Chapter 4: New Ship?

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A/N I love how Richie's glasses make his eyes so big!! He looks like an anime character or something lol. He's facking adorable with and without them though. 

Ash's POV~

Y/N just got invited to go to the quarry with a boy and she said I had to come or else she wasn't going! I love her too much! I put the phone down after holding it to my chest dreaming about the boys I might meet. I ran up the stairs to my room and made sure I looked good before I grabbed my pocket knife and quickly fixed a few of curls.

 I ran up the stairs to my room and made sure I looked good before I grabbed my pocket knife and quickly fixed a few of curls

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(Ash's hair ^)

I walked into my garage and lifted the door. I grabbed my black bike that matched with Y/N's and headed in the direction of the quarry. As I was a few houses down from my house I saw this boy with big glasses, and I mean big! But super cute, he got on a bike which I'm assuming is his, duh, of course it is. He had black hair that had a bit of curl in it, he looked my age, score! How have I lived here my whole life and never seen this adorable bean. He started heading in the same direction as me so I sped up a bit so I could talk to him, I'm homeschooled but am good with talking with strangers, ha I sound like a rebel, talking to strangers.

He noticed I was coming up behind him so he slowed down so I was next to him. "Hey, I'm Ash" I said in a sweet voice "Hey, I'm Richie" "Did you just move here or something? I don't believe I've ever seen you before" I asked "Um no I've lived here my whole life, but I think I've seen you somewhere, you live near here?" he asked "Ya I live back there a little ways" I gestured behind me as I continued the same pace as him "Oh nice, I live back there too but not as far" "So I noticed" I said "Oh have you been spying?" he asked as he raised his eyebrow "Wouldn't you like to know" he made a fake sad face "If I was spying on you why would I ask if you're new?" "So you don't look suspicious maybe" "Shut up" I said in a playful way "So have you been spying?" "No I haven't, I didn't even know you existed until five minutes ago" we both laughed "Where are you off to?" he asked "I'm going to the quarry with my friend, she was invited to go by someone and then she invited me" he widened his eyes in surprise "Really? Who invited her to go with us?" what a minute, he said us? "What do you mean us?" "My friends and I are going to the quarry, that's where I'm going right now" oh perfect, he's one of the friends of that boy Y/N met "Well that's where I'm going too, what a coincidence" I said "Ya, so who invited your friend?" "I don't know, she didn't tell me his name" "Huh, I bet it's Ben, he's quite the playboy" he said with a laugh which made me laugh, he had a good laugh, it sounded very genuine "I'm just kidding I haven't the faintest idea who would ask a girl to come with us to the quarry, Bill's the only one who's done that but he's dating the girl he asked so it couldn't be him" "Well my friend, Y/N, said that he was cute and sweet, does that give you a hint?" I asked "Oh that's definitely Eddie" (RIP Reddie shippers lol) "Well I guess we'll just have to find out, how many of you guys is there?" "There's seven in total, there's Billy, Eddie spaghetti, Bench, Mike and Ike, Bevvy and Stan the man" I started laughing so hard at those nicknames which made him laugh too"Those are some beautiful nicknames" I said as I wiped a tear away from laughing so much "Thanks, I try" "Is this it?" I ask as we got to a hill with lots of trees "Ding ding! you win the ultimate prize!" he said in an game show persons voice "What do I win?" I ask jokingly though hoping he might actually give me something "Your prize will be for your eyes when we go swimming" I was a bit shocked "Oh is that so? Well if that's the case then you must have played the same game and won the same prize" I said "I guess so" we both laughed and dropped our bikes then headed up the hill to the cliff.

When we got to the cliff area there was five boys and one girl, they all had their clothes off and were only wearing their underwear. I decided to introduce myself first before getting half naked. I walked up to them and spoke "Hey, I'm Ash, I was invited here by a friend who knows one of your friends and I happened to bump into Richie on my way here" They all looked shocked to see me but they seemed nice "I'm B-bill, It's n-nice to meet you" aww he's got a stutter, poor thing, but it was the cutest stutter I'd ever heard. "Nice to meet you too" I said with a smile "I'm Beverly" the girl said "But you can call me Bev" "Ok, nice to meet you Bev" "I'm Ben" one of the boys said with a smile, everyone's so nice! "And I'm Mike, and this is Stan" Mike and Ike introduced them and Stan the man gave me a wave "Well it's lovely to meet you guys and thanks for letting me come" I said "W-w-well we didn't know ab-bout anyone else c-coming but we're glad you're h-here" he gave such a sweet smile, how is there all these hot and sweet boys in this town and I'm here being a single pringle! "I'm sorry I figured you guys knew about me and my friend coming, but thanks for letting me stay" they all laughed "We would never kick you out unless you were trying to bully us" Stan said, I will beat anyone who tries to mess with these precious beans! "Well look who it is" Richie said as Y/N walked up with a boy around her height and dark chocolate brown hair "Hey Richie" Eddie spaghetti said "Guys this is Y/N" he said and introduced her, she looked nervous, I should probably talk to her in a minute "Hi" Y/N said everyone said hi back and Stan waved again. "Well I suggest we get started since Y/N and I have to be back after an hour" "An hour is all?!" Richie said sounding like Eddie was crazy "Ya sorry our parents want us back soon" "Ugh fine, well let's get to stripping" Richie said which made me laugh and roll my eyes, though  Y/N and I were the only ones that laughed.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, I had fun writing it and once again I love reading comments so feel free to leave some :) I can't wait for the next chapter! It's gonna be great (hopefully) there's gonna be sad and cute stuff! byeee!

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