Pride of the Kims| 17

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Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows together focusing on covering, his Hickeys freshly made by Jungkook with his concealer.

He had a cute little pout as Jungkook smiled cheekily. Quickly stealing a small kiss on Namjoons pouty lips.

" Hey you not allowed to kiss me after all the work you, are making me do to cover this up!"

"Aww baby  I could not resist. It's been seven months we have been secretly dating. Going to this party ofcourse have to show you are mine."

Namjoon smiles softly standing up to kiss on jungkooks cheek. " Fine I forgive you just please, atleast try to mark only small amount of hickeys."

Jungkook hugs Namjoon behind making, Namjoon watch his every move in the mirror.

" No promises babe, because even if I ..." Jungkook bites down gently on earlobe of Namjoons. While his rough hands go lower down his curvy waist.

" .. do mark you, you never stop me. You always just watch me with more need babyboy."

Namjoon lightly whimpers at Jungkook small touches. Makes him feel so heated it's insane.

Jungkook hands go lower into Namjoons light pink silky trousers. Pushing down Namjoons trousers fast enough for, Namjoon to even stop the Stronger Male.

" You will not wear underwear in this event. Your punishment for covering your hickeys you shall get vibrator right here ...". Jungkook voice gets deeper with lust twinkling in his eyes.

As he presses his thumb against the lace panties of Namjoons covering his tight hole. That Jungkook starts to circle outside the frabic of the underwear.

" Please ... Jungkook stop." Jungkook grunts disapprovingly as the party will start soon. He removes the black lace underwear then, slowly inserts a small vibrator into Namjoon on low setting lifting up his trousers.

He pecks Namjoon head one last time as they both heart fully look at each other sincerely in the car while reaching there destination.

As they arrived at mansion Namjoon tightly grips on Jungkooks hand. Jungkook tucks behind Namjoon hair of strands that, was hiding his beautiful wild eyes.

Giving reassuring smile to Namjoon they both walk into the frightening place. "Namjoon! Why is Jungkook here? I thought you was inviting just a friend."

Jimin huffs out with frustration, as Namjoon didn't want to be under his control anymore.

Namjoon is never at home with Jimin as, he finally found peace in his life to do something once for himself.

" You do know Jimin I can bring anyone I like with me you can't control me anymore ."

Namjoon smirks as he gently drags Jungkooks hand with him, walking away from the annoyed  Jimin.

Jungkook winked at Jimin waving him bye
" The Jeons will see you soon Jimin don't worry " .

At Taehyungs home Tae is sitting down in stress. Hoseok cutely giggles at how much deep in thought Tae was in.

Hoseok throws his teddy mang at Taehyung while, the stressed out male let's out little scream.

" Not funny Hobi ... please not in the mood right now." Hoseok lays down his head on Taehyungs lap.

He shows Taehyung biggest weakness and, strength Hoseoks bright smile. With the most adorable deep little dimples.

Taehyung breaks into smile and, pokes his small husbands dimples.

" What's wrong Tae I am worried about you, since yesterday you have been acting tense." Taehyung reaches down pecking kiss on the others pretty lips.

" Hobi are you really happy right now ...? Like what would you want to be different... ?".

Hoseok jumps up from Taehyungs lap and, trap him in bone crushing hug. " Yes ofcourse silly I am happy ! I have the greatest husband ever that I don't even deserve. I know it's been tough with Mr Kim but, he will soon get bored... and leave us again."

At the party of Namjoons father glares at the scene of Jungkook and Namjoon. Jimin was smiling with no shame holding up the money bags that Mr kim agreed to give up.

" Jimin! Why is your fiancé with Jeon Jungkook ?!" Jimin just mumbles I don't know to Mr Kim. As Jimin got what he needed so there, was no need to save Namjoon from his fathers anger.

As everyone settles down sitting for dinner. Namjoon and Jungkook have became the main attaraction to look at.

Many people mumbling " They look good today wow" and " is that really Namjoon ? is he not with Jimin anymore ?"

The couple don't hear any of the gossip, as others start to eat.

Jungkook starts teasing Namjoon under the table caressing his thighs, slightly raises the vibration higher on the vibrator.

" J-Jungkook please l-lower it." Jungkook simply shakes his head no.

Namjoon father gets it irritated as he simply whispers in Namjoons ear "Meet me upstairs in 5 minutes max ! ". Namjoon smiles uneasily at Jungkook but, gets reassures from Jungkook from his bunny smile.

As soon Namjoon enters the room he is faced with his father face that is filled with rage.

" What the hell do you think you are doing ?!"
He simply smirks as he roughly places pictures in his fathers hand.

" You can't tell me what to do anymore, I know who you finally are now" Mr Kim looks up with horrified eyes. " You can't do ... this to me I am your father Joonie."

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