Chapter 2: vigilante?

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What Izuku wears as a vigilante but with glowing green eyes and head phones......... bitch

(Time skip 4 years: izukus age 14)

Izuku was running around his neighbor hood with lightcore activated. Izuku was patrolling his neighbor hood. He was no hero, no no, Izuku was the vigilante: Emerald. Izuku started doing his vigilante work when he was 10.


Izuku was waking to the nearby 7/11 to buy some juse. When he entered he saw a man with a gun that was pointed to the clerk. With no hesitation Izuku punched the robber with light core activated. After that day there was a train of thought that lead him to be a vigilante. The finisher was when izuku was walking to home, he heard  a very big cry for help but there was no heroes. No hero was patrolling the bad part of the neighborhood. The hero was only patrolling the good part of the city. To get fame and money. Izuku snapped and ran to the scream. Izuku saw about 30 gangsters ganging up on a person. The gangsters were equipped with bats and swords. Having enough Izuku covered half of his arm with his green crystal and screamed,
Izuku ran home and layer down on his bed. Izuku was wondering if he should really become a vigilante. Izuku decided he would and picked up some clothes from the near by mall. Izuku got dressed when he got home and ran out to patrol when it became dark. From then on he made a name for him self as emerald the vigilante. Izuku has gone against some heroes like endeavor, all might, ereaserhead, midnight and others. Because of his encounter with heroes Izuku unlocked a new mode.

Balance core: covers 25% of the body with crystal.

Because of this, Izuku has won against heroes easier. Izuku hasn't won against all of the heroes he went up to. Izuku will usually flee the scene as soon as the heros arrived.

(Flashback end-ish)

Izuku was building hopping with his vigilante costume which consisted of a green hoodie with black pants and sneakers. Izuku also wore a black mask to cover his identity. Izuku was running around until he heard a scream. Izuku ran to the source of the voice to see a man pinning a girl to the wall. Izuku wasted no time and punch the man on the side of his face. The villain was knocked back a few feet. Izuku then turned around to the girl he saved. This girl had black hair and black eyes with a great body  and  a beautiful face.

Izuku: so what happened.--
Momo looked up to see the vigilante emerald.

Momo: w-well I was walking home until he stopped me and attempted to rape me.--
Izuku then got noticeably mad.

Izuku: did he do anything.

Momo: no. He was about to but you saved me emerald.

Izuku didn't look at momo. He was focusing on the villain he supposedly knocked out. The villain then got back up with a pissed off face. The villain spitted out a wad of blood and tooth. The villain then charged Izuku with his quirk expecting him to dodge.

But izuku didn't budge. The villain collided with izuku and got knocked back a few feet. The villain looked at emerald full of shock and surprise. The villain got back up on his two feet and glared at emerald.

Villain: so your emer-
The villain couldn't finish. Izuku punched the villain with all his might and effectively knocked the villain out.

Izuku: so momo, I think it's about time I go and you call 911.

Momo couldn't reply since her hero has fled the scene. Izuku patrolled thee neighbor again trying to stop crime. Izuku ended up stopping a few attempts of robbery and purse snatching. Izuku went to his home when the sun rised. Izuku slept as soon as he got the vigilante suit off. Izuku got a good 2 hours of sleep which was all he needed. Izuku got up and showered, ate breakfast and got dressed up and left. When he entered school he was greeted by other students and his bff kacchan.

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