Chapter 35: Eddie's Ok!

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Your POV~

I ran to Eddie and immediately started untying him. Ash and Richie came over to help me. "Guys you go get Stan!" Ash told the others and they listened. We finished untying Eddie and I put my hands on his face but making sure not to hurt him. It looked like he had only been hit once to knock him out. Thank God he wasn't beaten again. "Eddie, come on we need you to wake up" I said in a soft voice hoping he wouldn't be alarmed. "Eddie please wake up" Richie said "Eddie you gotta get up" Ash said. I think her and Eddie became good friends. That makes me so happy. "Y/N?" Eddie said as he slowly opened his eyes and started looking around at his surroundings. "Oh thank God you're ok!" Ash took the words right out of my mouth. "What happened?" he asked with a raspy voice. "It doesn't matter but we're gonna get you out of this hell hole ok? " I said. "Ok" he said still looking half asleep. "Guys! Come here!" Ben yelled for us to go with them. Stan was still locked up. But why would that clown lock him up? So he wouldn't escape? To taunt us? Well whatever the case I'm gonna get Stanley out of it. 

Richie insisted on him being the one to help Eddie walk since he was super drowsy and considering my leg was still badly hurt. Richie was a good friend and I can see why Ash likes him. Speaking of Ash where'd she go? Shit! "Ash where are you?!" I needed to stay calm but she was one of the most important people to me. "Woah, I'm right here! Ash said coming up from behind me making me jump. "Geez Ash! You scared the shit outta me" I said trying to calm my breathing down. "Sorry" she said sounding sad "Where'd you go?" I asked, I was positive she wasn't here this whole time. "Oh no where" she said, why did it sound like she was lying? 

A/N Sorry I haven't updated recently I was having writers block and had no idea what to do. I had an idea but it was dumb so I changed my mind and then couldn't come up with anything else. But I know what to do now so yay! Btw sorry this chapter is short. Love y'all❤️💜

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