Terrorsnuckel- Smut

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So basically Brock (Moo snuckel) is a nerd and Brian (Terrorizer) is the new kid and the bad ass jock that doesn't give two fucks about anyone that is until he meets Brocky poo~ any mistakes

Brian's P.O.V

I got up from my bed feeling groggy and still tired. "Wake up Brian!!" My ma chirped happily coming in my room looking like an accountant "Shut the fock up!" I yelled "Oh kids these days I love you too!" She giggled out walking out of my room. I got up digging through my box of clothes since we had just moved here from Ireland me and my parents had got a new start. It was as simple as this...... my parents killed people for money.

Not that I cared it put food on the table clothes on our backs and a roof over my head. It was a good life but they acted as if everything they did was fine that's why I wear tight clothes or smoke and cuss them out just some sort of reaction would of been fine but they laugh or joke about it.

I threw on my leather jacket with my hanes tank top with my tight black skinny jeans and black converse with a cigarette tucked behind my ear. I walked downstairs feeling annoyed seeing all the pictures on the wall where I would fair being happy but the final steps I go on I just stopped trying to be happy or just normal.

I walked into the kitchen seeing my father reading the paper as I reached to the table for an orange "I'm going to kill myself Tonight" I told them with a dead serious face "That's great son!" Mom joyed "Nice try son but you know you won't even come close" Dad chuckled. I groaned "You guys fucking suck dick" Dad laughed harshly "Says the queer" I slammed my hands down on the table.

"I'm not fucking gay I like girls and Guys!" I yelled and he chuckled "Say what you want if you still check out guys you're fucking gay Son," I rolled my eyes walking out the front door. As the bus came at my doorstep everyone stared at me as I got on.  I lit up a cigarette and sat in the way back where no one was. 

Suddenly whispered exploded barely trying to lower their voices.

"Oh my God he's so cool"

"Fucking hot"

"He looks like he hates his parents"

"Do you think he's single?"

"Maybe he's gay"

"He has a nice ass"

I rolled my eyes with a groan Moving out of the bus walking to my first period which was Literature. I walked in and everyone turned their heads I looked at the teacher checking her out and smirked "All right everyone Meet our new student Brian Hanby I expect you to treat him with the same amount of love and respect as any other of your peers" she said with a bright yet ever so dyingly numb smile.

She pointed to a seat in the right corner of the class room "You can sit next to Peter Brian" I walked across the room and plopped down in my seat and Peter started to poke me "Coulid you not?" I asked him in an annoyed tone "Sorry I don't speak Immigrant" that's when I snapped throwing a hook into his face then swung harshly into his chest.

OFFICE!!" the teacher yelled as I backed off him fixing my hair with a smile "Then I guess I'm going to the principal's office sweet shit" I chuckled punching him again making sure she saw.

"MR. HANBY PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!" She yelled at me as I walked out the door "See ya" I laughed roaming the empty halls then I saw some kids pushing around this boy "Hey bitches!" I yelled running to the person in distress. The guys that were shoving the kid looked over at me "What the fuck do you want?" The taller one demanded.

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