Happy Heart | Sarah Paulson ft. You♡

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You are the most beautiful thing I keep inside my heart

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You are the most beautiful thing I keep inside my heart.

There she was so precious, so soft, so cute and so perfect all bundled up in the soft material that kept her warm. You couldn't believe that she looked like you or your wife, this was your child who looked like you and you never thought in a million years this would happen till this very moment. This baby had Sarah's nose and ears but she had your lips and (y/h/c) it was such a good combination of everything. Your heart swelled up seeing her being held in Sarah's arms and all of this was new to you because you've never seen Sarah hold a baby except on TV but this was very different. You couldn't be any happier, this was the best day of your life besides finding out that your wife Sarah was pregnant. This baby formed in her and came out of her and you were so proud of your wife for doing something so special.

"She's so perfect honey" Sarah taking her eyes off from the baby that probably have pinned onto the small child for quite some time but you could less about it. "She really is, I'm just...speechless how you well did on delivering our daughter like...just wow...Sar." You said almost choking on your words due to you being so astonished by what you saw for the past few months up till now.

"(y/n) you're filling my head up again with the sweet words."

"You know it's true because I love you so much Sarah and our daughter" you said as your lips made contact with her forehead. she had the biggest beam on her face but her eyes looked fatigue from all the pushing she had to do. "Lin Catharine Paulson (y/l/n)" you said out loud as you cupped the top of baby's head.

Sarah chose this name since, well let's just say your taste of names were interesting because you wanted to name you daughter after Sarah's characters from American horror story. So you two agreed on Lin which you can agree that sounded better than Cordelia or Wilhemina even though you thought they sounded good but instead Sarah giggled at your choices. Which you couldn't be annoyed about since she is the most precious person in your whole life.

When you first met Sarah it was like heaven by the way she looked at you and how goofy she was. It was like she was a drug but she wasn't she was Sarah Paulson the person who could make all of your problems go away instant. The most beautiful person that you laid your eyes on that very day when you saw her at your work when she came in for her usual coffee and deseret before she headed off to set everyday. You made sure to serve her every time she came in and not anyone else because you just wanted to see her and she started noticing it. The way she spoke to you was like music to your ears and you couldn't snap out of your admiration of her facial features and her lovely body.

You weren't the one who asked her out she was the one because your shift ended at the cafe that one day and she would just sit there and wait till you were done working. That moment made your heart race since this is Sarah Paulson, the person you had a crush on for a very long time. Many things raced through your head that day since she was an older woman and you were younger than her, but there was that one thing that sparked in her about you was how special you were. Your actions towards her were so sweet and caring something she never thought she would see in someones age like you ever since she's been so used to being dating older people. 

Everyday you would make sure to be at the cafe everyday even if you were sick but you didn't always get away with it. With that it made Sarah worried thinking that she was being too much by coming in but your best friend (y/f/n) who worked with you told her that you were out sick and made sure to give her your number. Ever since that day she would stop by your place and see how you were doing but she started doing it everyday and that's when you knew she really liked you a lot.

For sometime in your life hasn't always been so happy or perfect but Sarah she helped you through your tough times making sure that you were okay. This was God's way of blessing you with someone so perfect and so great that understood you. Sarah loved you so much and never wanted anything to happen to you until that one day, you got into an accident on the way home from work but it wasn't anything major it just scared the shit out of Sarah. She came crying into the hospital with her best friend Amanda who drove her there since she wasn't cable of driving especially not when she was sobbing her eyes out about you.

Sarah and you at that point were together for a whole solid year and you knew it was a bad timing to be asking her the big question especially in this kind of accident or even in the hospital since your original plan was to ask that night when you took her out like you promised. You told her that you were going to be okay and it wasn't anything major just for small cuts on your legs and face. Sarah hugged you and didn't want to let go of her so you thought just do it now and you asked the four words "will you marry me?" whispering into her ear. "yes I will marry you (y/n)" you both shared a long kiss and cried into one another's embrace.

The wedding was truly special and magical for both you two but very emotional for Sarah since she never saw herself getting married in the future or in general. With that you changed her perspective on that because you made her feel special every time and she was truly thankful to have you in her life. A few months passed you got a new job with Ryan Murphy but you and Sarah was pregnant with your child, yeah your child since you two decided to use your egg but she was carrying the baby.

Ever since that day you kept an eye close on her making sure to be by her side if she ever felt uncomfortable or needed something and she was so happy to have you taking care of her otherwise she wouldn't be able to do it all on her own. And here you are now with your wife and daughter "honey?" Sarah stroking your cheek since you were zoning out how fast life changed for you. "Mm what? Sorry" you said, as you looked at her sharing each other gazes "what are you thinking about sweetheart?"

"I was just thinking about how we first met, us getting married, you getting pregnant and well us being here holding our daughter that you brought into the world."

"I couldn't have done it at all without you honey" her lips touching yours, they tasted sweet as you cupped her face but carefully since she was still holding on to your precious angle. "I love you," you said pulling away. "I love you so so much (y/n)" Sarah smiling happily at you.

Your heart was so happy to the point it could burst at any moment due to everything happening with Sarah and you. People are right when you meet someone you know they are the one, the person who want to make memories with you, even the painful ones but you learn and grow from them to create new ones. That one special is the person is the one who should make you happy but if they don't then eventually one day you'll find the right person.

The end ♡

Okay, I tried on this so I'm sorry if it's all over the place but I hope you guys enjoy it. :)

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