next to me and I smelt bacon and pancakes. So i went into the kitchen to see cyrus making breakfast.
I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I felt him tense up for about 1 second but once he realised it was me he melted into my arms. I put my head in the crook of his neck and started planting soft kisses along his jawline and down his neck.
"Breakfast smells really good"
"Thanks. Its almost done can you set the table and go get amber and tell her that break fast is ready."
"Sure" I kiss his cheek and let go of him and walk up the stairs to go get Amber.
I knocked on her door "what!"
She yelled from the other side.
"Breakfast is almost ready!" I tell her.
She opens the door and i see that she has tears running down her face.
"Whats wrong Amber?"
"I found o-out th-that Andi has a b-boyfriend" she said crying more and stuttering a lot.
"Th-this guy s-she goes t-to school with. I th-think his n-name is w-w-walker."
"Im so sorry Amber. I'm sure it wont last."
"Oh Tj did you get Amb- whats wrong?"
Cyrus said as he came up the stairs to her room.
"Andi has a boyfriend" I tell him
"Walker. I think is what Amber said" i said as amber nodded her head.
"That's impossible! Jonah and Walker are dating and I dont think Walker is the one to cheat and Andi wouldn't date Walker knowing he was dating Jonah." Cyrus tells me.
"Amber how do you know this"
"I-i saw Andi at the spoon yesterday when I was working that morning and when she left the walker kid was outside and he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek"
Amber tells us.
"Amber thats how they are. They are like best friends they do stuff like that all the time. Jonah and I think its weird but they dont listen." Cyrus tells her
"Wait what?" Amber yelled.
"Also andi already likes someone"
"Who?" Amber yelled.
"I dont know she wont tell anyone."
"I'm gonna talk to her later." Amber said.
"Anyways who wants breakfast?" Cyrus asked us.
"Ok I'll be down there in a sec let me clean up a little. Ive been crying for a while so i probably look like a mess"
Me and him walk down stairs together. So what do you wanna do today?" He asked me.
"Well today I'm going to look for jobs around shadyside. Im thinking of going back to work at the gym because i dont have a lot of money right now. I have some maybe like 1000 dollars in the bank but thats it."
"Well I need to find a job too but I think im going to become a therapist like them because I have been taking a few psychology classes along with my photography classes."

Cyrus' POV
After we ate breakfast amber left to go to Andi's and tj went to the gym downtown to look for a job.
So I didnt really have anyone to talk to or anything to do so I just watched tv while they were gone.

A/n I really hate this chapter but I just wanna start the next one because I already know how its gonna go. Anyways I still hope you like this shit of a chapter-falyn

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