Chapter 18: Such Big Trouble

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Quick A/N these next few chapters are gonna be long and are probably going to have abuse in them so just a little warning⚠ Anyway hope you enjoy otherwise😁 and btw idk who made that pic but props to them!❤️👌👍👏

Your POV~

My dad came and took me away from Eddie and put me in the back seat of our car. I looked at Eddie and gave him a smile with mouthing "Be safe" he nodded and him and Stan got in his mom's car. My parents were saying good bye and thank you to the Rugers. They started to walk towards the car and I wanted to cry, I was scared at how mad they would be and my leg hurts so incredibly bad. They got in the car and pulled out of their driveway. "You better start explaining young lady" my mom said in a mad tone, I wish I could just go back and be with Eddie and not have to deal with all of this. "You're mother asked you a question!" my dad said "What do you want me to say?" I asked and immediately regretted it "Oh Idk how about the fact that you said you'd be back after a couple hours and it's almost sundown and you got attacked by an alligator at the quarry! And I don't recall you saying you were going to go get have naked with a bunch of boys you don't know and invite your friend! Or the fact that you went to a hospital and the doctors tried to kill you along with a killer clown trying to eat you! Explain all that because that sounds like a lot of made up shit to me" I started to tear up a little, my parents have never yelled at me this much before "You better start explaining or else we'll have to punish you, which we will already be doing but if you don't talk there will be more punishments and way worse ones" my dad said. I tried to speak but didn't know where to start and I was trying hard not to cry."Idk what you want me to say, it sounds like you know everything we told them which is the truth, I wouldn't lie like that to you guys, you guys see what happened to me! I was bitten by an alligator! How else do you explain bite marks!" I started to raise my voice but it sounded weak because I was starting to actually cry now. Why can't I just be with Eddie right now! "Did you just raise your voice at us?" my mom said "I'm s-sorry" I said as tears started to fall down my face"I swear I'm telling you guys the truth" I said "And you expect us to believe that? I'm sorry but that is a big lie!" my dad said as he took a turn, I saw my house in the distance and thought about making a break for my room as soon as we stopped, or maybe I could before we even come to a stop. "I can't believe you think I'm lying! Why would I lie about that?" "Well if you aren't lying than why did you lie to us earlier today when you said you were going with Eddie into town and not swimming in your underwear?" "I didn't know that's what we were gonna do" I said as a lot of tears were coming down my face "So he made you go to the quarry?" my dad asked "Of course not! He asked if I would like to go with him and I said I would as long as I could invite Ash" "And what if Ash couldn't go, then what were you going to do, still go?" "Idk, does that matter?" I said "Um yes it certainly does!" she shot back, I looked out the window and saw that we were pulling into our driveway, I looked back at them and then back at the door and unlocked it and quickly ran onto the front porch, I grabbed the door handle and turned it but it wouldn't open, shit I forgot its locked! "Shit!" I whispered but my dad heard "Now you're swearing?" I looked back and knew I wasn't going to get in since they had the keys. Oh my gosh! I just remembered I have my own key! Oh wait, except I don't have my backpack anymore, I left it at the quarry. Damn it! 

My dad walked up to me and smacked me. I felt a stinging pain on the left side of my face, "Haven't I felt enough pain today" I didn't mean to say that out loud, my mom opened the door and I ran up to my room with my parents yelling at me "Get your ass down here right now!!" I locked the door and went into my closet and just sat there with my knees pulled up to my chest and I barried my face in them. I started crying so much, I haven't cried like this since Jeremy died. Now I was even sadder from remembering him. My parents never hit me before, that was the first time. All I wanted was to have Eddie with me and all the losers and Ash and Jeremy. I wanted Jeremy back so bad! I cried thinking about what everyone else's parents would do to them. I just sat there and cried for hours. 

A/N wow this was an interesting chapter to make, it was hard to do because I made the readers parents like mine and my parents are super sweet so making them mean like this was hard. But the parents have been througha lot too, I mean they lost their son! But the reader and Jeremy had a way better connection and they shouldn't abuse her. Anyway I need to stop talking so byeee! Love you all and thanks so so so so so so so so much for reading this story!❤️❤️❤️

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