The Greatest Emotion | Sarah Paulson ft. You♡

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Chemistry is you touching my mind and setting my body on fire

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Chemistry is you touching my mind and setting my body on fire.

Love fucking hurts especially when your girlfriend of two years has to break up with you just because she cheated on you with someone else.

Here I was sitting at a bar drinking away and watching couples dance away which made my heartache since that used to be me and my girlfriend but not anymore. I did everything to make her happy but was it too much for her? The answer is no, she just said that she couldn't keep her promises to me anymore. That crushed me into a million pieces making me feel numb all over as if the world just stabbed me in the chest. You so badly wanted to scream at her and ask why? Just why? Why? Why? But you didn't you left without saying anything to her. And here you are now all alone drinking in this bar watching couples dance upon one another which made you feel way more upset than before.

"Fuck this shit," you said, getting ready to leave but you accidentally bumped into someone on my way to the exit. "shit I'm so sorry" looking at the person but frozen in your tracks like a deer who just stood in the road waiting for its destiny to be over. "hey its okay" the woman smiling at you which you could not snap out of your senses. "Sweetheart breathe" did she just call me sweetheart? Did Sarah Paulson just actually call me by a cute name? No snap out of it (y/n) coming back into reality but also felt like a complete idiot for standing there and staring at her. "R-right my bad" stuttering on your words just a little due to you being struck with such great beauty of your idol that you've been in love with for a long time.

"Anyways...I-I...d-do you want a drink?" you asked nervously, "of course" Sarah saying which made your heart skip a beat. "Right okay" Oh my god (y/n) get your shit together now since your acting like a fool here I thought to myself as we both made ourselves to a different area of the bar. You ordered tequila for the both of you while you two sat there in silence which felt awkward since you didn't know if one of you should break the silence. "So does this stranger that got me a drink have a name?" Sarah smiling at you which made you feel fuzzy inside. "Yes, of course, sorry it's (y/n)" you said fiddling with your thumbs. "That's a beautiful name you have" this made me blush hard at her compliment "well thank you" I replied with a smile. "So what makes you be here alone on a night like this?" She asked while you looked at her with a sad expression which you knew she got worried when someone was sad or upset about something.

"umm...I needed some alone time since my girlfriend of two years well now ex dumped my ass tonight when I got home from work" saying as you played with the rim of my glass. "Oh, sweetheart I'm sorry" Sarah scooting closer till you felt her leg brushing against your own "it's fine, it's just life I guess" looking at her with a faint smile but deep down inside you weren't okay. "I know how you feel (y/n)" Sarah saying which made you slightly surprised since she was with Holland but I guess not.

"And before you ask I'm not with Holland anymore" this made your heart sink to the pit of your stomach since you saw those two as a really cute couple despite what others said about their relationship. "Oh I'm sorry for you too, looks like we aren't having a good time right now" trying to make the situation a bit better. "yeah" was all Sarah said while she took another drink of her tequila and you did the same thing too, "say you look really beautiful tonight Sarah" which your comment made her blush a little.

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