Chapter 37:

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Ash's POV~

I just lost the most important person in my life. And I was the one that took his life. I didn't want the others to see me missing and I didn't want them to think I was crazy for killing him. 

I kissed him on the forehead and stood up. I wiped my tears away and tried holding them back but I knew I would break down soon. I walked back to the others and Y/N noticed I was gone and seemed to be freaking out. "Ash where are you?!" she yelled "Woah, I'm right here" I said trying to act normal. "Geez Ash! You scared the shit outta me" she said trying to calm herself down. "Sorry" I said getting sad. Shit I think I'm gonna cry again! "Where'd you go?" she asked "Oh no where" I lied, I couldn't have her know right now, we need to get everyone out of here. 

Stan was still in that cage and I knew we needed to get him out. I looked around to see if I could find something strong enough to break the lock. Bill seemed to be doing the same so I gestured for him to come with me to look in the huge pile of random junk. There was a lot of toys an clothes. I should probably tell Bill about what happened. "Hey Bill?" I asked getting his attention. "Ya? What's up?" he asked "Umm, well you can't tell the others what I'm about to tell you unless I say it's ok, got it?" he looked at me confused "Ok, I w-won't" he said so I took a deep breath and started to explain.

Mike's POV~

Ash and Bill went to look for something, I'm guessing something that could break the lock which is smart. I had been trying to wake Stan up for what felt like forever. I didn't want to loose him, not to that facking clown. "Stanley? Stan you gotta get up man. Stanley I love you and I-I can't loose you" I said as I started to cry. I couldn't loose him. I just couldn't. "Mike?" Stanley said sounding drowsy. "Oh my God Stanley!" I said. I wanted to hug him but I couldn't. He started to realize the situation we were in. "Shit, Mike what's happening?" he said with a few voice cracks, his voice cracks were cute. "Don't worry Stan, we're gonna get you out, I won't leave you until you're out of this cage. I won't leave you when you're out either" I said and he smiled "I love you Mike" he said looking me in the eyes "I love you too Stanley" I said, I would've kissed him but that wouldn't work with these bars in between us. 

Ash's POV~

I told Bill what happened and he seemed to understand. "Thanks Bill" I said "For what?" he asked "For being there for all of us and being a great leader. And for understanding what I just went through" I said with a few tears."You're welcome, and I went th-through the same thing last y-year" he said. What's he mean? "What'd you mean you went through the same thing?" I asked nicely "I l-lost my little brother, Georgie" he sounded really sad. "I'm so sorry. It really sucks loosing the people you love" I said "Ya, it really d-does. Hey look" he said pointing at something in the big pile of random junk. Bill spotted a wooden baseball bat and then I looked next to it and saw a pipe that was probably strong enough. We picked up the two objects and ran to the cage. "Step aside, we're gonna break this piece of shit!" I said ready to get poor Stan out of there. Everyone stepped back and Stan moved to the other end of the cage. "Who's going first?" I asked Bill "Break that shit" he said which gave me confidence. I got in a good stance and lifted the pipe in the air and used most of the strength I had to swing the pipe down on the lock. 

The lock came flying off and hit Richie in the face. "Shit! Sorry Rich, are you ok?" I asked and went over to him putting my hand on his face to make sure he was ok."Ya I'm ok, thanks" he said. "For what? for hitting you in the face or making sure I didn't hurt your beautiful face?" I said sarcastically. "Both" he said with a laugh. I was just too sad to laugh. I looked back and saw Stan was able to get out! Stan opened the heavy door but struggled in doing so and tried to walk over to Mike but with his hurt leg he was slow. Mike started to walk towards him but the clown jumped from somewhere above and grabbed Stan! "Stan!" Mike yelled "Let go of him!" Y/N yelled. I'm not loosing anyone else today! 

A/N what do you guys think Ash is gonna do? You don't have to answer if you don't wanna lol

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