Road Trip! | Sarah ft. You♡

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The sounds of singing, laughing, screaming, and light giggles were running through your ears as you drove through the curvy roads of the tall trees that could eat your car up in one bite.

The girls were pretty wild and you were starting to get a headache from them. It was you, Sarah, Cate and Sandra and these girls were chattery and loud as hell to the point you felt like your brain was going to melt at any moment. You've been driving for eight hours to your little getaway up in Lake Tahoe where all of you would be staying in a little cabin for the week.

"We're almost there guys" looking in the mirror to see Cate and Sandy giggling at something on their phones which made you suspicious since these two are full surprises. "What are you two up to back there?" Asking them but they just kept giggling at whatever they were looking at, then you looked at your girlfriend who was also giggling at her phone too.

It was like these girls were up to some weird shit and you had no clue what the hell it was. "Babe, what are you giggling about?" Asking Sarah who looked up from her phone but she just laughed at you as the two burst out into laughter as well. "Guys, what the hell is so funny?!" You asked one more time which they tried to respond but they just kept laughing uncontrollably.

"We're so sorry...b-but your girlfriend showed us a video of you" Cate speaking and this made your eyes go wide since Sarah loves to film you whenever you're doing something weird or goofy. "Babe...what did you show them?" you were trying to stay calm but inside you were screaming. "I showed them the video of you saying some stuff after you got your wisdom teeth out" Sarah speaking.

"You what?!?!" oh god no she didn't..."I never in a million years I thought you would say that ever especially in public" you looked at Sandy with a look since you knew that this was going to be shown at some point to Sarah's friends but didn't expect that it would be right now or here. "Look I was high alright and I promise you it's never going to happen again" you grinned after that sentence.

"But you were cute about it though sweetheart even that shit was pretty damn funny" Sarah rubbing your shoulder as you kept driving. You just sighed out loud since you didn't know if you could take anymore embarrassment from everyone but hey you can't be too embarrassed just yet since your girlfriend has told you some interesting stuff about what  Cate and Sandy have done.

Finally, all of you arrived at the small cabin that you rented for the whole week. "We're here guys" shutting off the engine and getting out to get the stuff out of the car but the girls were still having their giggling fit. "A little help would be nice here" calling out and immediately you heard them coming to gather their stuff. "(y/n) I'm sorry that we're being wild and crazy today" Sandy stopping you while the other two just walked off and did their own thing.

"Ehh it's alright, I'm just glad to see Sarah having fun since work has been stressing her out and draining the life out of her too." Sarah has indeed been doing so much with her work lately to the point it was draining the life out of her. She would come home late at night and it sucked to see her tired and emotional about work but you did everything to make her feel better. After those restless nights of her being stressed and emotional, you decided to surprise her with this little getaway and got her a small gift too.

After she read the letter she cried and couldn't be any happier to have someone like you in her life and making sure she felt loved every day including at night. "You're right she needed it since work has been draining her but I'm glad she's getting new roles to do but she needs a break for a bit," Sandy said as you two walked towards the cabin but the both of you were slapped in the face by the view of the lake, the clear blue water was stunning and pretty which made you think that all of you just teleported to the Bahamas instead since the water looked like that.

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