Chapter 7: physical exam

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After the exam, Izuku went up and went inside the principles office. There he saw eraser head, all might, midnight, cementoss and vlad king siting on a long table. Izuku spotted a empty seat and sat down, then the meeting started. "Here are the students I want in 1A and 1B" nezu said as he activated the projector. It was two projector for 1A and 1B. It showed there name and quirk right beside it.
"Izuku do you have any other idea?" Nezu asked Izuku. Izuku looked at the chart again and nodded. "Why did you add the purple haired kid?" Izuku asked as he pointed to the bottom.
"Well his quirk can be used in a variety of way" nezu answered as Izuku shakes his head no. "His quirk can be useful but from what I saw at the entrance exam, he is a total pervert who actually sexually assaulted the girls. I've been eyeing him the entire time and saw his foul personality as he kept on touching girl with out consent. I say replace him with Hitoshi shinso and get rid of mineta" Izuku retaliated. Nezu looked back at the chart and saw shinso and his quirk. "Alright I'll change that. Anything else?" Nezu said as he was looking at everybody. The heroes on the table shook there head no and left. Everybody left except for Izuku,
He stayed in to change his costume to not look like a stalker. Izuku showed nezu his sketches and nezu approved.

The costume was redesigned where the  black part was dark green and the white part to orange

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The costume was redesigned where the black part was dark green and the white part to orange. The costume it self was made under a day and with that, Izuku went for patrol. Izuku also had a mask that covered his nose, down to his upper chest . Izuku started to walk around until he smelt a scent of fire. Izuku looked around to see, from a far a orangey tinge covering a building. Izuku immediately activated balance core and ran to the area. The more closer he got, the more strong the scent was. When he was closer, he saw the news and a few heroes. He asked one of the heroes what had happened as he pulled out his hero license. The hero saw it and started to explain what had happened. "Apparently there was a abusive husband with a fire quirk
(not endeavour) who got drunk and accidentally lit the entire apartment on fire". The hero explained. "Is there anyone else in there?" Izuku asked. "Sadly yes but we can't get her" the hero asked as Izuku bolted in. It was a four story building with a quarter of it already burned to crisp. Izuku first started at the first floor and scouted the area. There he saw three person laying on the ground who looked like they were knocked out by the gas. Izuku grabbed all three and ran for the exit. Izuku successfully made it out and laid them down for the fireman to help them. Izuku thanked the person who made his costume because the entire costume was fire proof. Izuku then went in to the fire exit stairs to see three other people laying on the ground. Izuku carried the other three and took them out. One of them wasn't unconscious and told Izuku that his daughter was on the roof top. Izuku thanked the man and went to the side of the building. He ran and stocked his foot on the wall. The part where he put the feet started to create crystal on the bottom, letting Izuku to run up. Izuku did so and ran up the side of the wall. The news reporter saw this and recorded it all. Izuku made it to the roof to see a girl he recognized from the exam. Her name was kyoka jiro. "Hello" Izuku said to kyoka. She looked to her behind to see presumably a hero. "Are you a hero?" Kyoka screamed. "Yeah im emerald, I got my costume changed."
"Oh" was the reply from kyoka. "Listen we need to get off of here. Just come to me" Izuku said. Kyoka slowly made her way when the side of the building she was on collapsed. Izuku ran in and barely grabbed her wrist. Kyoka looked down to see, just fire. Fire and wreckage under her. Kyoka started to slip off of izukus grip, when it did, she grabbed izukus hand with her other hand. "I don't want to die" Kyoka said as tears fell down. "Listen your not gonna die but we're going down". Izuku said as he scared jiro. "WHAT?!"
Izuku jumped down as he crystallized jiros skin. When they landed, the people thought they were dead since people usually don't survive jumping off a four story building into fire. They were proven wrong when they saw Izuku holding jiro as he walked back. Jiro's dad and mom ran and hugged her. The crystallized skin wore off and they embraced each other. The news reported then approached Izuku.
"Are you a new hero?" One of the reporters asked. "No. I am emerald with different a different" Izuku said as he shocked the reporters. Izuku got asked more but Izuku left. When he got back home, he told his mom about everything. About how when he was young he became a vigilante and how he met eraserhead and how he became a new hero. Inko cried to know her son became his dreams and how he didn't tell her. Inko forgave Izuku and had dinner. It was a week and Izuku dressed up to become a teachers assistant.

Izuku wore his hero costume with out the mask and made his way to UA. When he got there he was met with a bunch of his fan. They asked him if he was a teacher here and stuff and for his signatures. Izuku was honestly worried about katsukis response to well..... this.
He approached katsuki as katsuki lifted his head up. Katsukis face morphed to confusion then to anger then to surprise. "W-wait? Are you emeral?" Katsuki asked. "Yeah.... sorry I couldn't tell y-" Izuku couldn't finish as katsuki suddenly stood up. Izuku was starting to sweat bullets when izuku was pulled into a hug. "How could you become a hero without me? How could you run into a fire filled building? You could've died" katsuki said with tears. This honestly surprised Izuku and he hugged back. Most people didn't see this since here was only 6 people in the class right now. The two calmed down as more students came in and got more request for signatures. Iida came in the class to see izuku sitting next to the teachers desk. "Why are you sitting here? And are you emerald?" Iida asked. "I'm sitting here because I am a teachers assistant and yes I am. I only took the exam to scope out he other contestants" Izuku told Iida. Iida then did a perfect 90° bow and said sorry. Then the brown haired girl came and thanked Izuku and got a signature.
Soon later Aizawa came In and greeted Izuku. Aizawa then pulled out a gym uniform and told them all to were and come to Area 51. The students changed and went to the training ground. Aizawa explained what they will be doing and told Izuku he also had to do it. Izuku complained about it but said yes. A girl with pink skin suddenly raised her hand up for a question. "What is it?" Aizawa asked. "What do we call emerald? Do we call him Izuku sensei?" Mina asked. Izuku nodded his head no and said "I'm actually the same age as you guys so no. Just call me Izuku" the class was shocked to hear That one of the most popular hero now was 14. The physical test started and Izuku was up first. He had to do the ball throwing and try to get number one. Izuku encased the ball in crystal to make it heavier and then he encased his entire arm in his crystal. Izuku threw the ball with a huge shockwave as a follow up. It was 2 minute until the ball came back and make a small crater. Aizawa showed his phone to tell Izuku how far he got and Izuku got 50 miles up. Every bodies jaws dropped as they witnessed the strength of Izuku.
I'm just gonna do a time skip since I'm writing this in one sitting. The chart came up and it showed Izuku being number one, followed by katsuki, shoto and momo.

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