Chapter 8: Trapped

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Stan's POV~

Mike just kissed me! I knew I liked him but I wasn't sure if he liked me back, but I guess he did and it was the best thing that could happen today. But then this doctor grabbed me and took me into a room, but when he shut the door he locked it. Oh shit. He turned around and had the grin of a psychopath, this was really bad! Was It back?! Oh God why does this have to happen to me! The grin on the doctors face grew wider and I knew I had to do something, I quickly looked around the room at my surrounding to see what I could find as the doctor, or whatever it was, started to walk towards me. There wasn't much in the room, nothing I could use as a weapon, so I limped over to a computer on this desk, I picked it up and threw it at the thing, I honestly wasn't sure what it was. The computer hit the man knocking him to the ground but he just stood right back up, shit! I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked over at it, it was a shot that I'm assuming was to knock a person out so I quickly grabbed it and as soon as I turned around the man punched me in the face. I felt a painful sting shoot thru my cheek, this man was seriously strong. I ducked as he tried punching me again, I stood up quickly before he tried to punch me again and stuck the shot right thru his neck, hopefully that'll work. He took the shot out of his neck and slowly started to loose his balance, then he finally collapsed to the hard floor. Thank God that worked! I limped over to the door, unlocked it and stepped into the hallway, I was about to leave until I remembered Y/N! I wonder if something happened to her. I went over to the room she was in and opened the door, oh fack! There was another doctor there but he was turning into the form of pennywise! Shit what do I do!


Stan came in with a horrified look on his face. I suddenly had hope that maybe I'd live today, or at least a little bit longer. Stan looked like he didn't know what to do, there weren't many objects to use as weapons. We both just stayed still, it was starring right at Stan but it just looked pissed off. It let out a yell and then hit Stan against the wall "Stan!" I tried to yell but didn't come out very well. What do I do! That thing is gonna kill him! It held Stan by his arms against the wall, it looked like it hated him, with me it just looked like it was happy that it was about to kill me. I got up and grabbed the chair that was by the desk and hit it as hard as I could, but it didn't do much. It turned around and looked at me with a smile, it knew that I was weak. It's head started to turn into an alligators and it ran after me, still with the body of a clown. I fell to the floor and it's mouth opened up wide but I put a foot on the bottom part of it's mouth and my other foot on the top trying to keep it from getting closer and being able to close it's mouth. My leg started to sting really bad and I was able to let out a scream. I let my leg fall to the ground from pain and it opened it's mouth once again about to eat me. Then it got hit on the top of it's head and fell to the ground right next to me. I looked up and saw Stan holding a tray, like one for holding tools when doing surgery. He stuck out his hand to help me up and I took it, he pulled me up and spoke "We need to get out of here, now" I had no idea what was going on but he seemed to know, and I agreed, we needed to leave "Ok, let's get the hell outta here" I said with a dry throat. Stan went to go open the door but it was locked from the outside, "Oh shit, shit shit shit!" Stan said repeatedly "What are we gonna do?" I asked concerned "I don't know" he started to tear up a bit. We both heard a clanking sound from behind us and we immediately turned around, that  thing was standing back up, but it's head was back to a clown. "Fack" Stan whispered, we didn't know what to do now.

