[4] Tricks, Sticks and a Mudblood Chick

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It astounded me that I hadn't been caught yet, the look Tom Riddle gave me was filled with utter hatred that I thought he would hex me right there and when Aldora Griffin stood up with conviction laced within her mind I thought I was a goner. My body yearned for punishment, to cause little bits of chaos in this school if I was stuck fixing my problem. Fuck my problems! Fuck Hogwarts and, fuck my father! Don't actually, that's gross and he doesn't actually have a physical form.

A snort escaped my mouth as the class waited for their potions teacher and I failed to notice the Slytherin's glaring at me for the little stunt I pulled. The Hufflepuff's on the otherhand, they softlt smiled amd a blob of soft ginger hair caught my eye.

Aldora Griffin sat at the front of the class with an empty seat next to her and the platnium blonde boy next to her often sneered words in her direction. I knew I was going to regret this. Jumping up from my seat I walked towards Aldora's table and slid into the empty chair plopping my feet on the table.

Her eyes widened in apprehension, loudly gulping she played with the tips of her fingers. Her eyes almost glazed.

"So... Is the teacher a slug or is name actually Slughorn?" She shifted in her seat, a ghost of a smirk played on her lips. Smiling I continued, "Cause honestly, there's a ghost for a teacher and I wouldn't be surprised if our teacher was a mutant slug."

A giggle left her mouth and the boy over glared at Aldora and I, his gaze flickered to Tom Riddle who was by himself on the far left. He too was glaring at us.

"No, no. Oh Merlin!" She paused bringing a hand to her mouth to stifle the giggles, "He is very much a wizard and not a slug." I sighed in dissapointment.

The soft tap of old leather shoes echoed through the hall and entered our classroom. A small fat man carrying a vibrant pink potion, obviously amortentia, into the room. I clapped my hands obnoxiously together earning an eyeroll from my new deskmate. Proffessor Slughorn sat down the pink sparkling potion on his desk with a clank and skimmed over the classroom, his eyes landing on me.

"Good morning students." A chorus of good morning Professor rang back, my lips remained unmoved. "We have a new student with us, Lucille Lux and, a new potion we'll be learning."

The stupid man raised his eyesbrows suggestively whilst pointing to the potion. Students began to get out their quills and magical notebooks, the Proffessor glanced to my feet on the desk and cleared his throat. I smiled with pursed lips. He coughed again gesturing to my feet.

"Lucille-" He gritted through his teeth at my smug face.

"Yas, Professor Slughorn?" He gained his composure and glanced at me then the potion, "Please tell your new classmates about Amortentia."

"Gladly," I cleared my throat and arise out of my desk.

"Amortentia is made up of two words, Amor and Tentia. Amor is a Roman god of love and the french word for love, Tentia is latin for held. It is the second most powerful love potion in extistence if you believe the myths. It has a different smell for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things they find most attractive. It doesn't create actual love.

Now, People believe that a child born from Amortentia cannot love. This is untrue. If the child is born from one person who is not influenced by this potion then it can very well love.

In fact, their emotions are enhanced, anger being one of the prominent ones. Love can very well seem like possesion, obession and infatuation. A hidden fact that the ministry conceals."

I sat back down smacking my lips in appraisal of the silence that was consuming the classroom. Slughorn spluttered out words that weren't in the english dictionary.

"How- What- How- How do you, know that?" A murmur went through the classroom.

"I like to know about dangerous things and what they can do, if there-" I pause and glance at Tom Riddle and his followers, "Going to be a nuisance." Tom met my soft stare with one of pure fury.

The bell rang.

I ran out of the classroom as fast as I can with Aldora hot on my heels.

She grabbed the sleeve of my robe ausing me to stumble forwards, swiftly turning around to annihilate whoever stopped me from getting to Defense Of The Dark Arts (DADA). It was Aldora Griffin and a sinister smile etched itself onto my face.


"That. was. amazing." Her loose messy bun bounced along with her words, it was actually moving. Then, it chirped. Her bun chirped. With a hand she tapped it lightly and it abruptly stopped.

"Firstly, we use last names around here-" I interuptted her with a smile, "Griffin." She shuddered.

"Secondly, you shouldn't sit with me and- and I shouldn't talk to you. Who knows what the other Slytherins would do." She looked downwards, her eyes downcast to her feet. With my pale finger I lifted up her chin and made her look into my eyes. She gulped.

"Why can't I sit with you? Talk to you?" Her eyebrows furrowed, her breath quivering.

"I'm what you call a mudblood." She cringed at the word, her eyes scrunching up in fear as she turned her head away. I snatched her cheeks with my hands, she let out a squeal.

"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Cause the guy upstairs doesn't give a fuck if you're a pureblood or a mudblod or, even a freakin angel. Neither does the girl downstairs." I released her cheeks from my tight grip, rolling her jaw she peered at me curiously.

"Girl downstairs?" She question, her head tilted.

"I'm talking about Madam Satan, the dark lady."


Tom watched on from the end of the hall with his wand attached to his hand like it was an extenstion of himself. He needed to get Lux alone but Griffin, stupid filthly Griffin had begun to chat to her before he could interfere. Now, he and Lux would be late to the dark arts class. The only class worth his bloody time in this moronic place.

Wandlessly, he casted a hearing spell and his anger churned again hearing how Lux was a blood traitor. It didn't matter! It mattered. The mudbloods were impure and didn't deserve the magic they were gifted with, taking minsitry jobs and exposing wizards. She was ridiculing his cause, the knights of Walpurgis.

He listened in closely and caught two words.

'Madam Satan.'

Lucille Lux was hiding something he decided. Her carefree attitude clashed with her callous one, the way she coldy held Griffin's cheeks with sinister pleasure sent shivers down his spine. His. He was ging to find out what she was hiding. When he does he'll reveal it to Hogwarts, destroy every inch of her being for throwing soggy mash potatoes in his face.

Tom will find out her secret.

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