chapter 9

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Um little authors note this is mostly in Amber's POV and its mostly ambi. Also it is really gay like really gay. So anyways I hope you enjoy it I really like this chapter.

Amber's POV

I really wanted to talk to Andi. I really like her. I have since she was in middle school. Today im going to tell her.

I got into my car and drove to her house. Well technically bex and bowie's house because that's where she is staying until she goes back to school on Monday.

The drive didn't take long mostly because she lives 15 minutes away from me. When I arrive I started to second guess my choice but it was too late.
I get out of my car and walk up to the door. I take a deep breath and knocked on the door. About 30 seconds later I see Andi open the door still in her PJs I look at my phone and she that it's still only 10am so she probably just woke up.
"Hey Amber, I didn't know you were coming. I would have gotten up earlier and got dressed." Andi told me.
"Yeah sorry i was gonna call or text but I really needed to talk to you about something and I forgot." I said kinda serious.
"And you look perfectly fine in your PJs." I told her truthfully and it could have just been my imagination but i swear I saw her blush.
She moved out of the way so I could come inside.
"Lets go to my room. My mom and dad are still asleep."
I follow andi to her old room. It looks a lot different than the first time I came over. That was one of the nights I really regret. I left her stranded on top of a ferris wheel. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she said "so what did you need to talk to me about?" She asked looking at me.
"Ok um first of all I wanted to tell you that I'm lesbian. I hope you still wanna be my friend" I told her scared she would be mad at me and not wanna be my friend.
"Why would I not wanna be your friend? Of course I accept you. Its kinda funny that you think I wouldn't. I mean my best friend is one of the gayest people I know and he is literally engaged to the gay disaster that is your brother."
We both chuckled, but then I stopped and she noticed.
"Is there anything else you wanna tell me?" She asked me, her face softening.
"Yeah" I said matching the softness in her voice and face.
I just looked at her and sighed. Its now or never. "Andi, I like you. Like how TJ likes Cyrus and how cyrus like tj. How jonah like walker and how walker likes jonah. How Buffy and marty like each other. How your parents like each other. What I'm trying to say is Andi mack i love you and its totally fine if you dont feel the same way." I was full on crying now.
"Amber Kippen, I love you too. I think I always have. I really love you."
She didnt have to say anything else. I leaned in and she did too. We met in the middle and it felt like no other kiss i have ever had. I brought my hand up to her face and cupped her cheek and deepened the kiss a little. The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds but it felt like forever. When we pulled away I rested my forehead on hers.
"Wow" was the only thing she said.
"Yeah, wow" I said back.
Just then I the door to her bedroom opened. We both jumped back. Bex was standing in the door way.
"Mom! I can explain!"
"You don't have to. I already know what's going on"
I was scared she was about to kick me out or yell at us but she didn't. She just smiled and said "come here" and held her arms open. Andi jumped up and ran to give her mom a hug.
"You too Amber"
I got up and went to hug bex.
When me and Andi both let go we stepped back.
"So when did this happen"
"About 3 minutes ago"
"Ok cool well I'm going back to bed. Have fun but not too much fun."
"Ok bye mom" andi said embarrassed and pushed her mom out the door and then leaning against the door.
"I'm sorry about her"
"Its fine"
"Anyways, Amber What are we?"
She asked me.
"Well what do you want us to be?" I asked her hoping we were on the same page. "I don't know" she said looking down. I walked over to her and grabbed her hands. "Andi Mack would you make me the happiest lesbian in the world and be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Of course Amber"
I couldn't help but smile at her. We both leaned in again and when our lips touched it was even better than the first time. I let go of her hands put my hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around my neck. This kiss was longer than our first. It lasted about 30 seconds but it was still as magically if not more.
Andi was the first one to pull back. She just smiled at me and said "so when do I get to move in?"
"Whenever you want Bambi." We both started dying laughing. When we stop laughing i asked "Bambi what makes you think that im a u-haul lesbian?"
"Um everything about you."
"Well you aren't wrong"
We started laughing again. Then the door opened again but this time it was bowie.
"What is so funny that you have to laugh that loud at 10:30 in the morning?"
Me and andi looked at each other with huge smiles and said at the same time "you wouldn't get it."
"Ok well now that im awake do y'all want breakfast?"
"I just ate" i told him.
"Well im starving" andi told her dad.
"Ok I'll make chocolate chip pancakes."
"Ok" she told him.
"So Bambi how about you and I go on a date later?"
"Id love that." She said as she pushed up on her tip toes and press a short and quick kiss to my lips.
"I love you Andi Mack" i whispered to her.
"I love you Amber Kippen." She whispered back.
"Anyways I would love to stay here with you all day long but i have a date to get ready for."
"Hmm I wonder with who"
"Only the best girl in the world and her name is Andi Mack and I'll pick her up at 6pm tonight and take her somewhere really special."
"Well I bet she's gonna be really happy. And I've also gotta date"
"And who is this mysterious date of  yours?"
"The one the only Amber Kippen the gayest lesbian and cutest lesbian I know and shes picking me up at six and she says were going some were really special."
I blushed and said "Well she is one lucky gal to be going out with someone as amazing as you."
We both share one more kiss and when I pulled away I asked "walk me to my car?"
"Of course."
She grabbed my hand and lead me outside to my car.
"Bye Bambi I'll pick you up at 6"
"Ok bye Ambs" she let go of my hand and I got into my car.
She waited til I backed out of the driveway before she went inside.

