Chapter 38: Please Richie, please

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Ash's POV~

I sneakily ran behind the others and around the pile of junk with the pipe still in my hand. I slowly walked up behind him as he held Stan. He was telling them about how if they let him have Stan he'll let the rest go. Ya like that was gonna happen. I lifted the pipe ready to do what I did to that lock earlier, except harder. I swung the pipe at the clown and it hit him super hard and he let go of Stan making him fall to the ground. Mike ran over and got Stan away from the clown but the clown didn't seem to care much. It turned around I tried hitting it again but it grabbed the pipe out of my hand and then it grabbed me with its tight grip and the others watched as it had me in a position where it could break my neck. I was hoping that wouldn't happen though. "Ash!" Richie yelled "I've said this before, I will take her, only her, and I will let the rest of you go and live out the rest of your lives" the clown said with it's terrifyingy voice. "Guys please, just do what he says" I said as tears started forming in my eyes. Mike looked for the gun but saw it was right next to the clown where he couldn't get it. "Ash, we're not letting him take you alright?" Y/N said. The truth was, I wanted him to take me. "I know you don't want me to go, but I, I just can't let him hurt you guys and I can't live knowing he's gone" I shouldn't have said that. I think Y/N knew what I meant though. "Ash I'm not facking giving him up to you got it? I love you ok and I'm not about to loose you dammit" Richie said as he started to cry. I don't think I've ever seen him cry before. "Richie, I love you too, but if you really love me, then you'll let me die, because that's what I want" I said. It was the truth and I hoped he would understand that. "Ash don't make me leave you, just don't" "Leave" I said "No!" he said back "Please Richie, please" I said looking at him in his eyes through those big glasses that I adore. Bill grabbed Richie by his shoulders in a gentle way but Richie pulled away quickly and started to run towards the clown and I but I felt the clown tighten it's grip on me an I knew what was about to happen "Richie I love you!" I screamed and the clown twisted my neck and everything went black. 

A/N omg whyyyy am I making this so sad!!! 😭😭😭

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