BasicallyFour0Seven- SCL

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Scotty (Four0Seven) is stuck being a nurse for a man that has been put in the hospital and is slowly falling for him.

Scotty's P.O.V

I walked into the nurses station picking up pills for Mr. Fong and Mr. Smith. Suddenly an ambulance pulled up to the front building the burn team was there too along with most the doctors on our floor. They were pulling an African American male out in a stretcher "Scott we need you in his room with burn squad!" Dr. Thompson ordered as I obliged.

After an hour and lots of bandages he was all patched up from head to toe I sat in his room reading his report He had been in an really bad accident which proceeded to get worse then his car blew up. He coughed and tried to sit up but I held him down "Sir don't move" I pleased seeing that his bandages bled badly from his sudden movements.

"Sir do you know where you are?" I Asked him with a gentle smile "Uh a hospital I guess but what happened?" He must've received head trauma. "You were in a collision with a drunk driver Your car had engulfed in flames and this is the end result" he seemed sad and broken "Most of your bones are broken but They aren't serious you could get out of the hospital in at least a year or s-" "A year?! I can't be in a damn bed for a year! What am I going to do About my j-" "Your workplace was notified and was willing to pay for your hospital stay" he calmed down with a sigh.

"What if I uh y'know.." he got bright and I laughed "You mean shit and piss? Well you will be inserted with a catheter and I will assist you with your other duties as you please" he looked embarrassed then got really wide eyed "Wait you mean that thing that goes in my dick?!" He practically yelled and I giggled hushing him.

"Yes but you can request who ever you want to put it in I have a li-" "Can You just put it in now to get it over with?" He was red faced and I nodded. I grabbed a catheter shutting the door lifting his gown half way "Can you sit me up so I can see what your doing?" He asked nervously and I obliged "Of course Mr. Cunningham" He smiled at his name and eased up.

I pulled his remote which sat his bed up so he could get a clear view. "now before I do anything I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do" I informed him as he stayed quiet "I'm gonna pinch the tip then make sure the tube is in there nice and far so it doesn't fall out any questions?" I asked and he nodded "So it's going in my dick?" He looked paler as his words became devastation.

"Yes sir directly in and no where else I promise no tubes any where else well except in your arms but other then that No tubes okay?" I could notice how worried he was "It's gonna be really quick I promise" I told him putting on my gloves.

I pinched his tip making him flinch and put in the catheter making him fiddle with his thumbs then I pulled down his gown "All done!" I said enthusiasticly "Thank God I can't handle that at all" he sighed out. I chuckled "And why is that Mr. Cunningham?" He was a tomato once more "Well y'know I have a dick and Single player sex thin-" "I get it!" I laughed out.

"Well I have to do it 4 times a day Mr. Cunningham so you best get comfy in your single player game as you call it and no sudden movements or increased heart beats I will get an alert at my desk if so and It is my duty to check on you when such happens" I told him much further then needed then he groaned out in annoyance.

I walked out the room and about an hour later he pinged me in "Yes Mr. Cunningham?" I asked finishing up a file report "I need something to drink......" he spoke quietly and quick. "Alright I am on my way sir" I said pinging out.

I walked in his room to find him asleep with the button in his hand. "Mr Cunningham!" I whispered softly and he woke up with a yawn "I wasn't asleep!" He shot up Immeadiatly. "I have your Water along with your medicine Make sure you get plenty of sleep good night si-" "Just stop with that sir shit Just call me Marcel" he said snappily as I was walking out the room.

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