Andi's POV

After she left I went inside, shut the door, and leaned against it. I was smiling like an idiot. I then smelt the chocolate chip pancakes so I went into the kitchen.
"Hey Andi can you go get bex" my dad asked me.
I walked to bex's room "Hey mom, get up"
"10 more minutes"
"Dad made pancakes"
"Ok I'm up" she got up out of bed and ran to the kitchen.
I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her.
I went to the kitchen and saw dad putting the plates of pancakes on the table.
"So tell me everything about you and Amber"
"Ok well she came to the house at 10am to tell me that she had feeling for me, I told her that I felt the same way. We kissed you came into the room I kicked you out we kissed again bowie came into the room we kicked him out. Amber left a few minutes ago but she is coming to pick me up at 6 to take me somewhere special for our first date and I'm really excited."
"Well i am really happy for you" mom tells me.
"And this probably goes without saying but I'm not straight, I'm actually pan."
"Well you know i will support you no matter what." Mom told me.
"And I do to" dad said to me too.

Ambers POV

When I got home immediately told Cyrus and tj what happened.

*time skip to 5 pm because im lazy*

I was now 5pm so I started to get ready.
I took a shower and when I got out I dried and curled my hair then i put on a red crop top with a pair of grey jeans and a pair of black boots. I did some light make up and I was ready for my date with andi and I still had 20 minutes til I had to pick her up.

Andi's POV

It was now 5pm and I needed to start getting ready. I took a shower and did my make up. I put on a yellow shirt with a pair of black jeans with a pair of yellow flats. I was completely really by 5:40 so she should be here soon so I went and waited in the living room for her.

Amber's POV

On the way to Andi's house I stopped at the store to get her some flowers.
I picked out some daisies that were dyed rainbow.

Once I got to her house it was exactly 6pm. I grab the flowers from the passenger seat and walked up to the door. When i knocked she opened the door almost instantly.
"Woah" I said under my breath when I saw her. She looked absolutely beautiful. She blushed when I said that.
"Um uh I got you flowers" I handed her the bouquet of rainbow flowers.
"Thank you there beautiful" she says as she runs inside real quick to give it to someone who I assume is bex or bowie.
She comes out again and I said "we ready to go?"
We hop into my car and i start driving to our destination.
The ride was silent until Andi spoke up
"So where are we going?"
"You see Bambi" I reach over and grab her hand from her lap and intertwined it with mine.

We arrived at the carnival and I told her "this is were I first realised I liked you. I still feel really bad for leaving you on that ferris wheel. I wanted to try this again and its actually open this time so we wont get in trouble."

We get out of the car and I grabbed her hand again and intertwined it with mine again. After we payed we went inside and I said "what rides do you wanna go on?"
"Well obviously the ferris wheel"
"I know that but are there any other rides you want to go on?"
"As long as I'm with you I don't care."
"Ok well lets just start with the ferris wheel first then see if there is anything else you wanna do or ride"
With that we both ran to the ferris wheel. When we got on it started to go up and I grabbed her hand again. When we get to the top it stops moving.
"What happened?"
"It might be stuck but it should start moving again soon."
"Ok" I look over at her and notice shes already looking at me. We both start to lean in and right before our lips touch the ride started moving again which startled both of us so we moved back.

When we got off we went on a few more rides than it was time to call it a night. I drove her home and when we got to her house I walked her to the door.
She said " I had a really good time with you tonight"
"So did I"
We lean in again and this time our lips touch for the 3rd time and it felt magical just like all the other times.
"I'll text you later" she tells me.
"Ok. Bye Bambi I love you."
"I love you too Ambs."
She went inside and I went to my car.
I really enjoyed tonight and I really enjoyed being with her. I cant believe that shes my girlfriend.

A/n chapter 9 in done. Yay! I cant believe this story is almost over. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you liked reading it. Anyways time for me to start writing chapter 10- falyn.

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