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I like doing these Fack off comment section I see you typing "You do too many of these" "make porn!" Now I would make porn with pleasure because I'm just as perverted as you but this one just came across me in a dream I don't wanna give anything away or a description because It will explain as the story goes on.

Brock's P.O.V

As my dad started to preach to our family about our Lord someone bursted through the door at was our neighbor Phil. He was breathless and worried so of course my parents and I imeadiatly ran to him. "Phillis what's the matter my dear old man?" my father politely asked
And he looked up with a traumatized look. (WARNING RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM) "there's Niggers moving into town next door to you!!" He yelled.

I went wide eyed knowing of what my father told me of black people he said that they shot people, would kill me, go to jail, wear saggy pants, smoked illegal drugs, and worst of all didn't believe in god. I feared for the worst "Well we'll have to show them porch monkeys who runs this neighborhood" my father said with a smile.

My father an Phil started to talk inside the prayer room with the door shut. My mother sat in her chair with a smile knitting a ball of yarn into a sweater she had worked weeks on. "Momma" I said to get her attention and she looked up at me smiling even more.

"Yes my sweet child?" She asked showing she understood I had a questions "Why don't we make peace with the black people?" She smacked me across the face and started to talk loudly "Don't speak that way to me in your father's house! Those damn niggers are nothing but a nuisance son they don't want our help we've tried making them have a purpose on this Earth before baby boy but they fought for something that they could of let go of" she stopped speaking as I rubbed over the red mark where the slap print lay.

"What was that mother?" I asked but she didn't respond so I let it go. It was time for lights out As I went to my bedroom I could hear mother and father whispering to each other.

"Tonight while they're sleeping we'll beat on their door then harrass them while beating the black woman's husband to teach those damn niggers a lesson never to mess with the Superior race "

My heart dropped.

Surely these poor black folks didn't mean any harm. My father didn't leave the house to greet them or anything if the sorts besides talk trash about them.
They did us no wrong and surely not everyone is the same thats why God gives us chances. We know nothing about these people yet they're going to hurt them I gotta stop them.

I ran down my stair way and out my door to see a crowd of people around a house and I jolted for it. "Robert!!" A womans voice cried out "please stop!!!" She yelled again my father spotted me from the corner of his eyes and yelled for me. "there's my boy come teach this small nigger a lesson!" There was a boy my age struggling while his father was trying to fight back and his mother crying on the porch.

I imeadiatly stood in front Of the boy facing the neighborhood. "Son wrong way" my father snapped "No! These people don't deserve this! They don't deserve this hate!" I yelled at my dad. "Marcel Run boy now's your chance!" His mother yelled I grabbed his hand and looked in his eyes and he understood.

I started to run away from the crowd with his hand in mine far from his home. I had taken him to a playground I found a while back that I played on as a child. "you stood up for me..." He whispered breathless "Yes I did" I confirmed his words as he looked at me as if I were crazy. "You stood up for me infront of all those people that wanted to hurt me" he responded with a slight smile.

"It's not right for them to do that to your family I'm sorry" I sighed out explaining myself "I misjudged your color for so long not knowing it was wrong my father was raised a Faithful man to God along with my mother and raised me the same way or I thought so It wasn't until today when I heard you were moving in that I thought to think of things that made more sense then stereotyping you that's not what god about he loves eveyone...."

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