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// Warning ⚠️: semi harsh smut //

Namjoons pov

Fairytales, they never agree to appear in my life. This gut feeling kept telling me that is good to be desperate for this fairytale, being in front of the foot step of Jungkooks home. Okay it's not home really it's more of mansion.

Gripping on the piece of paper that jungkook gave me, I start to tremble crazily. If jungkook was just messing with me, and gave me random address. Though I do deserve any sort of revenge from him. I humiliated him, and treated him like trash.

Could not text jungkook as maybe, still my dads workers still reading my texts. But my father did say he has got my trust after a year, by not even mentioning Jungkooks name.

Being scared as fuck for the love of my life. Ofcourse would keep my mouth shut for him.  I do anything for him. But now here in front of jungkooks door hopefully he forgives me. 

Mother would be happy that tried to leave things on good note. Being quite idiotic thinking of making excuses of, my mother to ask forgiveness. Truly just want to know how many nights to took for jungkook, to completely hate me.

But that kiss it did not feel like hate it was full of love, but with frustration from the roughness. Never worried about if I dressed good enough, or look good enough as never wanted to impress anyone.

But jungkook was different case today feel like the same namjoon the day ... where jungkook called me in his office because, caught me touching myself outside classroom .

He made me feel so weak against his touch, I am scared that after, being gone for so long from his touch ... I be extremely sensitive and cannot deal with more embarrassment to bring to myself further with jungkook.

Sighing in frustration of my thought trail I man up to knock his , door to not seem like creep just standing outside his for so long. A tall beautiful woman opened up the door her sharp blue eyes judging me intensely close.

"Jungkook oppa there some guy that just knocked on your door now". She frustrating says as if I intpettured something important. The woman storms out of the door leaving me there confused on what have I just experienced.

The door fully opens as jungkook opened it widely where his face is extremely close to mine. He steps aside for me to walk in his place, as walked past his hot breathe tickles my neck making me gulp unconsciously. " Don't mind her Lisa is, my step sister she has attitude problem".

Damn I didn't even meet Jungkooks parents , or any of his family. Did not even know when one of his parents had gotten second marriage. I am really the worst was, never here for any of the important events in his life.

Shutting the door his eyes wander all around my body to see what his, preys next move is to act on. It's incredible how much his looks have changed even though he has always remained handsome but, this time is different.

His hair is long, his body is greatly built with muscle ,and greatly toned exposure on him. His face is still adorable but, with slight move of smirk makes him the hottest man alive.

Seemed like this man is the evaluation of the whole male species top of the chain. He gentres me to sit down he brings tray of range of drinks. Eargly I just pour water in my glass thanking him in small whisper for, bringing all the drinks out.

As he barely said anything for few seconds. I  start off as this might be the last time he, might want to see after how badly I treated him.

" Thank you for kindly welcoming in your home. Sorry if I offend your sister earlier whom was in your home. Wanted  to say some things that might be sensitive to touch.Just wanted to have your permission on that."

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