Chapter 19: Car ride

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A/N ok two quick things; one this is gonna be quite a few parts because I'm gonna do a lot of Stan's POV and,  two, last chapter another nat attacked me!! They must be destroyed!! Ok sorry back to the story :) 

Another A/N so I wrote the last A/N like a day or two ago so ya, but I've figured out exactly what I want to do with this chapter and the next few but idk how accurate it'll be and I haven't read the book so idk what happens, this doesn't make sense right now but ya it might not be accurate to the movie or book but hope you enjoy reading it😁✌️ And sorry I suck at chapter titles

Eddie's POV~

I got in the front passenger seat of my mom's car and Stan got in the back. I didn't know why he was coming with me but I felt bad he'd have to listen to my mom's speech about how bad my friends are and that we aren't allowed to hang out. I hated how much she didn't like my friends, my friends accepted me and like the person I am,  and she thinks they aren't good for me, it's a bunch of bullshit. 

My mom got in the drivers seat and started the car, she didn't say anything she just drove off. It stayed quiet for a little and I was confused as to why she wasn't saying anything, I knew she would say something. I don't think it's because Stan's here. I don't think she would care considering the way she was to them when I broke my arm. I didn't say anything the whole time and neither did Stan, we all just stayed silent until we were about 3 minutes away from my house and my mom spoke "Stan your parents are on a trip, idk if you know but you'll be staying with us the next few days" oh so that's why he's with us, it'll be nice to have Stan's company "Ok, thank you" Stan said in a quiet voice, it went quiet again until we pulled into our driveway and into our garage, "Eddie there's someone you haven't seen in a while and he's gonna stay with us for a long time ok?" I was very confused "What do you mean mom? Who?" I asked "Your father is moving in with us" 

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