Avengers Meet Spider-Man

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This is sort of a continuation from 'Peter Meets the Avengers'

Summary: Peter goes out spider-manning. He is fighting a villain and the avengers show up asking who he is. They go back to the tower to try and find out who he is. They find out it's Peter and ask him why he became spider-man.


Peter was at the tower. He was working in the lab with Tony thinking of something to say to him about going home so he could go on patrol. "Hey Mr Stark? It's getting late and I should go home to May." That was a lie, May was at the hospital working late shifts. 

 "Sure kiddo, I'll see you tomorrow." Said Tony as he looked at the scar on Peter's face, just to the right of his nose. Peter bolted out of the lab and Tony had never seen him leave that quickly. He shook it off and continued working on his suit.

Peter went back to his apartment and changed into his spider-suit. He built it himself, using what Mr Stark had showed him. He even made an A.I for the suit too. "Hey Karen."

 "Hello Spidey. How are you tonight?" Peter rolled his eyes at the nickname.

 "I'm good. Is there any crime?"

 "Yes there is." Karen replied. Peter waited for a bit longer. 

 "Are you going to tell me where it is?" 

 "It's only a few blocks away from you, near Avengers Tower."

 "Well why didn't you tell me that before?" Peter grumble.

 "You didn't ask." Peter rolled his eyes again. Although he wasn't disappointed, he made Karen so that she could understand sarcasm and he was very proud of her. Peter swung himself over his city to where the villain was.


The bad guy was causing destruction as he walked through the streets. "Sup new guy. What's your name? Is it something good? I haven't met a villain with a good name in a long time." Peter hadn't noticed the avengers as they came to the scene.

 "I am the Villain."

 "Yeah I know that but what's your name?"

 "The Villain." he repeated.

 Peter was getting annoyed. "No, I get that you are the villain, but what is your... Ohhhhh." Peter immediately stopped what he was doing. "Wait. So your name is, The Villain?"

 "That is correct." Peter couldn't help it. He burst out laughing.

 "Th- That is the mo- most ridiculous name I ha- have ever hea- heard!" He said between laughs. The avengers all looked at the dressed-up man. Why was he laughing at the villain instead of fighting him? Then Sam coughed. Loudly. The Villain and the man turned to them.

 "Good, the avengers are here. I now have an actual threat to fight."

"Whatabout me?!" Peter asked, expressing fake hurt.

 "What can you do? You're notdangerous."

 Peter dramatically gasped, "What do you mean?! I am dangerous." Ashe was talking he started to web up The Villain. Hitting, punching and kickinghim as The Villain fought back. Once Peter had The Villain up in webs, helooked back at the avengers.

 "Whoare you?" Natasha asked, eyeing the man closely.

 Peter  gasped onceagain, "I am Spider-man. New York's favourite web-slinger." Tony was watchinghim too, "Ok then Spider-man, do you want to come back to the tower with us sowe can talk about your, hero-ing?" He said but the last part came out more as aquestion.



When Peter and the avengers got back to the tower, they all used the guest entrance so that Spider-man could actually get into the tower because they thought he didn't have access. However, all the avengers were shocked when Spider-man walked through security and FRIDAY announced him "Good evening Spidey." You could almost hear the smirk in the A.I's voice. FRIDAY knew Peter was Spider-man because Peter didn't want Karen to be alone so he introduced her to FRIDAY . They have now been calling Peter names as a joke.

 "I thought I told you two to stop calling me names!" Peter said to FRIDAY.

 "H-h-how do you know him FRIDAY?" Tony asked his own A.I wondering why she knew him and why she gave him a nick-name.

"Karen and I are friends and we talk to Spidey a lot." Peter cringed at the name.

 "FRIDAY, stop calling me Spidey."

 "Of course... Bug-boy." The rest of the avengers were now really confused. 

 "Who is Karen?" Steve asked.

 "Karen is my suit's A.I." The team were at a loss for words.

 "Are we going up to the penthouse now?" Peter said to break the silence.

 "Um, yeah I guess."


They all went up to the top floor of the tower. "Let's watch a movie," Bucky suggested.

 "What do you want to watch spider-man?"

 "I know the perfect movie!" Peter said with enthusiasm. "FRIDAY, put on Star Wars." Tony and Rhodey looked at each other. Peter's favourite movie EVER, was Star Wars. But they ignored it. Star Wars is a popular movie, Peter wouldn't be the only one to like it this much.

 "Let's order some pizza too," Wanda said looking at the hungry avengers in front of her. They ordered pizza and waited. It came shortly after. All the avengers wanted to see if the spider would take his mask off to eat. He reached for the corner of the mask, only lifting it up to his nose.

 Then Bruce recognised the scar next to Peter's nose and spoke up, "Tony, look at the mark next to his nose." Tony took a quick glance before spider-man pulled his mask down again.

 "I honestly give up now!" Clint said as he ran past spider-man, ripping his mask off in the process. When he saw the face of the man... no boy, he dropped the mask on the floor.

 "You- you're Spider-man?" Tony said in disbelief. "Umm yeah?"

"Peter, you're so... you. You wouldn't hurt a fly. Why did you become spider-man?" Steve, being the only one who could talk at that moment, asked.

 "Well, long story..." Peter then told the rest of the avengers about how he became spider-man. When and how he got his powers, about his uncle Ben, hiding it from his aunt and the team.

 "So not even your aunt knows?" Tony said. Peter shook his head and then something dawned on Tony, "Is this why you were so eager to leave my lab earlier today? You wanted to go out spider-manning?"

 "Yeah, I love it and if you think I'm too young to do it and you want me to stop, I'm not going to listen." He told them firmly.

 "We're not going to stop you but-" Sam started to say Peter cut him off, "Good. Now let's get back to the movie." They all got comfortable on the couches and watched the movie.


Words: 1151

Published: 5th July 2019

Avengers (Mostly Peter. P) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now