Chapter 1: the beginning

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Izuku was swinging on the swing by himself. He then hears a small explosion to his left. He looks around to see his friend Katsuki towering over a quivering boy. Izuku being the small

the 4 year old child he is, thought that it would stop soon, until katsuki just dowsed the poor with explosions. Izuku thought that this was going too far so he ran up and pushed Katsuki away. Izuku immediately took a defensive position to protect the kid. Katsuki immediately stood back up with a pissed up look.

Katsuki: What do you think you're doing?

Izuku: saving this kid from you

Katsuki clicked his tongue and rushed forward, using his explosion to propel himself faster. When he reached Izuku, he gave him a handful of explosions and Izuku could only guard. When he did so, he felt like his arm was cold and a little bit off. He looked at his arms to see the forearms were covered in ice like crystals that were green. (Like the crystal the titans use to defend them self)

It was shattered but still there. Katsuki looked at Izuku's arm as well and was amazed by Izuku's quirk. The boy that izuku saved ran off home and left Izuku and katsuki to talk about stuff. They mostly talked about their quirk and how to use them.

The sun went down which was a cue for them to leave for home. When izuku got to his home, he was greeted by Inko. Izuku then told his mother his quirk and how it was a defensive type. Inko then asked Izuku to show her which Izuku did. He covered his pinky with an emerald like crystal that looked like green ice but not really. The next day, Izuku had to go to the quirk doctor to see what quirk he had.

The doctor looked at the sheet of paper and then back at izuku.

Doc: Well Izuku! Great news! You have a very strong quirk called crystallization. You can cover your body in crystal or make weapons out of them. The more you get used to it, the stronger and durable it is.

Izuku: woah! I can be a hero!

Inko: is there a draw back?

Doc: well yes. If Izuku over uses his quirk, he starts to bleed. But also the quirk gives Izuku increased regeneration and a super body.

When izuku got to his home, he started to cover his hand. The crystal was very thin and was foggy. Izuku covered 20% of his hand before his hand started to bleed. Izuku shouted in pain which got Inko's attention. Inko saw that her son's hand was covered in crimson red blood. Inko immediately treated his wound. She saw how izuku's hand was covered in small cuts. The next day izuku's hand was completely healed.

Izuku went to his school to show the kids that he had a quirk. When he got there he was bombarded with praise and questions. He was wondering how they already knew but the face that katsuki was making explained it all. Izuku then turned his finger into a crystal.

Rp: is that all you can do?

Izuku: no. The more I train and grow, the more I can do.

He then got more praise by the teachers and other students. The day went by quickly and Izuku was super happy... When he got home, Izuku started to train his quirk again. Izuku covered his hand completely with his quirk. Izuku got rid of them and got rid of his crystal while smiling. When completely gone he was hit with a spike of pain on his hand. Izuku then covered his hand with bandages.

Izuku quickly went to sleep and woke up with no pain in his hand. He took off the bandages to see the cuts he once had was now gone. His hand was still in pain and when izuku touched stuff with his hand, it hurt a lot.

Izuku: I guess it didn't heal completely.

(Time skip 6 years.... Izuku age :10)

Izuku has trained his quirk every single day. Izuku can now cover half of his arm into a crystal with no drawbacks. The durability is good enough to take on a few guns. Izuku has also figured out a way protecting his whole body without huge drawbacks. Izuku will lightly coat his entire body in crystal. This way Izuku can take on punches without a sweat. Izuku can now cover his entire body with only 5% coating. Izuku called this technique light core.

(Izuku when using light core looks like shoto using his ice too much. Basically bits of crystal around his body)

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