Handsome new face|2

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Namjoon pov

"Sorry, however we as staff, made decision. That  you will have to carry on, with going to lessons Namjoon"  shocked extremely,because they were totally fine for me not going lessons, because my grades are outstandingly  good. So spoke up too principle in calm tone not to sound overwhelmed.

" sir please it's difficult being in class just only six months left of school. Also have not attend school that much, only for mocks, and exams for whole year, and six months. so why the sudden change is needed ?

" The principle smiles sadden " Namjoon students have been complaining this is not fair, that it seems like you, spend time home alone to enjoy yourself. while they quoted saying they are stressing in school, and this treatment seems unfair to them."

He hands me my schedule back for school. Fuck now how can handle six months. When barely handle one second in this school.
As Namjoon has big frown upon his face. He heads to biology to mr Jeon class. He widens his eyes remembering, how embarrassed, and red he was with him. He needs to keep his head low, but students get excited seeing Namjoon . so he be easy to recognise.

As entering the class lots of girls giggles, and guys cheer him on. Namjoon smiles shyly seating next to Jocks , because they always loved Namjoon. As  he works so hard for the football team. He didn't recognise he was seated to, new jock on the left side to him.

He has wide shoulders, and extremely attractive presence with his handsome face. " Hi I am Seokjin nice to meet you, and who are you cutie ?" Namjoon turns completely red from the nickname " I am Namjoon it's n-nice to meet you too, are you new in school ?"

Namjoon,and Seokjin kept on getting along with each other well, however they didn't know  they were getting the glare of jealous teacher. Jungkook walked all the way to the back of classroom standing in front of there desk.

Waiting for both of them to look up. Namjoon blushes again seeing the teacher up close like this. When he notices his presence, and Seokjin just gave annoying smirk to Jungkook.

" oh wow this is incredible, you two finally have time to have nice chit chat in my class. Not  about work chat, that's so sweet of you guys. Maybe can give you guys cute little dentition, as well with great Picnic of homework as well" both silent by Mr Jeons remarks on how the both spend the lesson, too shocked to say anything.

" Seokjin you will have punishment of cleaning the toilets after school today, and Namjoon you will have punhisment of cleaning up my classrooom. This way you guys can realise you can live without, talking too each other."

As school ended Seokjin gave me his number, and wink which made me look down smiling shyly. As  he walked out saying bye to do his cleaning duty. Mr Jeon walked towards me lifting, my chin up glaring at me.

"Get a mop ,and start cleaning the floors.You are lucky the tables are clean, with no chewing gum underneath princess."  He left quickly saying sitting down at his desk, watching my every move like predator.

Finally snapping back to reality start to get mop, and filling up the bucket to clean up. As  floors little bit too much soap made me trip over, and landed on my ass too hard. Whimpering in pain, immediately Mr Jeon  picks me up in his arms. written worried all over his face.

I start tearing up, because think abused my leg as well. He does shocking thing ,by wiping my tears away with kisses. " Let me see your bruises princess take off , your trousers  please it can be serious" shake my head saying no, he does not care though. He  makes me stand up , unzips my pants, pulling them down seeing bruises.

He bites down hard on his lip with eyes full of lust. Must be mistaken. why would he like any sort of sight of me ? I am  totally ugly. He leans down to my legs kissing, the little bruises gently. They seem very little so, there was no harm. However this is harmfully, how gentle he is treating me. Is making me feel light headed, also melting away.

He turns me around, I gasp when he pulls down my panties. He butterfly kisses all over my cheeks biting, tugging, and slapping it gently growling. Moan escapes me feeling needy. Returning back to reality, from my phone call ringing.

Push Mr Jeon quickly pull up my underwear, and trousers. It was text message from Seokjin, he is almost over with cleaning, and come back to see him, at cafe outside of school.  Mr Jeon grabs my waist, with questionable eyes.

"You  did not stop me, until you got out of your own little beautiful world. Why is that ? You like me Princess ?" Blushing bite down on my lips " Do not do that Princess. You  are playing dangerous game princess"

Cannot  let him know liked him for long time . Pushed him away, and run out of the classroom. Thinking in my head he cannot like ugly stupid bitch like you.

Especially as you are Male, this is disgusting your parents, will never accept you. I go hell need to be perfect, no matter what need to be perfect. Namjoon has to be perfect, kept thinking to myself like this.

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