Chapter 20: Meeting Him

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A/N sorry I have so many long A/N's. I was about to write this one and I wanted to find that gif at the top but I ended up watching a bunch of gif's of Stanlon (figured out that that's their real ship name, oof) and ones of Mike and Victor I think is his name (the guy that looks like Draco Malfoy, lol) and they were dancing and it was amazing!! I'll make something so I can show y'all the gif's 😁

Eddie's POV~

"My what?" I asked shocked, I didn't know much about my father, the last time I saw him was when I was like three or something, I don't remember him at all. My mom never even told me why he left, I figured it was because he cheated on her or something and then they got a divorce. "Yes your father, he'll be staying with us now" even Stan looked surprised when I looked back at him "Um, Idk what to say" I really didn't, I mean I didn't know if he was a good guy or a jerk, should I be excited or worried "Well he's gonna have a talk with you about everything that's happened" my mom said, shit that doesn't sound good "Ok" I said and got out of the car, I was super nervous about meeting him. 

We all got out of the car and my mom unlocked the garage door and went inside. My mom sat down at the kitchen table next to my dad. He looked pissed! He was smoking, he put the cigarette out on the table and stood up, damn he was tall. How is my dad tall when I'm so short? He walked up to us and Stan and I just looked up at him. He looked at Stan, he seemed like he was really pissed off at me. "Who's this?" he asked pointing at Stan "My name's Stan" Stan said "And what are you doing here with my son?" he asked "My parents are out of town and I'm going to stay with you guys until their back" Stan said "Huh, well you go in the living room, Ed and I need to have a talk" I hated being called Ed, I hated it. Stan limped into the living room and just stood there watching us. "Who's he?" my dad asked "My friend Stan" I replied "Just friends?" was he asking if we were a couple? "Ya, we're best friends, nothing more" I said getting a bit mad at him, this was quite the way to greet your son when you haven't seen him in years "Good" he said "What do you mean good?" I asked, he seems like a total jerk "I mean it's good that my sons not a fag" oh now I'm pissed, I saw Stan look down at his shoes, I knew that hurt him since he likes Mike "It doesn't matter who I like and don't say that" I said to him, he looked at me and then hit me. I felt the pain shoot thru my cheek, Stan gasped "Don't you ever talk to me like that" he said with his deep voice, I looked back up at him and but all I could see was anger. "I heard you lied to your mother about going into town when you really went swimming with all your dumbass friends and two girls you just met, that true?" I just looked at him and boy do I regret it, he punched me right in the nose and knocked me to the floor, I felt so much pain in my face, I felt like I was gonna cry, come on Eddie stay strong and don't cry! I got back up and he yelled at me "Answer me! Is that true?" I replied immediately this time "Yes" he grabbed me by my shirt and held me against the wall "Don't you ever lie to your mother and don't ever do something so idiotic like that again!" he yelled and hit me again, my face started hurting really bad again and I knew my nose was bleeding, he started hitting me again but repeatedly. 

Stan's POV~

I watched as Eddie's dad started hitting him repeatedly, I didn't like seeing any of the losers being hurt. I wanted to do something but, I don't know what to do, his dad was huge and I was still hurt. But Eddie needed help, I have to help him. My feelings took over and I yelled "Let go of him!" he stopped hitting Eddie and let go of him and Eddie fell to the floor, he had blood all over his face. "What'd you say dickhead?" he said as he looked at me with blood on his hands "I said let go of him, and stop hurting him" I had to stand up for Eddie "You stay out of this, this isn't your business" "Ya it kind of is! He's my friend and losers protect each other, no matter what" I shot back, he laughed a little "So my sons considered a loser, I was hoping for someone better to be my son, looks like I got a disappoint, a loser, and a fag" I was pissed even more, which I didn't think I could be more mad than I already was "Don't call him those things, and stop calling him out for being a gay, he's not and it doesn't matter if he is or not, there's nothing wrong with liking the same gender" he walked over to me and I tried moving back but couldn't, the couch was right behind me so I couldn't back up anymore "I said stay out of our business, and of course there's things wrong with being gay" I pushed him out of the way which didn't work well, he was like a brick wall. I walked over to Eddie with my leg still hurting like hell and picked him up, his dad started walking towards us and so I helped Eddie get into his room. I locked the door and heard his dad yelling really loud, "Get your asses out of that room!!" he was banging on the door and I layed Eddie down on his bed, he was crying a lot, I had never seen him cry this much before. I was crying too. I Looked around the room and saw he had his own bathroom, I went in and started going through his cabinets looking for band aids and medicine for him. I didn't know much about healing people but I've seen Eddie do it a few times so I was gonna try my best. 

A/N I'm sorry you had to read about Eddie being hurt. Btw I'm gonna say a few quick things, I don't see anything wrong with being gay, I'm a Christian and believe God made us to love the opposite gender but I think he wants us to love who we want and there's nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to let you guys know how I feel and if you feel differently that's fine:) I really wanted to ship Eddie and Stan in this but I obviously couldn't because it's an x Reader so ya😂Btw the song Time by NF came on when I started writing Stan's POV and it worked perfectly! It got me into the mood for this really well 👍👌 I love you all and hope you enjoyed! ❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜

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