Forsaken Memory | Sally ft. You♡

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I  get lost in my own head and it's a damn nightmare every time

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I  get lost in my own head and it's a damn nightmare every time.

The cold air to your apartment felt dead and empty but the only thing that was still wandering there was you. All alone and no one to hold just like the good old days where you and your girlfriend. You felt so safe in her arms but then it all went to shit that one night and you still feel guilty to this day about it.

Heartbroken, guilty and regretful everything that you could imagine. The words you said to her when you got angry when you found that she had cheated on you with a guy, yeah a guy when you thought she wasn't straight or bi but she lied to you. Word after word came flying out of your mouth and not realizing what you were saying to her made her stand there in shock as the tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her whole world crushed into a million pieces along with you, you couldn't bare to look at her. She wasn't the person who you loved or made love to she was someone else. The person who used you to have sex with and not love you fully but fell out love for you with someone better than you. That night was painful to you, too painful for your liking but it was what it was.

After that argument, you left your apartment and walked a couple of blocks to Hotel Cortez that wasn't too far from your apartment. All you wanted to do was escape from the world and everything else that was going on that night. Then the minute you stepped foot into that hotel something was telling you that this place was off but you didn't give a shit what could happen. You checked into the front desk where you saw a woman reading the newspaper with black glasses on.

Carpets with geometrical shapes, old wooden that looked polished and brand new, chairs and couches sitting in the middle in weird positions, lights hanging above your head that looked sharp daggers hanging upside down on the old ceilings and everything looked untouched too untouched. The hotel smelled musty and old like no one has cleaned it but just left it to sit and rot for unknown reasons.

"What brings you to hotel Cortez all alone?" The woman speaking who was sitting behind the desk. "I needed to be alone for the night" looking around to see if there was any else here but you didn't think too much about since the guests could be sleeping at this very moment. "Being alone here is very rare especially when you're alone" the woman staring intently at you which made you feel uneasy.

"Umm, can I just get a room for the night please?" Asking while you looked over to see her name tag that read Iris. Iris gave you a quick smile and walked over to the back wall where the room keys were kept. "Room 43 is yours" Iris handing you over the key, you quickly took it and left heading towards the elevators but when you got it felt like you were being watched so pushed the button that took you to the second floor.

"There is something very off about this shit hole" mumbling as you walked out of the elevator. Echos of your feet bounced off the dead, cold and dark walls of the hotel as you kept walking to your room. Room 43 was your room it's always been your room ever since you kept coming back to the hotel but you stopped for going there. The doorknob felt cold as you touched it when you opened up the door that looked untouched just like everything else in the hotel.

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