[5] Alea iacta est.

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| The Die Is Cast |

The quiet of the empty dorm room surrounded me, the darkness in the corners caressed my face and instead of taunting they whispered only niceties. Books about spells and potions were littered across the bed and the floor, ancient papers from the restricted section scrunched up in the rubbish bin. The crescent moon or, what appeared to be a crescent room peered into the room. A soft white light illuminated the darkness and my face.

The long mirror that was stationed in the corner swirled, the glass rippled. It was just like when droplets would it a puddle of water; it began to shake violently. A hand from the liquid glass reached out, the another hand. I watched on unamused at the groaning and screaming of his face.

As the hands stretched the liquid a face came into view and, as the liquid mirror receded a mop of golden curls bounced. His polished black shoes clicked on the floor. He wore an all black trench coat as well as a black suite. I rolled my eyes at his demeanor and continued to sort out what essay was due tomorrow. Ah- potions, that was due tomorrow. A whole essay on Amortentia! Gee, thanks Slughorn.

"Well, well, well." He smacked his lips together and let out a snort, "Aren't you the model student."

"Is something wrong in Hell?" The smugness surrounding him faltered as he shifted under my scrutinizing glare.

There was a tense silence, it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Blue eyes met mine, they were terrified and anxious. The sick annoying feeling of worry twisted itself into my throat lodging it there, I could only wonder what is wrong.

"Gabriel visited." He stated, a disappointed sigh escaped my lips.

"He's been doing that a lot lately, visiting." I sneezed through my teeth earning a chuckle from the young demon.

"I'm worried." My head slowly turned to him, I was getting annoyed at the small talk. He was avoiding the questions and anger was brewing inside of me. I didn't want to have another temper tantrum.

"Cato, spit it out." He cringed as I pronounced every word dramatically.

"Whatever you did, whatever that was done hasn't gone down well in the Silver City." Cato gulped and fidgeted eight his hands, "They're threatening to kill you and annihilate Hell."

I took a sharp breath in and ran my hands through my locks, "They can't do that." My voice hoarsely whispered at Cato.

"If they do try; Thy will be done on earth as it was in Hell." A chuckle left my mouth at the holy reference.

It seemed unusual that God would instruct Gabriel to send a message to Hell that he and the archangels would kill me. I know I was cast out, betrayed by my kin but, something doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel like what an omniscient being would do, what a father would do...

The light of the small moon beamed down into the dorm, the light emitted a warm peaceful glow. Speak his name and he shall appear.

Cato quickly scurried to my side straightening his suite, flexing his trench coat he stood straight his arms behind his back. As the form of a man stepped out of the light and into the shadow's a red glow illuminated from Cato's eyes. A put a gentle hand in his shoulder.

"You've come again? How sweet," I paused with a purses smirk, "But your presence isn't needed here."

A soft throaty chuckle could be heard as white wings folded in on themselves. Gabriel inches closer so the light of the moon hit the side of his face.

"You are clueless, how amusing." He tilted his head gazing at me as if I was a child.

"Cut It out. What do you want me to fix?" I gritted my teeth, usually I didn't ask twice but it was hard to cut the ears of an archangel.

"Our father-" Cato interrupted, "Your father," He sneered. I mouthed a quick thank you.

"My father," he paused daring for us to interrupt, "Wants you to fix this mess you've made."

Cato looked between us confused, pulling his ear to my lips I whispered Myrtle Warren. He seemed to catch on, he stepped back shaking his head.

"To be honest," he walked forward taking a lock of my hair between his fingers, "I don't care how you fix your mess or how long it takes."

He leaned, his sweet candy apple breath fanning my eyelashes.

"Murder the girl, kill another mortal bitch. Corrupt Tom Riddle. By the Holy Spirit, become the mass mortal hating murderer yourself."

He returned to his spot, the warm glow began to surround him and I hissed in pain as it shone brighter than before. I stepped in front of Cato so he wouldn't be in pain from the holy light.

"Now you know what to do Sister," He outstretched his wings, "Just fix it."

The light exploded leaving little divine particles in the air. Clenching my hand I turned and hit the cobblestone wall causing it to crack.

My well laboured breathing could be heard in the cold room. A loud crack echoed as I hit the cobblestone wall, Cato stepped back with a worrier gleam and for a second he looked innocence. He didn't seem like a demon cursed with knowing the past, present and future but a young boy.

"We need Mazikeen, shall I bring her here?" Cato asked me, his feet shifting.

It was known throughout hell just how close the two demons were. The relationship of two demons being friendly was highly unusual.

"Do it." I hissed turning around, staring at the spot where Gabri stood I let out an exhale.

Cato gave a nod goodbye before running into the mirror which accepted him effortlessly, it ripples once more before it became still and I was left alone in the darkness. Dropping to the floor I began to re-organising the essays trying to occupy my vast mind.

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