Chapter 3: The Quarry

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"We're going to the quarry" Eddie said, I'd heard about the quarry and was hoping to go with Ash sometime, I got an idea "Ya I'd love too! But under one condition" "And what would that be?" he asked "You let my friend Ash go" he put his hand to his chin and pretended like he was thinking about it, I let out a laugh which made him laugh, "Ya you can bring her" "Yay! Thanks Eddie" I said and gave him a hug without thinking, I just love hugging people. He seemed shocked but after a second he hugged me back, it wasn't a long one though, just a quick one. "If you want to call her I have a few quarters you can use and there's a phone in the drug store you could use" he offered to give me his money! That's so sweet! "Aww thanks Eddie, I think I will" he reached in his pocket and grabbed two quarters (I have no idea how many quarters those phones take so sorry if that's wrong) he handed me the change and I went back into the Drug store to call Ash. I saw a phone at the desk with a piece of paper tapped to it that read "Two quarters for one call" "Excuse me sir but can I borrow the phone? I have money" he was putting away medicine on the shelves behind the counter when I asked, he turned around and gave me a smile but it wasn't just a friendly smile, I almost gagged at realization "Why yes you can, and you can keep your money" "Actually it's not my money but thank you, I'll only be a minute" I picked up the phone and dialed Ash's number, as it was ringing I looked back to make sure Eddie was ok and he was looking thru the window of the store and he looked pissed, maybe he knows that dudes a creep. He looked over and saw I was starring at him, we both quickly looked away, damn it he saw me starring. "Hello?" someone said thru the phone and it was Ash! "Hey Ash!" "Y/N! I wasn't expecting you to call, what's up?" "Actually a lot's up, I met this boy today and he invited me to go to the quarry with him and his friends but I said I would if I could invite you, and he said that's fine, so do you wanna come? Please I need you Ash, I don't wanna go alone" "OH MY GOSH! A BOY INVITED YOU TO GO TO THE QUARRY?!" she screamed into the phone with excitement "Yes, and keep you're voice down, I'm using a public phone" I said "I'm so happy!! and yes I'll definitely come with you, I don't trust you going to a quarry with a boy and his friends, I gotta keep my girl safe" "Thank you so much! I knew you'd want to go anyways" "So you like this boy?" she asked "Umm ya I think so, he's cute and sweet" "YOU GOT A CRUSH!" she screamed "I said keep it down!" Eddie walked in the store and was coming towards me, shit Ash is screaming into the phone so loud! "MY GIRL'S GOT A CRUSH! I KNEW IT!" "Shut up I'm serious he's coming!" I whisper-screamed into the phone hoping she'd stop "Oh sorry, I'll talk to you when I get there, what time should I be there?" I hope Eddie didn't hear her, she's good about keeping my crush's secret though, except for when we're alone "Just get ready and meet us there in a half an hour" Eddie was now standing next to me "Ok I'll see you then, bye girl!" "Bye, I'll see you there" I hung up and looked at Eddie "She coming?" he asked, I don't think he heard her "Ya she is, I told her to meet us there in half an hour, is that alright?" "Ya that's perfect actually" "Great!" I said. Then we just looked into each others eyes for what felt like forever, he had beautiful chocolate brown eyes and I never noticed but he had freckles across his nose and cheeks. Gosh he was cute. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a girl behind the desk started to speak, she looked about a year older than us "Are you two shits just gonna stare at each other or leave" she's a jerk "Well knowing you're here Gretta I wanna leave" Eddie said to her, apparently he knows her "Shut up pill boy and get out of my dad's store unless you're gonna buy something" why did she call him pill boy, that pissed me off though "Why don't you shut up and mind your own business and don't call people names like that, jackass" I whispered the last part to myself though "Just leave, you make me sick" she said "We'd be happy too, come on Y/N let's go" Eddie grabbed my hand and we walked outside. WAIT A MINUTE! HE'S HOLDING MY HAND! "Sorry about her" Eddie said letting go of my hand, damn, I liked holding his hand "She can be a real jerk, she's been a jerk to Bev and I a lot, me more recently though since Bev moved" I was confused, who's Bev? "Who's Bev?" tell me that's not his girlfriend! "She's one of my friends, sorry I forgot you don't know my friends" phew "It's ok" I said "She's gonna be in town for a few days to visit but not to long, I think you two will be good friends" he said with a little smile, "Cool" why did I say cool, that's so bland and vague and stupid! "Well we should get going so we're not late" Eddie said "Ya, better early than late I guess"

A/N sorry for the crappy ending, but I got something interesting for the next chapter, and I have a couple people I'm gonna ship so be prepared! ;) I hope you guys are enjoying this story and feel free to comment, I love comments almost as much as I love Byler, I love Byler is 3,000 so never mind that. See what I did there? But I really do love reading comments :) Ok I'll talk to you guys next chapter, byeee! 

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