Chapter 30: Gathering

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Your POV~

It was about 11:30 pm and I was ready to leave. My parents were asleep and I had called Bill and Ben to meet up with me since they lived really close to each other. I climbed out my window and grabbed onto a tree and climbed down it. (Your house is a two storys btw) I got down and got my bike out of a bush that I hid it in earlier so I wouldn't have to take it out of the garage. 

I walked my bike over to the front of the house and saw Bill and Ben across the street looking around. I waved and they saw me and smiled. I quietly ran over to them, though my stupid back pack was making noise.

"Hey, you ready?" Ben asked "Ya, I'm ready, how about you guys?" I said "C-could be better" Bill said, I remember he got shot, poor thing "How's it feel? Do you need anything like pain meds or maybe a hug?" I asked with a smile and Bill laughed a little "I'll t-take both" he said with a smile. I grabbed some pain meds from my back pack that I always kept on me since, ya know, periods are painful. I gave him two gazebos (jk they're real😂) and he took them. When he was done I put my kickstand down and spread my arms to give him a hug. He did the same and hugged me back. I gestured for Ben to join us an he did. It was a nice group hug. I made sure to not hurt Bill though. 

"Ash cover your eyes, it's a three way" I heard a voice say from behind us, Richie of course. Ash hit him with her elbow and rolled her eyes but still let out a laugh. "Hi Richie" I said with an eye roll "Hey" he said and waved "So where are we meeting them?" Ash asked "The diner" Ben answered  "Onward and upward!" Richie said and Ash and I laughed which got everyone else laughing, laughing was definitely contagious in this club. 

Time skiparooni! 

We had been waiting at the diner for half an hour now and only Mike and Bev showed up. Eddie and Stan still haven't come and I was getting worried, really worried. "Guys we should go to Eddie's place, if their not showing up then something must've gone wrong" I said "Y/N's right, we need to go get them" Mike said, he was as worried as I was. "Ok, should someone stay here incase they come?" Ash said and they all said "No" in unison "Uh ok, just an idea" Ash said "No offense Ash, it's j-just that we have to stay together o-or else we'll get t-taken" Bill said "Oh ok, gotcha" Ash said. Mike got out of the booth and looked at all of us "If it was just the two of them, they might've been taken, so we need to go now" "I agree, a hundred percent, let's go now before it's to late" I said getting out of the booth and everyone else did too without hesitation. We all got on our bikes and headed for Eddie's house. 

We got there and went to the outside of the house and to Eddie's bedroom window, we probably look like stalkers. Mike looked threw the window and shook his head no. "Damn" I said quietly "Where the hell are they?" Richie said in a whisper "I have no idea" I said "Guys" Bev said picking something up, oh God! "Isn't that Stan's back pack?" Ash asked "Oh God no! Shit shit shit shit!" I said freaking out! What happened to them?! "We need to find them!" Mike said "Where could they be?" I asked "I think I know" Bill said, he ran to his bike and got on it and rode off in another direction. Mike and I ran super fast to our bikes and followed Bill. Everyone was behind us. A tear fell down my cheek. I didn't want to loose them too. I can't loose them. I pedaled as fast as I could and we eventually arrived at a sewer drain."You think this is where they are?" Ash asked "Yes" Bill said and pulled out a flash light and headed into tunnel and the rest of us followed. I took out my pocket knife and held it in my right hand with my flashlight in my left hand. Ash saw the pocket knife in my hand and she sighed. She pulled out the pocket knife she was given by Jeremy. "I will find you" I whispered to myself as if I was talking to Jeremy. I didn't want to be alive knowing he's not. 

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