Key to my Heart | Cordelia ft. You♡

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"I could start fires with what I feel for you

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"I could start fires with what I feel for you."

You couldn't remember the last time that you felt like yourself due to you being a witch out in the open world where people hated you or didn't believe in the witchery crap. It was very hard to be accepting of yourself but then you finally found your true colors once you stepped foot in Miss Robichaux's Academy.

You are very special and knew that but only you, you had powers like nobody else had. Powers that could make the people run away from you or be able to defend yourself when you needed to because the world isn't the safest place to be. Then one day that all changed, the supreme Cordelia Goode she saw something in you that wasn't your powers. It wasn't the fire, it wasn't the way you presented yourself at her academy, it was the way you looked at her when you met her for the very first time.

She liked the way you dressed, the way you walked, your voice and she liked that you were very different than the other girls at Miss Robichaux's Academy she was so in love with you. Everything made the woman go crazy for you and you would always tease her about it or act like you didn't like her but that didn't always end to well. Her powers were too strong for you whenever she got short-tempered it didn't scare you it just shocked you that the supreme had more force to her powers.

Her force was ten times stronger than anyone else's power in the academy but for you, there was one other power that no one knew about not even Cordelia. Dark fire was the most dangerous one you had, you would clench your fists till while your eyes went black while the element formed in your hands. No one would have time to react back to it not even your supreme could that's why you had to be careful when you formed them otherwise the academy would be gone in one second.

Other than that power you had a couple more that you had and some that Cordelia taught you. The main one was the fire since you told her that you worked with fire but didn't tell her what kind. She would question you about it every time you two would practice going over the different powers and elements but she could read your mind about you were thinking. "What is it?" Delia asking "it's nothing babe..." quickly looking away but you felt your body pinned to the wall immediately "tell me (y/n)" she said with a stern voice.

"No! Delia! I won't" you shouted back at her but she tightens her grip which only caused you to press your hands against the wall. "shit..." you said, darkness filled your eyes while the dark element formed against the wall "Dark fire..." Cordelia dropping you to the ground. "I'm sorry...that I didn't tell you I was afraid that you would think I was one of them..." you explained to her. "Who baby?" Delia looking at you worried "part of Michael's clan..." Warlocks they were part of Michael's army and men that was one of the reasons why Cordelia saved you so you wouldn't be of them.

"You're not one of them (y/n) don't you dare say that about yourself. You are us, you have other powers than just that one. You're special to me (y/n) I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you because I love you so much no matter what."

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