Krii7y- Smut

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So basically The guys are in highschool and hang out all the time but suddenly the new guy sweeps John off his feet possibly turning this straight man gay. Any mistakes Ma people?

John's P.O.V

Evan, Jon, Luke, and Brian were playing with a football practically trying to kill someone ducking over people and Flying through the air. In the corner of my eye I could see Lui and David flirting without even knowing it "Why don't you guys fuck already!" Brock laughed "I could tell you the same with Brian!!" Lui squeaked making Brian stop playing and walk to Lui "Whaddya need?" He asked all sweaty.

Next thing I know Lui whispered something in Brian's ear making him turn pink but he smiled nodding. He walked to the Confused Brock kissing pulling him up by his ass as he moaned. I looked away being embarrassed for them since we were in the lunch room where everyone else could see.

Marcel and Scotty finally came back from fucking In the bathroom and I sighed aloud and rolled my eyes "What's wrong John?" Tyler asked punching my arm lightly "Nothing Ty....." I groaned "Oh yes there is He's just mad that all his gay friends have boyfriend's when he has straight people problems" Evan pointed out "Well yeah I have straight people problems I'm not fucking gay...No offense of course you guys are pretty cool I'm just not gay..." I stated in defense. A loud clang was heard from a group of girls staring at the entrance.

"OH MY GOD THERE HE IS!!!" a girl screamed at the top of their lungs and soon the was a crowd around someone but all I could see was a spinny hat that was red blue and yellow along with white streaked hair. "G-Guys Please can I eat..." He said trying not to be rude but I groaned knowing these bitches had no clue as to what personal space was when it came to new People.

"Hey Bitches! When the guy want to fucking eat give him a break!" I yelled at them as they all scattered leaving him standing there smiling nervously.

"Thanks I'm not much of an obnoxious person I can't tell people no..." He said walking to me as I examined him he wore black fishnetted fingerless gloves, with a long white sleeve shirt on along, with a short sleeve tan Jean jacket with, Two different colored lensed sunglasses, diamand studded earrings, ripped white jeans, and matching checkered vans.

He held out his nails revealing brightly colored nails "I'm Jaren but you can call me Smitty!" He was cheery and smiling brightly I gladly grabbed his hand shaking it lightly as my stomach knotted up feeling as if weights in my body had been dropped.

He was almost flawless.... I couldn't stop staring at him.....
He suddenly furrowed a brow and waved his hand in my face making him go a shade of pink "Um are you okay?" He asked as I snapped back into reality "Oh uh yeah I'm John but you can Call me Knight in shining armor" I joked as he crinkled his nose and began to laugh but snorted making him stop but when He smiled the way he did it made my heart flutter.

I became at a loss of words watching his snowy skin turn to a bright shade of red. "I-I'm so sorry.." he apologized and I shook my head "Don't be! That was the most purest thing I've heard in my life" my heart stopped as I realized what I said.

He looked up at me with a smile "R-Really?" He asked "Y-Yeah! Of course you're adorable!- I mean Like you're cute or not or whatever!" I finally stopped as he giggled lightly making my heart melt. Then I realized all my friends were watching "Sorry But I gotta-" "Wait!" He stopped me grabbing my hand putting something in it "It was nice to meet you John" he said with a wink.

I ran off to the bathroom hiding in the stall letting my brain adjust to everything that had just happened but one thing stuck with me.

I'm not gay.

My butt started to vibrate from my spamming friends But I turned my notifications off then realized I still had that peice of paper Jaren gave me. I opened it up to see a phone number along with a small milk bag and glasses. I put in the number and Texted him 'Hey It's John I was wondering if you'd wanna come over to my place after school me and some friends are gonna hang out there if you wanna come?'

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