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Imagine your best friend that you've fallen for complaining about his girlfriend that you supported him getting even though it broke your heart.

Tyler's P.O.V

I asked Craig if I could come over to talk and him being the kind person He is agreed with open arms. Me and Kelley keep fighting by yelling, arguing, even sometimes she'll get violent and throw shit. She'd been my girlfriend around a month and things had only gotten worse. She tried to get rid of my dog, she starts fights, tried to get rid of my friends, and is an attention whore and not the good kind.

Pulling up to Craig's house made me have a homey feeling making me feel much better. I ran up to his door and knocked he answered the door smiling like a goofball. I hugged him and he hugged me and this was the norm we didn't mind hugs, hand holding, or cuddling because He was straight as fuck And I was Bi.

We've been best friends for our whole lives basically Craig moved to L.A. when he was younger then being the kid I was I had the balls to go over to his house and Invite him over to play with me. We grew close as best friends but then I started to date girls in highschool and Craig became suddenly distant but whenever I confronted him about it he would be supportive and unconditionally agree with my choice in women.

"Hey Ty! It's great to see ya man"
He greeted me and I smiled back "Hey Craig How've you been?" As soon as I asked him he paused and breathed out. "Meh" I nodded with a chuckle "agreeable" I said patting his back. "So what did you wanna talk about Ty?" I then remembered why I came here.

I sighed feeling somewhat annoyed just by remembering Kelley. "Well it's about-" "Kelley right?" He snapped in but his face didn't show anger. It didn't show annoyance, just a smile but his eyes were raging over all hell fire. He was holding back many choice words just smiling through them "Yeah well she's always-" "Starting fights?" He finished my sentence before I could. He wasn't happy but it wasn't me he was annoyed with me not at me if that makes sense.

Something was very wrong with this man and he seemed as if he were going to break if he said another word or even breathe too harshly. He was shaking with every step he would take and everything around him brought a sad feeling. "Craig are you alright?" I asked walking back over to him just for him to walk away he had walked to his kitchen and said "I'll make some tea.." Now I knew something was fucked up he doesn't know how to make tea! (He really does in real life but for the sake of the story and Tyler please don't correct me)

I practically ran after that man then he lashed out with a red face "Why does it matter if some girl is making you so upset that you have to come complain about her?! How long has she known you! You barely even know her!" He was on the verge on tears but not yet making sure his yelling made it's way to me. I didn't know why he was so angry but he sure as hell did. "What are you talking about Craig?" I asked calmly trying to get him to calm down. I only made him worse.

"She's not what you want Tyler! She's not what you need!" He yelled at me now at his breaking point "How do you know what I want or What I need Craig you just need to calm down" I told him as he shook his head. "I'm not calming down Tyler I know What you Need I know what you want and it's not her!" He wasn't going to stop whatsoever he was determined to do whatever he had too.

"Y'know what I'm gonna go for a little drive okay!" He said walking out the room grabbing his keys tightly in his hand. I was willing to wait for him because He was obviously struggling with something and I wasn't just going to bail on him. He was pretty upset I'd never seen him cry like that or ever have him yell at me at least not that seriously.

He was hiding something from me and God I gotta know Whatever he was hiding was killing him to hide. He was using such force to keep down the demons lurking just inches out of his mouth. Then I realized he was telling me the truth and all I did was tell him to calm down or that he didn't know what he was talking about. I couldn't help but feel guilty that he ran off.

I waited for three hours and by then it had started to get dark but I didn't care. He finally came through the front door a crying mess still. I rushed over to him and before he could get a word, geture, or sound out I hugged him. It wasn't like our other hugs this one felt difference it felt new in a way. He hugged me back tightly and exhaled into my torso.

My heart began to pound out of my chest at Craig's touch. "I'm sorry for yelling at you...." He apologized and I shook my head "No You deserve to for whatever reason you did I deserved it I was being a bitch" he tensed up. "So you don't even know why I yelled at you?" He sounded sad again making me feel like I fucked Up "not exactly?" He pushed me away running upstairs followed by a loud Slam.

I went after him only to find a locked door and a crying man behind it "Craig please open the door..." I said trying the knob again even if it was locked "go home you're happier with Kelley..." Is that what this is about? "Craig you're my best friend in the whole wide world I could never be happier with anyone else other then you" I smiled at my own words knowing they were true.

"No one knows the true happiness I get off of being around you, you make my world go round Craig I couldn't live without you You're my peanut butter to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I need you Craig without you I'm so lost hell I don't know what I'd do without you" he giggled "You know I hate Peanut butter" he commented making me laugh. Then my heart dropped I just fell for the man I've known my whole life and I've been blind to it.

"Craig I need to get something off my chest I may have just realized it but It's the truth and nothing but the truth" I told him and he chuckled "What would that be?" He asked and I sighed. "Craig Joseph Thompson I love your nerdy ass" the door swung open and he jumped into my arms squeezing me "I've been waiting 12 years to hear those words fucker!" He said excitedly.

"So now that we both know we love each other and you're mine because If anyone else tries to touch you they're dead but you said you knew what I wanted and needed what is it that I need and want?" I asked him and he giggled kissing my nose "You even said it yourself you need me..."

Okay it may be short but I really did like this one I had come across the topic Bestfriends and it showed that over 60% of people had dated their best friend some time in their life so I took my research and put it into my story.

Anyways I love you guys or guy or girl or you in general or you unisex I dunno all of them it's overwhelming

as always...

Leedle Lee Ma Doods 🤠

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