I love you | Audrey Tindall ft. You♡

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"I just want to make you happy

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"I just want to make you happy. Because you're the reason that I'm so happy."

The morning sun beaming through the curtains as you and your fiancé were sleeping. For you, you just couldn't stop staring at her since she looked so beautiful as she slept. It was like having an angel next you and this woman who is your fiancé was indeed an angel who god blessed with to be in your life forever.

5 months ago, after what everyone has gone through on that show even thought it was "all made up" it still freaked you out that your girlfriend at the time had to go through that scary and terrorizing stuff for the show. Roanoke nightmare a documentary created by Sidney Aaron James which was based on a couple who moved to North Carolina and bought a house that belonged to these colonists and these other people which you didn't understand the whole story or situation at the time.

But there was this special someone who caught your eye everyday while working on the show with Sidney. She had something that you craved for it wasn't her body, it wasn't the way she acted it was the way she looked at you every time she caught you looking or staring at her.

Her British accent was what got you turned on every time she would talk to you for a few minutes before she had to go back to acting. Audrey Tindall the woman who spoke in a British accent and the woman who stole your heart.

It all happened so fast and to this very moment, it still feels like a dream. "I'm so happy to have you in my life baby" whispering so you wouldn't wake up the exhausted sleeping beauty that was next to you. You quietly got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. Meanwhile, as you were waiting for the coffee to finish up you felt two arms snake around your waist. "Good morning sunshine" hearing you're fiancés voice sound tired and raspy.

"Morning baby, how did you sleep?" Asking while you two rocked from side to side. "Not too well since I'm not feeling the greatest" Audrey was a hard-working woman and never really had a chance to rest but only on the days when she wasn't working. Sometimes it took a toll on her body meaning she would get sick for working too much. "I'm sorry my love maybe coffee will help you." You turned around till your eyes were meeting with her brown eyes "you look tired to princess" you liked the cute names that she would always give you no matter what they were.

"I am since I'm just stressed for the wedding but also excited at the same time" a smile formed across her face. "We're getting married" Audrey saying "yes we are soon to be Mrs. (y/l/n)" it was such a good feeling to be saying those words out loud. "I love you with all my heart (y/n)" again her voice made you melt every time she spoke or even said your name especially in her British accent. You didn't say anything but leaned in and kissed her passionately.

The kiss was starting to get heated, moans were escaping from each other's mouths as the both of you continued to kiss. "Baby..." Audrey whispering against your lips while you smirked knowing how much she wanted more from you. "Let's go upstairs" pulling away and you two ran up the stairs till you slammed her gently into the wall of your guy's bedroom. "Shit baby..." Audrey panting as she stripped down to completely nothing.

"Is having sex bad luck before getting married?" Audrey asking "baby it doesn't matter I want to make love to you right now" saying before you kissed those sweet and soft lips again. Hands were wandering all over naked curves.

Breaths turning to panting as you started nipping at her neck while trailing more kisses to the other side. Your hands were doing wanders to her waist while one of them traveled down to her ass and giving it a light squeeze. Giggles were erupted from those luscious lips as you did that. "Honey..." Audrey was pleading for more to be done but you wanted to tease her till she was dripping for your touch.

"Shh baby, let me take my time" sexually whispering against her ear as you licked it slowly. You could feel her whole body tremble under touch, this woman was desperate almost to desperate which you loved. Audrey wrapped her arms around your neck as you continued to assault her soft delicate skin. Her moans were getting louder and louder even though you haven't done anything but just kiss and lick her perfect skin.

You were enjoying this and so was she. Then with surprise you parted her legs with your foot. Audrey's arms dropped down to your waist pulling you in closer till your chest was pressed up against hers. She gripped onto on your ass, you then started to rock your pelvis against her which caused her grip to tighten on your ass. She was going crazy.

You loved it.

You began to slowly move away from her neck and began to lower your self down. Red marks were being left behind as you kissed her chest and lower half. Making your way down to her legs your hot tongue ran all over her thighs which caused Audrey to let out a big moan. You smiled as you heard your lover moan out in pleasure even though you hadn't gotten to her southern area.

You stopped the teasing and lifted one leg over your shoulder while you gripped onto the other whilest your hand was resting on the wall to give you support. You licked lips before placing soft kisses on her center "ohhhh fuckkk...." Audrey moaning as you licked her clit. Your hot tongue was licking her sweet sensitive bud as she gripped onto a handful of your hair.

You loved it whenever she cried out in pleasure while screaming your name over and over again. Her bare, sweaty, screaming, and moaning were the things you loved to see and hear from Audrey. Audrey's skin was flashing red as you ate her out, her legs were trembling as you licked and tugged on the sensitive skin. She was getting closer and closer to her high and you could feel it.

The oxygen started to hitch her lungs as her mouth dropped open letting out more moans. Audrey's body started to shake "o-oh...god p-please I need more" pleading as she panted. Moving away from her center and coming back up to her as you lick all over her body then with surprise you place your hand between her legs while inserting two fingers making moans escape out-loud.
Fingers pumping in her she start rocking to the rhythm of your fingers "g-go faster please."

And with so, you pumped faster. Audrey started feeling everything in her body start to escape as she let out a big scream. "I know how to work your needs" bringing up the work as you licked your fingers clean than smashing lips onto hers. You wanted her to taste herself "shit baby..." Audrey's breathing was still heavy "mmm that made all of my stress go away." That was the most cheesiest thing you've said to your fiancé "shut up missy" Audrey lightly hitting you on the arm.

"I love you Audrey, so very much and I can't wait to call you my wife tomorrow"

"I love you too and I can't wait to you call you my wife too baby girl"

You two closed the gap as you two kissed passionately. As you two enjoyed the moment with one another.

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