The love Story | Sarah Paulson ft. You♡

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"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you

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"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you."

Sarah Catharine Paulson was her name, everyone in the whole school had a crush on her. Her laugh and smile were the key things that would brighten up anyone's day if it was shitty or even just a normal day. For me I saw something else, it was her personality that got me so drawn to her.

But for me, I would get so annoyed whenever the guys would check her out or ask her out multiple times but she would decline each time. I think she knew that it bugged me since she would catch me glancing at them whenever they did it but I quickly looked away so she couldn't see me being a creep for staring at her 24/7.

We weren't friends but whenever the college professors told us to work with one another it was like she knew me. It was really weird but also perfect. Sarah's voice was cute and precious just like everyone said and the lisp it was the perfect touch to her. I wanted to talk to her more but my shy ass couldn't do it and I would be annoyed with myself for not making any effort.

"Hey (y/n)!" Oh god her voice is so damn adorable. "Mm yes?" Turning so you could see her face, her dark brown eyes took your breath away every time she would look at you. "No need to be shy around me sugar" Sarah giggling a little at you. "Sugar?" Asking her but she just giggled at you some more. "Yes sugar is what I'm calling you and how would you like to hang out with me today sugar?" Was I fucking dreaming or did she really ask me to have lunch with her???

"Absolutely!" You said almost too loud for the whole universe to hear you. "Great! Meet me after school then sugar!" Sarah waking off to head to her next class. For the rest of the day, it moves very slow to the point you fell asleep in your writing class. "Psshhpp (y/n) wake up" your best friend Evan nudging you in the arm. "W-What?" Sleepily talking as you tried to adjust yourself in the seat.

"Jeesh (y/n) how late did you stay up last night?" Evan asking while he kept nudging and poking at you to wake up. "Oh shut up asshole and you're not my father thank you very much" saying as you sat up and stretched. "Ha yeah right but I have every right to be asking since I'm your best friend" giving you a wink, Evan was a true cutie no and all the girls even the teachers were after him due to his looks and of course his smile.

"Alright I'll give you that but I might be home late tonight since I'm hanging out with someone today." You lived with Evan due to you having some issues with your parents which was then being total assholes and not accepting of you. But you were so thankful for Evan and his family because they loved you and accepted you for who you are. "Ooooo someone is going on a date now aye" Evan saying as he smirked at you.

"Stopppp Evan and no it's not a date mister it's more like a hangout situation" of course Evan didn't believe you. "Sure a hangout situation (y/n)" Evan saying with quotes around it. "Who's this person that you're 'hanging out with'?" Damn you, Evan, "ummm maybe Sarah..." Saying as you looked at him with a cheesy smile. "you mean Sarah Paulson????" His reaction was priceless to the point you started laughing at him.

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