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2p Miniladd and Miniladd have Some how been swapped of worlds leaving them exactly where their Opposite was which happens To Leave 2p in 1ps Bed.

2p Craig's P.O.V

I woke up looking at a clock flashing 8:47 A.M. I groaned in pain. As I looked around my surroundings I was Confused this wasn't my room. I saw pictures that had me in them with Tyler but He wasn't wearing his sweater or His ripped jeans. I was Wearing A hoodie and ripped jeans instead Plus I looked shorter then Tyler.

I looked in my bed to see Tyler Missing "Tyler Where the fuck are you!" I yelled Grabbing my glasses off the Nightstand looking through what's supposed to be my closet "Babe what's wrong?" Someone that sounded and kinda Looked like Tyler walked in the room.

"You're not Tyler" I told him feeling kinda disgusted. Where's my Tyler and who the fuck is this guy "What do You mean?-did you hit a late growth Spurt babe?"
He started to get closer to me comparing our height seeing U was somewhat Taller then him. "Haha Okay Tyler very Funny Jokes Over you can put back on your normal clothes and stop with that weird ass voice" I told him picking out something that didn't make me look like a girl.

"Craig you're being an asshole dude and what are you talking about?!" He yelled making me snap "Don't you get loud with me I said quit the shit Ty!" I got loud and Angry he stepped back. "You're not my Craig.." he tried to walk away but I grabbed his wrist tightly "Tyler don't walk away from me" I said sternly.

He looked kind of angry and struggled "Craig let Go!" He yelled "Fucking listen to me when I speak I dont know what has you acting this way but It needs to stop Tyler or you will be punished" I told him sternly pulling him into my chest making him blush.

"What are you talking about This is Me! I'm acting like me!" He said confused with a snarl "Okay then If you're done acting like a jackass Go put on your fucking clothes like a good boy. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you today But I don't like your attitude" I said letting him go walking out the room.

Tyler's P.O.V

I guess that asshole wants me to put on his clothes? I dunno. He came back in the room with a sigh "The sweater And jeans Ty did you forget what your clothes looked like?" He said handing them to me and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you that's not like me just please listen to me next time...You know I hate yelling at you I love you You were so sweet when we met and gentle I just want you to be you Not me.. okay?" He asked me making and I nodded as he walked out. Now I was confused and slightly happy at the same time. I think he hit his head or something because he's acting like I'm some sunflower, shy like, bottom bitch.

I tried putting on the clothes since he was being nicer and he apologized. They did fit and were surprisingly comfortable I walked out feeling stupid but as soon as he looked up he bit his lip and smiled "There's my baby!" He chuckled running to me and embraced me with a hug "So whaddya wanna do today?" I asked him as he broke the hug an just decided to hold my hand instead.

"How about seeing John and Jared?" He sueggested with a smile and I shrugged with a chuckle, we walked out to the car and as I was about to get In the driver's seat he looked at me funny "You? Wanna drive?" He chuckled softly. "Uh yeah did you wanna drive?" I asked him "No it's just strange you usually get nervous driving You use the excuse You don't know how sometimes" I laughed with him but I had no clue what he was talking about.

As I drove to Their house Craig groaned "Can you go faster You drive like my Brother" He joked and I looked at him crazy this time Usually Craig hates going fast and always tells me to slow down. I went faster and we arrived there "Hey babe Hold my hand" He told me and I did as he said.

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