First Sight | Sarah Paulson ft. You♡

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Your smile

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Your smile. Your eyes. The way you laugh. The way you talk. The way you walk..

I could stare at you forever.

Do you ever feel like banging your head against your desk or steering wheel asking why does work have to be emotionally exhausting and suck the life out of me? Well because that's what life has brought you to.

Going out into the real world was what you dreamed about despite being a responsible adult and taking care of money and other adult tasks but work it was something you despised and didn't want to do anymore but how else are going to be able to make money? You worked as an assistant for some celebrities. You would get some nice ones and other times not so much since they would ask you to do a million things all at once. Which was sucking the life out of you till you felt like a walking zombie that was brain dead and had no clue what day of the week it was or what time it was? You had to suck it up and deal with it even though you wanted to scream as loud as you could into the world but you kept calm well for most of the time.

It was another day of work which meant you had to be up early since you were working for someone new today which you had no clue who it was or how they were going to treat you on the first day of the job. Your alarm clock was going off which sounded like white noise going through your ears due to how much you've adapted to this wonderful schedule if yours. "Ugh, I'm so sick of getting up at five in the morning every day" laying there as you stared at your phone buzzing on your nightstand. This was your life every day getting up at five in the morning but luckily today your "boss" who you were going to be working for didn't need you right away since they requested for you to show up till later but you couldn't since you were used to getting up at that time and mainly because you set your alarm to five am the night before like you always do.

You laid there for another few minutes staring up at the apartment ceiling thinking what could go down today with you and your new "boss", please god don't put me with someone horrible like last time saying a prayer to yourself before you got up to take a shower. You decided to put on some music as you took a shower "mm how about Cher" you said to yourself as you scrolled through your list of music. You sang your heart out along to the lyrics of Turn Back Time because why not, after your little performance in the shower you got out and dressed into some black skinny jeans, with a graphic tee, flannel on top and your white converses. You put your hair up in a messy bun applied some make and made sure you looked good for the day.

You grabbed your bag with extra clothes, a notebook, pens, a laptop and most importantly your phone. You can never leave your apartment without your phone ever since that was the only way to keep in contact with your boss if they ever needed something. "Alrighty, I think I've got everything hopefully" mumbling to yourself as you checked around to make you were all set to leave. You left your apartment and made your down the hallways that had a weird funky smell to it which never surprised you because you lived with some nice and odd people that were just a little too much for your liking. Not that they were bad people just they did some very odd things which you didn't understand why but after all this is what most apartments are like well sometimes.

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