Chapter 1

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I was sitting on Lauren's bed watching my sister get ready for the school dance. I had graduated last year, but my school gave us an extra break in the school year to go see our families. I am a year older than her, as it is her senior year. I am also three years older than Andy, leaving him as a sophomore.

She is wearing a nice dark blue shirt, with black jeans, and black boots. Her slightly curly hair cascaded down her back. She looked amazing.

"How do I look Mory?" she asked turning to face me. Mory was her nickname for me. She was nervous for the dance, as it would be her last dance. She fidgeted a bit, playing with her hands, a common habit of hers.

"Truly amazing," I told her with a smile. "I wish I looked like you at my last dance." I added making Lauren laugh. She then moved to sit by me, and took my hands.

"If anything," she started, "I wish I looked like you when you went to your last dance." Lauren's eye gleamed as she though of me last year, but I waved it off.

"If you looked like me, they wouldn't let you in the door," I laughed and continued, "They can't let collage students into the dance." I then wrapped my arms around her comfortingly, "Have fun. You truly look amazing. Now go before either me or Andy stow away in your car for the dance." I said pushing her out of her room. Little did I know that Andy did in fact climb into Lauren's car, and that his powers would manifest that night, and nearly take down the entire building .

Lauren however did tell me when her powers manifested, even though she didn't tell anyone else. She is scared to tell our dad, because he's a prosecutor, and puts mutants in jail.

I don't know how I've managed to continue living with them, as Reed and Kate know about my powers, but I haven't hurt anyone with my powers, and have upheld my end of the agreement between Reed and I.

But Lauren is scared to tell anyone else about her powers, she doesn't want to be rejected. She is afraid that if people knew it would put all of us in jeopardy, and she's afraid her dad would have to put her in jail for being a mutant.

I feel terrible that for nine years I have lied to Lauren and Andy, and they both are unaware of me being a mutant. I should have told Lauren, but she should know the fear of rejection and hate that being a mutant causes, but I should have told them. I should have told them so that Andy and Lauren were ready if they ever manifested.

Around an hour later is when the guilt really set in, when I found out Andy manifested, and it wasn't quite as easy as some. It was almost as messy as mine. He almost took down the entire building, and since 7/15 happened mutants with a manifest this messy would be prosecuted.

When Lauren and Andy got home I ran out the door to greet them. I embraced them. I should have been there, and I needed to have a conversation with the two of them that I should have done long ago.

Lauren manifested when she was fourteen, and she told me the day it happened. She didn't know who else to go to, and she was clueless that she was living with a mutant since she was eight.

Both of them looked at me confused when I finally let go of them. "I'm so glad you guys are ok." I voiced, and Andy looked panicked, and scared. I looked at Lauren, "All of us need to talk. Us and your parents." I told them pulling them inside.

Mom, Kate, started questioning Andy, and Lauren. Everything was happening fast, and then it slipped right out of lauren's mouth, Lauren admitted to also being a mutant. Kate looked at me.

"Morgan, I think you should tell them now." Kate said putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, and I turned to Lauren and Andy with tears threatening to spill over.

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