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So Person A being sweet kind and the perfect neighbor has a break in caused by person B being there for a specific reason. Switched roles.

Marcel's P.O.V

I smiled picking flowers from my garden carrying them inside to put them in a light blue vase. I loved and adored flowers they're all different yet beautiful and unique in every way. Like people are they have flaws but most fall through them.

I looked at my pictures of me and all my friends placed neatly in frames across the walls of my home. I saw Tyler, me, Craig, Evan, John, Jared, and Scott....

I looked away in pain remembering his sweet smile anytime He'd see me making me feel like a school girl. I wish he was gay. He was always the top guy at our school he was a quarter back, dated all the prettiest girls, and was super smart.

I'd always give him Good morning hugs and bye hugs sometimes he'd let me hold his hand. He didn't mind any of that stuff we did because I never told him I was gay. If I did he probably would of never talked to me again and would bully me. He teased Craig and Tyler but they were a couple and had planned to be a couple I was just a gay loner with a crush on a straight guy.

But our Senior year he found out I was gay and shut me out completely. He wouldn't even look at me.

I sighed starting to fill the vase with cold water. I stopped filling up my vase when I heard footsteps in my home. I set down the vase gently grabbing a metal cooking spoon from the counter being the closest thing to me.

I saw a man make me jump falling back onto the ground making a lot of racket. "I-I'm Calling the police!" I stuttered out he turned around and I dropped the spoon "Would you really call the police on your best friend?" It was Scott. I backed up scared and confused "W-What are you doing in my house?" I asked shakily getting up.

He walked over to me with a sigh
And held my hands rubbing over my knuckles making my face heat up. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you.." he said with a said smile but kept going "...It's been two years since we've graduated highschool and in those two years I've been thinking about you..." He chuckled lightly "No matter how hard I tried to lock it away Or shove my feelings down they came back stronger like a knife in my heart.."

He got on his knee and held my hands to his cheeks. "I never wanted to be gay because I was scared of being judged and I guess that's what you did in highschool. You were always there for me, listened to me, helped me, talked to me, became my best friend Marcy. I shut you out not only because you were gay because I was scared you were turning my feelings for you gay..That's why I think I let you hold my hand, lay down on me when you were tired, or hug me all the time because I really liked it deep down inside.." Scott looked up at me with a smile.

"I've come across the country to see you Craig told me where you lived and that was all I needed..." He stood up and hugged me "Whoever you're with tell them you're mine. I love you Marcel with all my heart you bring me happiness and care you make me think twice before I do something stupid you're my rock and Soul please please please be with me I can't bare to live without you Marcel!" He was crying now trembling I hugged him tightly.

"I love you too" I whispered with a giggled letting this unrealistic moment sink in like a fantasy. He picked me up and kissed me on the lips as I kissed back with a smile. "Why didn't you knock stupid?" I asked with a chuckle he shook his "I wanted to surprise you..." He chuckled nervously.

3 months later...

"What if you broke into some random guys house when you came that day?" We laughed together locking eyes afterwards "No I checked your mail box I knew it was your house from the name..." He assured me, He kissed my cheek then he bit my ear making me push him away "Noooo! You're so mean!" I whinned.

"Psh yeah right come here little boy!" I ran from him yelling and screaming "Noo!" I laughed out falling over with a giggle. He stood over top of me with a wide smile "I gotcha" He said helping me up. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked me with a warming smile "Always" I responded with a giggle

Kinda weird to come back to Wattpad and see almost 900 reads that means a lot to me boys!
Anyways I love you guys or guy or girl or you in general or you unisex I dunno all of them it's overwhelming

as always...

Leedle Lee Ma Doods 🤠

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