Ash's POV~

I was so worried about Y/N and Stan, they looked to be in a lot of pain. Eddie came over to me and spoke "Hey, I'm sure they'll be ok, they're tough and we got them here pretty quickly. The rest of us are gonna stay in the waiting room if you want to join, none of us are gonna leave without them" He was really sweet, I see why Y/N liked him "Ya I'll join, there's no way I'm gonna leave without Y/N or Stan" "Ok" he said with a smile, though I could tell he was holding back tears, "Like you said, I'm sure they'll be ok, just hang in there ok?" he let out a heavy sigh "Ya, ok" he wiped away a tear and then I took his hand in a friendly way and we walked over to the waiting room, I sat in between Richie and Eddie, Eddie still held onto my hand tight and then Richie noticed and looked jealous, so I grabbed onto his hand with my other and he smiled, I returned the smile and looked down the hall, I almost went into shock from what I saw. Jeremy was standing there in the middle of the hallway, he gestured for me to follow him and then ran off. I quickly stood up still holding Eddie's and Richie's hands "What the hell?" Eddie said "'What are you doing Ash?" Richie said but I didn't answer, I ran down the hallway looking for Jeremy, was I imagining things or did I really see him "Ash where are we going?" Eddie said sounding confused and worried "I saw Jeremy" I said and took a left where the hallway split at the end, I saw Jeremy once again and he ran into a room, I quickly ran after him bringing Eddie and Richie with me, "Ash who is that?" Richie said "I told you it's Jeremy!" I yelled back at him, I felt bad I yelled at him but I had to figure out what was happening "Wait is that Y/N's younger brother?" Eddie asked "Yes, and my best friend" I said back. We got to the room that he went into and the three of us just stood there looking in the room, I didn't see him "Shouldn't we go in?" Richie said "Are you kidding Rich, he's not there so we're probably just imagining it" Eddie said "Yes Eddie but are we really imagining the same thing, you guys don't even know what he looks like" "So we should go in" Richie said, the room seemed bigger then the others so maybe he was hiding somewhere "Ya let's go, I mean what's the worst thing that could happen" I said "Well we could get locked in or touch something we shouldn't and get an infection or disease and who knows maybe the clown's back" Eddie said, he talked pretty fast, I just noticed "Eddie I don't think he's gonna be back until the 27 years is up" Richie said, what 27 years, and what clown "Wait what the hell are you guys talking about clown and 27 years?" I asked and they just looked at each other as if they wanted the other to explain "Go on Eds, tell her, you mentioned it" Richie said "No way! She's your girl and I'm bad at telling story's" "Ok hold up I'm not anyone's girl as of now and would one of you just tell me what the damn story is" I said and they both sighed "Fine, let's just go in and look if you guys aren't going to tell me" I walked in still holding their hands so they'd follow. "I'm not seeing any kid in here, can we go?" Eddie said "Oh my gosh just please help us look Eddie, I'm sure he's in h-" I was cut off by the door creaking shut, aw damn it! "No no no no! Not again!" Richie said, what does he mean not again, they have some serious explaining to do later, "Umm guys" Eddie said in a whisper "What Ed-oh shit!" Richie said also in a whisper, I looked a little to the right of the now closed door and saw Jeremy. Oh God he looks awful, he had cuts all over him and worst of all he was grinning, HE WAS GRINNING, what the hell! "Guys I told you we shouldn't have gone in" Eddie said "Eddie shut up" Richie said, we just stood starring at him and then he started to speak, "Why haven't you found me Ash, weren't you looking for me?" "I-I was Jer, I looked day and night for you, Y/N too" I said as I started to cry, I gripped the boys hands even tighter, "Ash that's not him, we need to leave" Richie said still looking at Jeremy "What do you mean it isn't him, who else would it be?" "I can think of a pretty good candidate" Eddie said "Come with me Ash, and we can float together" he said with his grin getting wider "Oh shit guys, we're so screwed" Richie said

A/N Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's so long but I can't help myself sometimes and I couldn't figure out how to copy and paste Ash's POV so ya sorry. Just wanted to say thank you so much to my friend who helped me come up with what to do for this chapter! I owe her a lot! Also Thank you guys so much for getting this far in the story :) And guess what! No nat's bothered me this time! Yay!! Btw I got the idea of Stan hitting the doctor with the computer from that SpongeBob episode where SpongeBob and Patrick are trying to get the paint off of Mr. Krabs first dollar and SpongeBob is hitting it with a bat and then Patrick says "SpongeBob we are not cavemen! We have technology" and he points to a computer and then picks it up and starts hitting the dollar with it. LOL I loved that part so much, sorry just thought I'd tell you guys what made me think of that. Byeee :)

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