Sweet Evil | Ms. Venable ft. You♡

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"You are constantly making it hard for me to behave when I'm around you

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"You are constantly making it hard for me to behave when I'm around you."

"Take your seats!" The boom of Wilhemina's voice made everyone in the room jump a little but for you, it got you turned on by the way she stomped her cane into the hard cold floor. Her voice was stern and it was like music to your ears which made you fall for this woman harder at this very passing second.

Wilhemina wasn't a very happy person well, of course, she isn't due to her evil side she had but what the others in here didn't know was that she a had a soft side to her. She wasn't that mean as everyone thought and yeah she hates when people shack up with one another in their rooms when they shouldn't be but what else are you going to do in this outpost?

Her presence to you was everything that you could imagine, by the way, she dressed, walked or talked it was literally what you craved to have from a woman like her. Everyone in the room knew that you liked her but it would piss her off that they would stare at you for liking her so much and it made you smile every time she would yell at the other outpost survivors.

"Dinner is served" mm that's not the only dinner you'll be getting tonight muttering to yourself quietly so no one could hear you. "Is there something you want (y/n)?" Wilhemina calling you out shit...you thought to yourself. "No, miss Venable" looking at her while everyone sat there looking back and forth at you two. You waited for something to happen but she looked away at Mr. Gallant who couldn't stop staring at you.

"Mr. Gallant, what is with the staring tonight?" Gallant's expression quickly changed "It's nothing Ms. Venable" speaking as he looked down at his plate of rotting and decaying food. "Yeah right Gallant, you're totally checking out (y/n)" some bratty girl looking over at him. "Was not Brey!" Gallant yelling back at her "enough!" Wilhemina stomping her cane against the floor.

"Quiet all of you at this instant! Or all of you will be punished including you (y/n)" Wilhemina giving you a pissed off look which made you mad at Brey and Gallant for starting this. "Do you all understand me?" Asking all of you "yes Ms. Venable" saying in sync as you all returned to eating the green slime that was on your plates. After dinner finished up everyone was sent to their rooms for the night except for you Ms. Venable told you to stay behind.

"I didn't like the way Gallant was looking at you (y/n)" Wilhemina walking up to you as stared straight into your soul. "The poor desperate guy is barking up the wrong tree since I ain't straight Veny" explaining to her while you looked at her differently. "Don't you dare start eye-fucking me, missy" Wilhemina sternly saying "don't act like you don't want it, Ms. Venable" sexually saying. She craved for your touch even though it made her nervous to be having sex in the outpost since she despised it.

"One little quicky won't do any harm" you were trying to persuade the poor desperate woman but she just wasn't having it. "Sex is prohibited in this outpost (y/n) and you know it" after those words slapped you in the face you just gave up "fine whatever," you said as you crossed your arms. You sat down on the dark couch which was in the dining room that had the fireplace near it. "Just explain to me why you despise sex so much Veni" asking Wilhemina but she just looked away to avoid eye contact.

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