Minirizer- Smut

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Basically if Brian was a porn star and Craig was his boyfriend but brought work home it will be really cheesey and cringey so Yas.

Craig's P.O.V

I continued to read while Music played in the background I looked over from my book to Brian to see a devilish smile on his face making me hide my face in my book again. "Hey babe I gotta go swing by the set for a second but I'll be right back~" he said with a wink walking out the room.

Of course my boyfriend was a kinky fuck. Did I mind? Fuck no. Do I mind He fucks other people for a living? Kinda but that's his job and he makes a lot so I can't complain. I know he loves me and could care less about the people he's acting with.

He always showers me with affection anytime he sees me or won't take his eyes off me or even better he won't take him hands off me. Now don't get me wrong it is kinda fucked up to date a guy that could possibly could have received herpes from a stranger. Do I care? Fuck no.

I decided to ask Brian out a few years after highschool since we still hung out constantly and I knew about his career and I knew about him but all that mattered was the man I loved. He was a strange one in School but he was always curious to try new things and I was always an 'assistant' in his new Ideas.

He got to experiment and I got my first kind of love. We didn't date in highschool but we were basically fuck buddies and our friendship grew from there even after highschool We would meet at my house and fuck our brains out.

I decided to stop reading and clean up a little but since the house was somewhat messy. I started to scrub our dining table To give it an extra shine suddenly firm hands gripped my hips "Hey baby~" he whispered In my ear rocking his hips against mine "Hi daddy" I said with a smile turning around to see him inches from my face.

I closed the space with a deep and passionate kiss wrapping my limbs around his body. Our kiss became heated as he ran his hands over my ass groping obnoxiously while I pulled at his hair hungrily. "fuck let's take this upstairs" he said starting to walk but I managed to pant out "No Here~"

He pushed me on the counter continuing to kiss me leaving a trail of Hickeys from my jawline down to my v-line. I moaned in ecstasy as his touch made it's way to my tented sweat pants. He palmed me gently careful not to put too much pressure so I wouldn't cum on myself.

"Damn baby I love your noises so fuckin much~" he breathed onto my neck making me roll my eyes back with a whine "Wanna taste daddy?" He asked with a smile and I nodded imeadiatly he pulled me off the counter and in the floor on my knees. I looked at him waiting for permission to tear off his boxers and suck him dry.

He nodded lightly giving me the signal with only 2 words "Choke Yourself" I unzipped his pants while pulling down his boxers and my eyes met his large hardened cock. I smiled and started to kitten lick his tip making him twitch. I took him in about half way swirling my tounge around his size making him in a daze.

"F-Fuck you're good at this..." He breathed out gripping onto the counter tightly he started to run his hands through my hair making me purr in delight. I started to choke myself on him making him groan in place he was close I could tell by how badly his legs were shaking.

When he came in my mouth I swallowed his seed with a smile turning him into an aroused beast. "table now." He commanded as I stood up he pushed me onto the table tearing off my pants and without a Warning he slammed inside of me making me scream for him.

"Harder!" I cried out with a moan. As He pounded into me my walls tightened around him amking him groan softly My noises were becoming unaudible and just random words that weren't even real. He pushed his full length in my making me tear into him back with my nails.

"Fuck!" He moaned out coming inside of me and I came on our abdomens. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out sitting down "Ride me" and like I was told I rode him. With every bounce I cried out in pleasure with the guidance of his hands and hips this was amazing. What made it even better was when he hit my prostate.

"Damnit There again Brian!!~" I moaned out as he did as he was told pounding me into that spot at his full length driving me crazy "I'm close!~" I gasped out and he pulled at my shoulder "Me too!" He said shakily.

He came into me once again me following shortly after him gasping for air as he stood overtop of me with beads of sweat dripping down his Forehead. He smiled down at me
As I struggled to catch my breath
"You're so cute when you're beneath daddy" he whispered in my ear making me shiver with pleasure.

This was honestly fucking cringey so yeah I hate myself now just for writing this. FUUUUUUCK just reading over it it's so cheesey it's like a really cheap porno or some shit.

Anyways I love you guys or guy or girl or you in general or you unisex I dunno all of them it's overwhelming

as always...

Leedle Lee Ma Doods 🤠

I hate this but my Gabby said "if you don't put this in you're a pussy" and I damn well am no pussy.

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