Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Real quick author's note, I mention anxiety stuff so I hope that doesn't do any harm to anyone with it but it's nothing major either. Enjoy~

My name is Y/n M/n L/n and I just moved to the town of Derry, Maine, three days ago. I'm a pretty big fan of small towns so I was super excited about moving here, but I was also super nervous because I heard things travel fast so everyone will know I'm new and I hate being the new kid. Another reason I'm nervous about moving here is that I suck at making friends, though I do have one friend that is absolutely amazing, supportive and makes me laugh. If I'm ever going through any struggles or am just bored, I see her. Her name is Ash and she's 13 like me. I'm hoping to make some other friends for the both of us and maybe we'll find true love, but with my luck thats not gonna happen. I've never been on a date or anything but I've always dreamed about it. But then again I'm only thirteen. 

 Anyways enough about my boring self and time to get ready for the day. I walked into my new clean bathroom that I had all to myself. It was in my room which was super nice. I brushed my teeth and my h/l, h/c tangled hair. 

I'm super hungry so I decided to go downstairs and eat something before I took a shower. I went downstairs and saw my wonderful parents that seemed to be arguing about something, not a huge arguemnet just a small bickering kind of one. 

"Good morning guys" I said so they knew I was there "Good morning sweetie!" my mom and dad said in unison 

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. 

"You're father and I were just discussing what we're going to do today" 

"Wait, are we gonna go explore the town and have family time?" I asked with excitement 

"No, you're mom wants to go visit a friend that she had back in college and she wants us to go but I don't think you should" my dad said ending with a sigh. 

"I think you should go sweetie. She's a very nice lady and it'd be good for you to get to know someone that lives in town in case you ever need help and we aren't here" 

"I don't think she should because, like you said, she has become... well, not the best person and if that's true chances are her son is the smae way and if that's the case I don't want Y/n to have to spend hours there while the two of you talk" 

I didn't even hear the last part of what he was talking about because I was trying to figure out what my dad meant by she's not the best person, I'm starting to get confused but I'm too hungry to care. I walked over to the cabinets and grabbed some cereal, being the only decent thing we have for breakfast currently. I grabbed a bowl, spoon, and the milk out of the fridge and poured myself a bowl. 

"Hey mom, I think I will go and meet your friend" I was hoping that would cheer her up because she seemed stressed alot from work so I always tried to cheer her up. And she's been depressed from what happened recently. 

I quickly pushed that thought out of my head not wanting to think about it now. 

"Thank you, and if you want to leave when we're there just give me a signal ok?" she said with a pretty smile, I loved seeing her and my dad smile, even though my dad wasn't currently smiling. 

"Thanks mom" I finished my cereal after a few minutes then decided to go shower now and get it over with. 

I ran up the stairs and into my room and picked out an outfit. I decided on my favorite pair of shorts and a plain but cute red t-shirt. I went into my bathroom and took off my clothes and got in the shower. I put shampoo in my hair and of course my amazing shower was ruined by me getting shampoo in my eyes. 

"Shit!" I whisper-yelled so my parents wouldn't hear. 

"Ow ow ow ow" I said quite a few times. I tried opening my eyes but immedietly felt pain but before I closed them I could've swore I saw something red floating outside the shower curtain. I kinda started to freak out since I sorta have a fear of someone or something attacking me while I have soap in my eyes in the shower (I know that may sound weird but I got the idea from Chosen and realized I have that fear too lol) I quickly yelled for my parents since I was starting to freak out, I always had a feeling that I might have minor anxiety but was never sure. Small things tend to freak me out. 

"Mom!" I yelled hoping she'd hurry 

"Yes?" she said back but I had to open my eyes and when I did.... there was nothing. 

"Never mind!" I called back to mom. That was scary not gonna lie. I finished my shower and got dressed and put on a little makeup, nothing crazy. I went downstairs and mom came running out of her room and looked at me 

"We have to go!" well it would've been nice if I knew we had to leave early. 

"Sorry I didn't know we had to go so soon, let me grab my backpack and I'll be ready to go" I said a bit frustrated. 

"Ok but hurry your dad is waiting" I went upstairs and grabbed my backpack since I never leave without it. 

I got outside and hopped in the car and got buckled in then my dad drove off. My dad broke the silence and started talking. 

"So Y/n, if the kid is a jerk to you just defend yourself and come get us ok?" I started to panic! What kid?! There's gonna be another kid there?! since when?! I should really pay more attention when my parents talk. 

"Wait a minute, there's gonna be another kid? how old? boy or girl?" shit if it's a boy I'm gonna scream. I like boys but I get nervous, like super nervous, I get that weird annoying gross feeling in my stomach.

"Woah slow down with the questions sweetie, I mentioned it earlier but I guess you weren't listening. He's a boy and 13, same as you" Oh. My. God. A boy the same age as me! 

"Can you please by more informitive if there's gonna be a boy my age there? I thought I'd be the only kid there" I was trying to sound calm and nice but I was getting real nervous, until I remembered a quote I heard from somewhere, something like 'turn your nerves into excitement.' I guess I'll try that, but it was to late we were already parking, just great. 

"I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear that there's a boy your age but maybe you'll make a friend, but don't worry about it so much" my dad said trying to comfort me. We stepped out of the car and  walked to the front door, the house wasn't all that nice but it was kinda cute. I was behind both of my parents waiting for the door to open. Once it did a young male voice spoke up. 

"Hi, you must be the L/n's" my parents moved aside so that I can meet him. Shit! I'm nervous "Oh" was the first thing that came out of his mouth. This boy was super cute. Wow. 

Cliffhanger! duh duh duhhhhh! 

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