The third wheel|5

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Namjoons pov

Combing through my hair nervously, while quickly pull up on large jumper. Thought of Just, can't be in one room alone with Mr Jeon.He  makes my heart flutter so much, it's insane. My breathing quickens just for the hope, he sees that want him badly, to smash his lips against, and claim me as his. As well treat me with so much love, and care, because of how much badly I want to be by his side.

Getting out of my daydream,from alarm reminder to meet Mr Jeon. Quickly grab my backbag, I look mainly right with bigger clothes. Dad won't say to me that, looked like faggot again hopefully today. Because of how the clothes hide my figure, which seems to much feminine to my father.

As walk down towards school, someone grabs my wrist gently. looking up see Jin hyungs handsome face. " Hey Joonie where ya heading to all of sudden, the teacher changed classes early today sadly. so came outside to find all the, students to come quickly to class." Aww Jin hyung is so sweet to tell me soon as possible, but he kept hold of my wrist for quite long now.

As  shake his wrist off gently, and thank him as well, saying that need go, to see Mr Jeon urgently. Jin Hyungs face becomes sadden all of sudden, I will ask him afterwards about that in class.

First need to see Mr Jeon. As knocking Mr Jeons office, he speaks loud enough to come in ,and smiles widely at me. I Sit down on the chair, he sets down tall glass of water, on the desk for me to drink. Blushing dumbly over every little sweet thing, or glance this incredibly handsome guy does for me. I let small thank you out, while he finally speaks up.

" Namjoon thank you for coming early, but need to tell you about last night ... saw what happened, also luckily got school footage of cameras, of that incident so no one can see it. Just want to ask you. If you are so staright ...why did you touch yourself ? Especially moaning my name, with your eyes closed so tight?"

Mr Jeon growls softly, while biting down on his lip.Which Supposed was to memory of me, touching myself. He continues while looking me up, and down with predatory look in his eyes.

" While stand in corner seeing this, making me insane... how to not fuck you staright away looking so needy, and sexy for me baby. How could you do that ? How could you possibly think I let you off this so easily ? not even being mine yet?!."

shaken from this, I look up Mr Jeon with tears eyes. " I - I don't know what you saw, but that wasn't Namjoon. B-because Namjoon is the son of respectful business man ,and is staright guy... that just wants to get education, and take over his fathers business. Then make him proud by expanding ,his mother's dream for the bussiness. You understand that ? I am straight, and not gay,or in l- love with you. Just staright Normal guy that goes to college."

Hyperventilating with tears ,not stopping at all. Jungkook leans towards me scanning my face, cupping my cheeks so gently, like I'm  most fragile thing to ever exist.

" such utter nonsense . Namjoon is not identified as being son of anyone, or as staright, or what his career would be. It's rather, Namjoon identifies as this sweet adorable guy, that finding way to cope , as well understand why he is not staright. However deep knows, there is nothing wrong for him, to love me in that way. As I love you too even,  if you don't say it right now"

Before could even respond, Jungkook smash's his lips against me in heated kiss. Where he caresses through my hair, lifting me up by my thighs, pushing me against the wall. While moan in pain, and pleasure.As  Jungkook abuses my lips with bites, down on my bottom lip bleeding a little already.

He growls possessivly " you belong to me only,mine" he then bites down harshly on my neck, with gentle kisses going down it.

Everything stops as loud knock is heard, On the door. As Jungkook groans, opens the door . After fixing our selfs up, as the door was knocked many times. Seeing Jin hyung so close to the door felt quite creepy... " yes seokjin need something?"

Seokjin suddenly started to glare at me, what did I do to him?! geez ....

" Sir I like to talk to Namjoon, it's important" Jungkook glares at seokjin, which resulted small whimper from him, because of how strong, he looks can be intimidating .

" sorry seokjin, but you can talk to him later on. Having meeting with Namjoon for hour, which is not up yet."

Before Seokjin could answer back,Mr Jeon slams the door, in Jins face. He drags chair sitting behind me, leaning his lips close to my ear.

whispering now, which is making me melt right now, in this seat, by how close he is by me.

"So namjoon as you can see, fallen in love with you. Also know we are still teacher, and student thing right.We can make this work ,until you leave school. which is not that far away to come out to, everyone about our relationship.If you are willing to be my boyfriend?"

Shudder simply over the word boyfriend, which so badly want to belong to him, but this could ruin him. Especially knowing dad hates people, that are homosexual, try's ruin there life... just like Jackson hyung... poor guy.

Also Jungkook is not even rich enough, for dad to not ruin him. He has to much power, cannot make him suffer, for my father not being accepting over this fact.As well importantly mom wanted perfect son, and dad said ... she meant perfect in all ways and such as being gay would be fault.

Being lost in my own thoughts, Jungkook sweetly pecks kiss on both of my cheeks, nose and forehead. " My beautiful Namjoon don't worry, no need to give answer right now.Give it when you are ready. you can go class now angel"

He sweetly smiled upon me, with his toothy grin. God I was lucky to ever met this man. Smiling back, and nodding in understanding. wave bye as also, by doing quick peck on his cheek.

Being embarrassed by that, running out quickly out his door. Not even looking back ,because of how red have become. Dammit Mr Jeon Jungkook, will be the death of me in way that never knew I needed...

Jungkooks pov

Smiling in my own day dream of Namjoon.One day being cuddled up next to me, was ruined when Seokjin stormed in my office. " Excuse me Seokjin, but how dare you storm in like this without knocking ?"

Seokjin shudders bit, but instead of being more scared of me. He starts to show really annoying smirk of his. " well Mr Jeon I simply have demand"

Crossing my arms at his rude behaviour,I nod at him, to elaborate more on this. "This must not waste my time, so quickly say it"He rolls his eyes at me, but sits down with nails tapping on the table, with evil grin speaking up ever so slowly.

"Well as you can see, Kim Namjoon is someone special to be to me soon, he is somewhat my future husband.Oh I am not joking as some teenage dream, but rather it's true. My father, also his father are partners in some business deals, and to make us even more richer. They thought of doing gay marriage as, customers would love to make deals, with more open minded people. Luckily I love Namjoon so immediately, said yes to this. So do not then, look at my husband any lustful way."

He pants angrily. While, just laugh in mockery of who does he think he is, to even think he can claim Namjoon like that.

"First of all I don't care what things you trying to, force on Namjoon, but stop being pussy, okay. Namjoon is no ones right now, and he should decide himself who he wants. Also I may say no one can really resist man like me. Such as compared to you, who is silly teenage boy, who is insecure about what he should really do.. so his daddy can be finally happy with you.Can clearly seen how spoiled you are, and now daddy wants you to clean your debt, with marrying Namjoon."

Grunting in anger, inch my face closer to Seokjin. while looking him straight in the eyes, and shouting every word to him clearly in his ear.

" Namjoon can marry whoever he loves, but I make sure it ain't no good, for nothing dickhead husband like you.So get out of my office right now, and never show me your face again, with this bullshit.Unless you want me to show your daddy, bloody bruised up face, of his useless son?!"

Seokjin grinding his teeth together, storms out again the door, with teary red eyes. Don't care if it's a sensitive topic on his father, he shouldn't play with Namjoons life, without asking what he wants.

Need to make sure if Namjoons, knows all this bullshit...Dammit Kim Namjoon will be the death of me, and I never want it any other way, than this.

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