Summer Sunsets | Sarah Paulson ft. You♡

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"I'm addicted to the way I feel when I'm thinking about you

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"I'm addicted to the way I feel when I'm thinking about you."

Los Angeles was known for its hot weather and fun outdoor activities for everyone to enjoy but for you and Sarah it wasn't really an option since you two were knew mothers to a very special little girl. A little baby Paulson was entered into the world and you were very happy to have your daughter in your arms sleeping so peacefully.

Her littler features were the cutest, she had Sarah's eyes, nose, lips which was a prefect combination for a baby to have. She for sure had your (y/h/c) hair and facial features which made it even more magical for you since this was yours and Sarah's child. The three of you were all at home and chilling since your wife was supposed to be resting and looking after your daughter whiled you worked.

Luckily your boss was cool with you working from home for the next few weeks since Sarah needed your help with the baby. "Honey can you come here please?" Your wife was calling from the living room "yeah love!" Quickly shutting down your laptop, you walked out of the office and down the hallway to see Sarah and Luna sitting on the couch.

"What's up love?" Asking while you sat down next your wife and daughter. "I want to get out of the house since I feel trapped in here" Sarah looking at you while she fed Luna. "Yeah, where do you want to go?" It's been a solid week since Sarah has stepped foot outside due to her having to be resting and not doing to much after giving birth to your child. "Somewhere that isn't our backyard" Sarah giggling "I knew you were going to say that love" winking while you looked down at the infant sucking on Sarah's breast.

"She looks so adorable when she eats" all of this was too precious for your heart. Luna was a true gift to you and Sarah which made you fall more deeply in love with your wife and daughter. All of your dreams came true from the moment you met Sarah at the beach till now. It never occurred to you that this would all happen, it was like a movie about your life from the beginning to end with Sarah.

For sometime there were things in your life that knocked you down but when you met Sarah at the beach it washed away all the pain that you felt. The pain that you've dealt through your whole it all went away due to her presence, she made you happy even though if it wasn't her being goofy or cute but just her being simply calm. It instantly made you feel a like a new and happier person which you were thankful for.

Despite the shit you went through, there was a moment where you thought you were going to lose her. One night you came home from your old job that you used to work for which was some fashion company, the blood was boiling under your skin and head was filled with complete rage. Not matter how hard you tried to stay calm but eventually you let it all out by screaming and crying till you couldn't handle it anymore.

Sarah was by your side comforting you while you had your moment that night. You felt bad since she had to see you like that for the first time in your guys relationship. You thought you scared her but she said that you didn't scare her since she sensed something wasn't right when you walked into the house.

Your short temper didn't scare her off which made you feel slightly better but not really at the same time. But Sarah just kept reassuring you that it was okay and you eventually let it go. "Why don't we go to lunch somewhere in town then head to the beach and back home for the rest of the night" suggesting to her "sounds good since I'm hungry right now." Always hungry was her her saying and it was yours too thanks to your wife.

After changing into some decent clothes, Sarah chose hamburgers and fries for lunch. After your wife requested her choice of food you two were now at a burger place that was in town. "I'm fucking starving right now" Sarah saying as you tried not to giggle but how could you not right? Sarah is just to damn adorable. It made you laugh every time that she said that she was hungry since it's her Twitter bio.

"Damn it's like you're pregnant all over again" commenting but she just tossed Luna's stuffed bear at you. "Hey I was kidding now" playfully speaking as you grabbed the bear "I remember my mom collecting beanie babies for me when I was younger and it's crazy that I'm doing it to our daughter now" the small stuffed animal remembered you about your childhood and how obsessed you were with these things.

"I was like you were I liked rings and dolls, I would have one on me at all times along with the rings too. And that's why to this day you see me wearing rings sometimes since I've loved them ever since I was little"

Sarah really loved her rings especially the one that Holland gave her as a promise ring. To you it made you feel a little sad but Sarah could tell that it made you feel unhappy in a way so stopped wearing it. Overtime you didn't notice that she stopped wearing it and when you did notice she wasn't wearing it, it meant you were her promise and not Holland's.

"Oh I know since I saw those two photos of you and your sister Liz holding dolls and you had the same ring on the middle finger in the picture" she was so adorable when she was a small child. Which made you wonder who Luna was going to look like the most but you could guess that she was going to look more like Sarah which you didn't even care since your girls stole your heart no matter what they looked like.

After eating lunch all of you made yourselves to the pier since this was the spot you proposed to Sarah and the area you met her too. "This place will never get old (y/n)" Sarah grabbing onto your hand while you guys stood there watching the water crash agains the soft sand in the distance. "I know love since it has our memories here" speaking as you looked at her but she had a tear trickling down her face.

"Love what's wrong?" Pulling her into your body but carefully so you wouldn't squish your little nugget. "I'm just happy that you're mine (y/n) and I never thought this would ever happen to me with anyone" her voice sounding raspy and shaky as she spoke. "I didn't either baby, I mean look at us we've come a long way from us meeting here to us having this precious little thing that your holding in your arms."

"I've never been more happier to have someone like you in my life Sarah. You've changed my life and made me look on the bright side of things when I had my shit going on by saying things will get better. But you never left my side not even once when I had my moments. Sarah Catharine Paulson I love you with all my heart and soul and I'll continue to love you wildly forever along with our daughter."

At this point your wife had tears streaming down her face but you wiped them away with your thumbs. "I love you so much (y/n) you always know how to make me smile, laugh and cry." That one made you laugh since it was true you did know how to make her cry even if it wasn't anything bad but something cute you did. "I'll always love you forever and fiercely as time goes on" Sarah saying.

You didn't say anything back to her but leaned in and kissed her passionately while cupping her face as you two stood there on the pier. The sun was setting as you two kissed some more then you heard a coo come from Luna. "Looks like she wants to see the sunset honey" Sarah whispering against your lips "I think she wants to see the summer sunset love" giving her another quick peck before pulling away. The three of you stood there holding onto one another while watching the sunset go down till it was completely gone.

"Summer love honey and it will always be, forever"

"It will be forever summer love especially with my favorite girls."

The end ♡︎

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